Chapter 5

587 Words
POV: Elijah Fifteen minutes ago Lacey mindlinked me letting me know that she was close and they would be back soon. Its about 6:00 now. She should be getting in any minute now. I watch out the window looking for the car to pull up to drop her off. Five minutes later the car pulls up coming to a stop in front of the house to let Lacey out. She gets out grabbing her duffle bag out the trunk of the car. I open the front door for her letting her in. She smiles when she sees me. Her heart beats faster now. Lacey walks in to the house. "Hi" she greets awkwardly. "Hello. Did you have fun?" I ask. "I did. Thanks for letting us use your lake house." She says. "Good, anytime." I say awkwardly. Ah this is very awkward. It's like we don't know how to be around each other anymore. "Um about this talk is that now or tomorrow?" She ask blushing. "Whenever you want." "Now would be fine. I kind of want to get it over with." She says. "OK then let go sit down." We sit in the living room on the couch. We sit in silence at first with neither one of us not knowing how to start. "Well this is awkward." Lacey suddenly says breaking the silence. I chuckle lowly. "Yeah. Definitely." I agree. "What do you want to do?" She asks shyly. "I wouldn't mind trying to make it work. I do accept you as my mate Lacey." I tell her honestly. "You do?" She asks unsure. "I do in fact I got this for you." I hand her a velvet box with the mate bracelet in it. She opens it. "Is this a...?" She asks letting her question linger. "Yeah. If you want this too that is. No pressure." I tell her. She smiles. "I did a lot of thinking on my little trip and I know that I do want to try so yeah I want this." She says I smile putting the bracelet on her wrist. She gasps from feeling the sparks. The sparks are very pleasurable. "Dad is going to freak." She says. "Oh I know. He'll probably try to kill me." I'm half joking and half serious. "You know I actually missed you while I was away." Lacey admits out loud. "Yeah? Me too." I tell her. "Oh if we could wait till dad gets back to tell him that would be great." She says with her eyes suddenly glazing over. This means she's been pulled into a mindlink. Some one has mindlinked her. She sits like that for about ten minutes. "Sorry about that. It was actually dad and Evan." She says. "Right how is Evan." I ask. "Still annoying as ever. Him and dad are the same. I can't ever do anything without him being overly protective. I swear." She complains. I chuckle. She has never liked their over bearing protectiveness. "Well you can't exactly blame them. Especially after what happened." She frowns most likely now remembering that night. "Yeah I know." She says sadly. I hug her to comfort her and she melts right in to the hug. I breath in her scent of passionfruit and banana flower feeling the sparks flow through my arms. We pull back from each other. "I should probably get some sleep now. I have school in the morning." She says go up to her room. "OK goodnight." I tell her wishing her sweet dreams.
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