Chapter 6

1065 Words
POV: Elijah Its been about a week since Lacey and I accepted that we're mates. I took her on a date on Friday. It's been a while since I've been on one of those. Granted I have slept around a little bit. I took her out to dinner nothing to flashy. It was something very simple to test the waters. All in all it was great. Now it's Monday again. I haven't told my upper ranks or council that I've found my fated mate yet but I do plan to do that today. A frantic knock sounds at my office door. "Come in" I say. Lacey appears looking a little disheveled. "I'm late can you drive me to school." She says before I can even ask what's wrong. "Yeah come on." I grab my keys heading to my car. Lacey went to grab a few things complaining to herself while she does. I crank my car waiting for her to get in. She gets in with her school bag and a few other bags. While I drive she brushes her hair back into a ponytail with a brush that was in one of the other bags. Then she unzips the other back and starts doing her makeup. It's important that Lacey look her best at all times being Jack, my beta's daughter and now my mate and future Luna. "How do I look?" She asks finishing up. "You look beautiful." I tell her and she does. "No seriously." She says like she doesn't believe. "I am. Your beautiful. You look fine" I tell her honestly pulling up in front of the school. "Bye have a nice day." I tell her as she gets out the car going inside the school. I get back to the packhouse and grab Brandon and Dylan from their offices. The pack house may be my home but it is also where the command ranks work so the Beta, Gamma and Delta all have an office in the pack house. A few others do live in the Packhouse but very few and pack guest would stay there as well. I now sit at my desk with Brandon and Dylan sitting in the chairs in front of my desk. "I have something i need to inform you both of." I start out. "OK what is it?" Dylan my Delta asks. "I have finally after all these years met my fated mate." I tell them. They both have shocked looks. "Congrats. So who is the lucky lady?" Brandon my Gamma asks. "This is going to come as a surprise but first I want not one word to Jack about this." I order to start. They bow their heads in respect as answers that they won't. "It Lacey." I tell them. Brandon starts to laugh, "thats funny for a moment there i thought you said Lacey." "Thats because I did." I reply. "I'm sorry Lacey as in Jack your beta and best friend's daughter Lacey is your fated mate?" Dylan asks to clarify. "Yes her." I confirm. "Bro Jack is going to kill you." Says Brandon. "Yeah I know thats why I want not one word of this to him." I order again. "How did Lacey take it? You two haven't?" Brandon asks suggesting. "No we have not. I'm meeting with the council today about this. Brandon your on drills with the teens after school today. Dylan boarder patrols." I give out their orders for the day. Generally the beta would run boarder patrols organizing groups to run the pack boarders but since Jack is away on assignment the three if us have been taking turns with it. Then we all take turns with drills for the teens. Dylan runs the morning drills with the older groups. I walk in to the board room for my meeting with the pack council. "Council i have some news to share with you today. I found my fated mate." I inform them. "Who is it may I ask?" An elder asks. "It's Lacey Jack's daughter." I tell them. Whispers are heard amongst the council. "We can not go against the goddess. However you should be sure that she is ready for the responsibility of being Luna. We know she is very young." An elder says. Elders are very wise and former high ranking members of the pack. Unfortunately my parents are no longer with us or they would be on the council as former Alpha and Luna. "Of course. I do believe she would do well." I tell my council. "Very well." One of the members says. The council is dismissed. Later on as I'm doing some paperwork I get a mindlink from Jack. "Elijah I have some information I need to let you in on." He sounds worried. "The Alpha here has been asking me stange questions like what is my most prized possessions or if my mate hid something where would she hide it." Jack starts off. "That is strange why would he be asking you this?" I ask. " I have no idea. Yesterday I caught him snooping through my things while I was in the shower." Jack informs. "What does he think you have?" I ask. Thats not normal for an alpha to do this especially to a guest that is there to help you. "I have no idea but there is more. I don't think the rogue attacks are real attacks. There's a pattern to them." He tells me the pattern and it is very odd. "I think it's time you came home. I don't trust this." I tell him. "No. I think I should stay. I believe he is hiding something. I can stay and investigate this undercover. It's like he thinks I know something or have something and he's trying to keep me here to look for it." Jack suggests back. "I don't like this. However if alpha Marcus is up to something we should know of it in case of an attack. Just tread lightly. Keep me informed." I order. "Yes alpha." He cuts the mindlink off. If anything happens to Jack Lacey would never forgive me for not making him come home today but at the same time I can't take the risk if an attack on my pack is coming. The thing is what would Jack know of Marcus he rarely sees him or interacts with him.
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