Chapter 8

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POV: Elijah Today I got a call from the Crystal pack wanting a treaty and to be allies. I agreed apon it. Their Lawyers are writing a treaty up and will email my lawyer a draft of it to see if any changes should be made. Then I would leave and go to the Crystal pack to sign the treaty. If all goes well I leave next week. Tonight Lacey and I have a date. We've been getting closer and closer. Yesterday she drooled at the sight of me. Granted I was shirtless but still. I thought it was adorable that she had a crush on me and fantasies that I plan to make a reality one day. I have a few fantasies of her myself though mine are probably more dirty than hers but you never know. She has liked me since she was fifteen after all. I like teasing her. She gets all red and embarrassed. Thinking of Lacey she appears in the door way to my office. "I was just thinking about you." I tell her. "You were? What about?" She asks. "I don't think you want to know that part. So what brings you here to my office." I tell her. "Have I ever told you that your my favorite person." I look at her skeptically. "No, now what do want?" I know she wants something and is trying to butter me up to get it. "So prom is in three weeks and Devon absolutely refuses to take Alana, Pheobe and I dress shopping so I was wondering if you could drive us." She ask and I groan. "No but you can use my car." I tell her. I am not shopping or waiting on them. I'm not doing it. Nope. "Really? Just don't back into and mail boxes and you should be fine." Lacey can drive she just doesn't have a car. When she was learning how to and after she got her license she backed into the mailbox. Jack had planned to get her a car for her eighteenth birthday like he did with Evan but he wasn't here to do that and I'm not going to walk over Jack and get her one. I know how important it is to Jack to do that. "Really?" She questions. "Yes. Just don't wreck my car is all I ask." She does s little scream and runs over to me hugging me. "Thank you so much." She say happy. "Just how thankful are you." I say in inuindo. She leans in and kisses me on the cheek. Clearly not that thankful. "Hey. Is that all I get?" I ask. "Hmm yeah." She says tapping her finger on her chin like she's thinking. Then she tries to walk away. "Oh no you don't." I grab her arm turning her to me and she falls in to my lap now sitting there. I get my real kiss that I wanted. I leave her breathless. She blushes. I notice the time and see we have a date to get ready for. "You should go get ready for tonight." I tell her. "Yeah. Ill be at home. I don't have anything to wear here but I do at home so you can just pick me up from there." She tells me. She means Jack's house. "OK I will see you then." Lacey doesn't officially live here yet. She still technically lives with her dad. All her things are there. I'm not going to ask her to officially move here until she is at least marked. I'm not going to rush it. When she is ready I will mark her and mate but only when she is ready. I guess I should go get ready for tonight. I shower washing my body off. Then get out the shower drying off walking out my bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist. I change into a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt with a plaid shirt unbuttoned over it. I put my shoes on and go get Lacey. You know what would make this date perfect is if Jack answered the door giving me a hard time. That would be hilarious and scary at the same time. Can you even imagine. I knock on the front door waiting for Lacey. I'm surprised to see Evan answer the door. Isn't he suppose to be away at college. "Evan? What are you doing?" I ask. I didn't even know he was back. "Alpha. Class were canceled due to a flood because a pipe burst. It should be fixed Monday." He says bowing in respect to his alpha. "Evan who's at the door is...." Lacey says coming into view. "Elijah your here. I'll just be five more minutes." She says turning back around. "Five minutes? Lacey where are you going?" Evan turns around after her to get answers. Two minutes later I hear Evan yell, "Dad is going to freak. Have you even told him. Why am I just finding out about this now." It doesn't sound like he's happy about this either. Probably why Lacey waited till now to tell him. "Evan he's my mate. Get over it and don't tell dad. I will tell him in person." Lacey yells back to Evan. All the while I'm still standing outside waiting. "Why not Lacey. What if dad is gone another year. What are you going to do then when dad comes home and your fully mated and pregnant or something." Evan argues. Wow that was a stretch and over exaggeration. "Its not going to be another year. Dad will be home soon I know it. Or at least hope." Lacey says that last part sadly. I know I need to get Jack home soon but he's undercover right now. "Fine. I won't tell him.... Lacey you know I love you right. I'm glad you found your mate." They end on a nice note. " thanks Ev" Finally Lacey comes back to the door. "Ready?" She smiles. "Yeah sorry about Evan. He kind of surprised me." She says. "No problem." I open the passenger side door for her to get in. She gets in and buckles her seat belt. I get in on the drivers side doing the same. I'm taking her to my special spot tonight. I figured we could have a picnic under the stars and maybe we could go for a run. I park the car at the edge of the woods. She looks at me curious. "We walk from here." I tell her. "If you told me I would have to walk I'd have worn different shoes." She complains. "Then take them off."I tell her. She's wearing a pair of heels. To be honest I didn't notice her shoes until now or I would have told her to change them. She takes them off. As werewolves we're use to walking in the woods bare foot so it doesn't really bother us to much so she should be fine. Lacey takes her shoes off leaving them in the car getting out. "Follow me." I tell her leading the way in the woods. My spot is kind of hard to find if you don't know what your looking for other wise you'd never know it was there. We enter a spot of the woods that comes out to a small clearing with a waterfall, grassy area and flowers all around. Its peaceful and serene. I have a picnic blanket already set up. Lacey looks all around. "Wow was this here the whole time." She says. "Yep. You like it?" She nods yes. We sit down on the blanket. I pull the food out the basket. We eat and talk. "You want to go for a run?" I ask her long done eating now. "Yeah" she replies. I run behind a tree to undress because if I shift with my clothes on then they will rip. She does the same. I shift into my wolf. My wolf is black since I'm an alpha. All alphas have black wolves with red glowing eyes. Lacey comes out from behind the tree shifted into her grey wolf. She's a beta wolf so her eyes glow blue. Our wolves rub against each other then she takes off. I chase after her. "You can't get." She taunts in mindlink. She wants a race then she's got one. I run faster catching up to her. We play around for a bit more before we walk back to the waterfall shifting back to human form. Once we are both dressed we come from out behind the trees and lay down on the blanket gazing up to the stars. My arm around her with her head laying on my chest. I feel her head get heavy on my chest and see that she's fallen asleep. I'm not moving her nor am I moving from this spot.
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