Chapter 7

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POV: Marcus "Alpha please don't do this. I beg of you she is my daughter and only fourteen. Please don't take her." The omegas father begs me. I slap him. "I don't care. You can not pay your debts to me then I take her." I growl out to him with my alpha command. I hate filthy pathetic omegas. They're only good for one thing and thats to be used. The omega girl will be sold as a s*x slave. I care not of her age. Is all of this illegal, yes it is. Do I care, no. However I will if I don't find the evidence my cousin, Helen gathered and hid from me. Nobody knows that she was my cousin but who cares about that. I killed her. She had found out about my criminal activity and confronted me about it. She was going to the werewolf council with proof of what I had been doing. I had to stop her. Unfortunately the evidence wasn't on her like I had thought. Jack doesn't seem to have a clue or anything that holds it. Minnie has found nothing. I was able to traffic an omega in to the Stone Thorn pack. Minnie will be called back to my pack soon. Minnie is after all my favorite toy to play with. Another Rogue Attack will be staged tonight. I recruit rogues to do my dirty work in my pack. Members that don't do as I say or find out a little to much the rogues will deal with them. I know Helen hid the evidence with someone close to her. There is nothing to support that she told anyone so whoever has it doesn't know they have it. My first guess was her mate but so far nothing and I've had a year to look. Jack caught me yesterday searching through his things but I was able to cover it up with being nosy and waiting to speak with him. He seemed to have bought it. _________________________________________ POV: Lacey I get home from school with Alana. Pheobe had to help her parents with something. We sit in the living room of the packhouse watching TV. "Alana i have to tell you something. I met my mate." She turns towards me from the TV with wide eyes. "What! Girl who is it? Tell me everything." I laugh at her gearing herself up for details and gossip. "Its Elijah as in our Alpha." I tell her and her jae drops. "Wow. Wait didn't you like have a crush on him. So your all time crush is your mate." She says. "Really? Now that is very interesting." Elijah says walking in. Did he just her that? "Whats very interesting?" I ask playing innocent. "Lacey stop trying play like he didn't just hear that. You know he heard that you had a crush on his since you were fifteen." Now it's my turn for my jaw to drop. "Alana! He didn't know that part." I yell at her. Elijah laughs at us. "Oops. Well a he knows now. I'm in trouble now aren't I?" She says running aways and I chase her. "Yeah." "Now girls thats enough" Elijah says but we ignore him. I chase her outside and she shifts into her wolf and I follow doing the same ripping my clothes. Alana and I laugh at each other in mindlink now just playing at this point. I pounce on her playfully getting her for revealing my crush to Elijah. We run and play for a little bit longer. Then Alana and I walk back to the pack house in wolf form. Alana had dropped her phone and bag in the front yard so she just grabs them with her mouth walking home. Elijah is standing at the front door with clothes in his hand for me. "Thank you" I link him. He hands them to me and I carry them with my mouth walking behind the house shifting back and dressing into them. Elijah is still standing at the door waiting for me. He's wearing a smirk on his face. Oh this can't be good. "So a crush huh?" I am so embarrassed. "Can't you just ignore it." I say walking into the house. "Nope because with a crush comes fantasies and I'm curious as to what yours were." My face turns totally red. "I am not telling you that." I tell him so embarrassed. "Oh so there were fantasies. I was just guessing o. That one." He teases. "Stop. I'm embarrassed as it is." I whine at him. He chuckles. I get a little irritated that he thinks this is so funny and start to storm off to my room. He catches my arm turning me around causing me to bump into his chest. I look up into his eyes to see him looking down into mine and at my lips then back to my eyes. He slowly leans down and kisses me. I kiss him back immediately and wrap my arms around his neck. The kiss was sweet and simple. He pulls back with my arms still around his neck. "Alpha we have a code yellow." Delta Dylan comes in saying. I let go of Elijah. A code yellow is when humans get close to or cross in to pack territory. "You know know the drill. All shifting is halted and if any wolves are shifted they are to stay in wolf form until the all clear is called. Where are they?" Elijah orders and asks. "In territory. They look to be hikers. So they will probably just stay on the trail." Dylan reports. "Have a group of Sigmas watch them decreetly." Sigmas are trackers. "Yes Alpha." Dylan says carrying out his orders. Elijah sends a pack wide mindlink out that all shifting is halted and a code yellow is active. "You should stay here and I'll be back." Elijah says leaving to deal with this. We can't reveal what we are to humans. Its forbidden unless your mate is human. We do have to watch them though in case they turn out to be hunters. Generally the Delta would deal with a code yellow since its a security risk. Three hours later an All clear is linked pack wide meaning the code yellow is lifted. Elijah comes into the house with only a pair of shorts on. His abs and muscles are on full display. I just stare at him wanting to run my hands along his abs. Suddenly I hear him clear his throat causing me to look up to see a smirk. "You may want to wipe the drool off your face." He says. "I wasn't drooling." I say in defense. He walks closer rubs his thumb on the corner of my lips showing me the drool. "Well maybe you should go put a shirt on then." I tell him. "Nah. I think I'll stay just like this teasing you." He teases. He eventually puts a shirt on after teasing me a little bit more. He looked yummy.
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