Chapter 4

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Lacey rides in the car in the back seat. Devon is driving with Alana in the passenger seat. Lacey sits next to Pheobe. Pheobe is an upsilon. On the way to the lake house Lacey thinks about Elijah. She couldn't believe he is her mate. She was quite shocked and so was Elijah. Lacey had always had a crush on him but never thought it would amount to anything. Now it can. Every fantasy she has ever had about him runs through Lacey's mind. She has no idea how to feel about Elijah now. She's worried of what her father will do with him being so protective of her. Lacey knows she wants to wait until her and Elijah talk before she tells anyone especially her father. She gets a mindlink from Jack. "Hey pumpkin just popping in to say happy birthday." Jack tells his daughter. "Thanks dad. I love and miss you." Lacey links him back. "I love and miss you too. So tell me did you meet your mate today yet." Jack asks Lacey. Lacey isn't ready to tell Jack so she lies to him that she didn't. "Oh well chin up. It'll happen one day." Jack encourages her. Lacey feels guilty for lying to him. "Yeah well dad I should probably go now." Lacey says tryingbto hide her guilt. "OK pumpkin. I will link you tomorrow." He links back cutting the mindlink. Meanwhile Lacey and her friends go to the lake house Jack is in the lightning pack. Him and a group of warriors were sent there because the pack had been plagued with rogue attacks. He's now been here almost a year now. There has been many times where Jack has gotten a bad feeling from the pack's alpha, Marcus. It's not normal for another pack to aid in rogue attacks for almost a year. Normally this type of situation would last three months tops. Jack has noticed a pattern in the attacks. They come in generally at dawn and attack the lower ranking members. A few will get in through to the higher ranks. Maybe one will die but they're rarely are any deaths. When they do get in to the higher ranks there is always a death. It's almost like they are targets and the attacks are staged. Jack has been very discreetly investigating the situation thinking something is off in the pack and with the alpha. Jack has yet to read the alpha in. He doesn't want to disturb Elijah with this until he's sure of it. Devon parks the car in front of the lake house. The girls hop out the car. The outside of the house looks like a rustic cabin but on the inside its very modern with a lot of white. If it was up to Lacey she would have more color to it. Maybe if this whole being mates with Elijah she can add some more color to the cabin. Its an open plan with a sky light above the living room and kitchen. There are two stories, four bedrooms and three bathrooms. "Since it's my birthday I get the master. You three will have to fight over the other three bedrooms." Lacey declares. "What no way." Devon complains. Alana hits him on his arm. "Shut up. Thats fare. It's her birthday and that room is hers." She tells him. "Owe jeez ok." Devon gives in. "So birthday princess what is your next decree?" Pheobe asks joking like. "Hmm my royal birthday decree is for you all to ge my slaves." Lacey says playing serious with a straight face. "Are you kidding me" Says Devon not happy. "Girl like for real." Says Pheobe. "b***h you lying." Says Alana. Lacey bust out laughing. "Haha no just kidding. However my real decree is that we sit by the camp fire and have smores." Lacey says happily. "Ooh yeah smores please." Pheobe says excited. Lacey takes her bag to the master while the others take their bags to their rooms. Devon and Alana will be sharing a room since they're mates. Lacey sets the bag down on the bed. In the master there is a king sized bed, a huge bathroom and a good size closet. There doesn't need to be to big of one because no one actually stays here for to long. The lake house is just a place to get away for a few days and it is very functional for those few days. They will only be staying the one night and going back to the pack grounds tomorrow afternoon. Elijah gets back to the packhouse from a run. He and his wolf really needed it with just finding their mate and her not being here. Then the fact that Lacey is very young. He's twice her age. She is also his best friends and beta's daughter. He knows he has already accepted her as his mate. He's waited so long for her. He just hopes that Lacey feels the same. Elijah has known Lacey her whole life. He's watched her grow up. It's a little weird but he can look past that. He wants to make this work. Elijah makes the decision to try and make it work with Lacey so he goes to one of the specifically owned werewolf shops. This store is mainly meant for werewolves. They sell herbs and stones there. They sell other things to as well like very strong alcohol. This alcohol is very strong for humans but not a werewolf. It takes a lot to get drunk for a werewolf with normal human alcohol but thats not what Elijah is after today. Elijah is buying a mate stone. He chooses the bracelet since she wears a locket already. A mate stone is rose quartz. It symbolizes that you have a mate and are taken but not marked yet. Only your mate can put this on and take it off so Elijah will be the only person to be able to take the bracelet off. He buys the bracelet for Lacey planning to give it to her if she feels the same. Lacey and her friends sit by the fire outside by the lake. Lacey accidentally set another marshmallow on fire. She blows it out and eats it anyway. She things it gives it nice char taste. She might be setting them on fire on purpose at this point. The friends all talk and laugh joking with each other. Alana brings a cake out for lacey with number 18 candles lit on the cake. They all sing happy birthday to her. Meanwhile Marcus sneaks in to Jacks room after dinner while he is in the shower. Marcus wears a scent blocker so Jack doesn't know he is there. Marcus has done everything he can to keep Jack in his pack so he can find what Helen hid from him. He believes it is something that Jack would have on him at all times. So far Marcus has found nothing and its been almost a year. He needs what Helen hid from him. Everything depends on him finding it. It could ruin him and his pack. Lacey now lays in the bathtub in the hot soothing water with bubbles. She relaxes down in the tub with the jets on. Lacey had a good birthday but she just wished for one thing all day since she left home, for Elijah to be there. She misses him. It's weird now. Yes she had a crush on him but never wanted or missed him like this. Lacey just wants her mate with her now. That would be the perfect ending to a good birthday. She lays in the tub until the water gets cold and gets out. She puts on her pajamas and goes to sleep in the nice silky sheets on the bed. The next day Devon wanted to go out in the lake on the boats so thats what they did. They put there swimsuits on and had a little boat party of there own. Pheobe ended up jumping out the boat into the water and Lacey followed her. Pheobe and Lacey have a splash fight. When it gets close to lunch they head back to land. They all go get ready to leave. Lacey and Pheobe shower since they were in the lake. They stop at a restaurant for a late lunch. They all just get burgers and fries. After they eat Devon drives back to the pack. When they get close to the pack Lacey mindlinks Elijah that they will be home soon. The closer they get to the pack the more Lacey's heart pounds out of her chest. She's suddenly nervous to go back home and see Elijah. The trip has given her much time to think and sort out what she wants. She want Elijah and she always has. Her father is just going to have to deal with it. Lacey want to be Elijah's mate and hopes he does to.
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