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As the hours ticked by, Dimitry’s guilt only grew, she had yet to awaken. Left only with that of his own thoughts, he felt like he was going insane. He had even tried to wake her, but to no wail. The human was still not awake, alive but not awake. The last time he had waited like this was after she had her attack at the mall, it was his fault then too. He had let her leave, he had given in. this time it was his fault too, she wanted to give him a present. A present he didn’t question, he didn’t question if it could hurt her, it was supernatural of course it could hurt her, she was a frail human. His hands turned into fists as he paced back and forth in the room, his feet heavy. But he needed to do something! He turned to look back at the still female form on their bed, her mind lost in dreamland or the like. His stomach growled for what felt like the hundredth time, neither of them had eaten since last night, and last night had been a light meal for them both, they had been too excited to eat. With a sigh he left the room, he would go down grab some leftovers, heat them up and then return to their room, he figured his mate would be hungry too when she woke up. With finally something to do, he walked with sullen steps down the hall towards the stairs. The house had gone silent, it was an eerie thing. There were so many people in this house and yet, it was so quiet. It may have been in the middle of the night, but still, it was never like this. Even the forest had gone quiet, no owls hooting, no deer’s heck even the wind had seized its dance. The moon cast it’s cold light through the big windows, its glow only reminding him of the failed ritual. His mind occupied he walked down the stairs and head to the kitchen, his mind so focused he didn’t register the small side table had been moved. “Ouch! f**k,, he uttered as his pinky tow collied with one of the table's wooden legs. He bit his lip and bent down and gently podded his now bruised toe, it was such a human thing to do. Getting over the slight pain he chuckled, he needs to get his head in the game. He clicked his tongue and moved the table back where it belonged, his journey then continued into the kitchen. Now more awake and careful not to smash any body part into any other hard surface. He opened the fridge and found the lasagna from the last dinner, he took it out and dished up a large portion, and put the plate in the microwave. But then paused, the quick machine would make a lot of noise. With a frown he took out the plate again and then turned to the stove, for a while he stood there looking at the thing. That’s when he realized he had no idea how it worked, it baffled him. He had never used the stove before, he touched the on-button in the display, and then a large selection appeared. Silently he scrolled through them, he found one called reheat. “that most be it,, he whispered to himself. He placed the plate in the middle of the own and then closed it. He had no idea how long it would take but at least it didn’t wake up the house. The minutes ticked by, the kitchen clock was the only noise, but it was unnerving. Has he waited he looked into the fridge again and found some leftover salad from lunch. He took some of that too, dished it up into a bowl. He then tested the lasagna and found it warm enough. He then placed it all on a tray and went back upstairs.   Solance sat up and yawned, when did I fall asleep? She smacked her lips and then looked around, where is Dimitry? She wondered what the time was and turned to the window and pulled back the heavy curtain. She was greeted by a star-lit sky, a full moon, and a silent forest. Wait full moon? The Ritual! And just like that the memories of the ritual hit her, something had gone wrong. But what? Everything had been done according to the instruction. “What could have gone wrong?,, she asked as her eyes looked to the moon. She heard the door open and turned to see her mate walk in, carrying a tray with food. As the scent hit her nose her stomach growled loudly alerting her mate to her awaken state. She saw how relief washed over his face and how his shoulders relaxed, she had worried him again. “hey you,, she whispered coyly with a c****d smile on her lip. He walked over to the bed and place the tray down on the bedding, he then inspected the human. “I’m okay,, she said as he nudged her face this and that way. He grunted, clearly not satisfied. She waited patiently as he finished his inspection. He found nothing worrisome, but with his human, one could never be too careful. Finally content he sat down and placed the tray in between them, he gave her a fork and then gestured for her to eat. They ate in silence for a while, he could feel how her eyes keep seeking his, but he couldn’t meet hers. He had harmed her, again. He heard how she took in a shaky breath, he was waiting for the words to come. “Do we know what went wrong?,, she asked as she pushed a piece of pineapple around on the large plate. “no,, he answered still not looking up “Sarah is looking into it,, he then went back to eating. Solance sat for a while, her eyes on the plate. “so, when we figure out what went wrong,, she started but paused when she saw how Dimitrys body suddenly tensed. “We are not trying again,, he said firmly. “please, maybe it was the wrong candles, maybe we missed somethi-,, “I SAID NO!,, he said loudly his eyes red as he stared into hers. Tears started to spring forth in her eyes, she tried to wipe them away, but they just kept coming. She sniffled and hiccupped. “I’m sorry,, she whispered and hid her face in her hands. Dimitry sighed and pushed the tray away, so he could pull the human to his chest. He released his rumble, kissed her head, and rocked her with his body. Soothing her the best way he knew, all the while she kept saying she was sorry. “shh it’s okay, sorry for being so hard on you,, he whispered into her hair and kissed her temple. “But you scared me, all of us tonight,, he whispered trying to explain. She only hiccupped and rubbed her face into his chest her small hands clawing at his shirt. “I’m happy with what we have, I will not risk you again, the great mother has given me enough,, he said tilting her face up so he could look into her eyes. He gave her a soft smile and brushed her cheeks with his thumbs, wiping away the last tears. “We will be fine with what we have,, he whispered and then kissed her gently. “Now sleep little one,, he whispered into her hair. Solance didn’t want to sleep, but she was exhausted. As she fought her eyes that were treacherously closing on their own, she thought back to the white wolf. Who was that wolf?   Dimitry stood leaning on the door frame, watching as his mate interacted with the pack. They were all keeping close, trying to spend as much time with her as possible. The days had gone by fast, too fast and it was now the day before New Year's eve. Everyone was growing angsty for the upcoming days, two days were all they had left. On the first of January that wretched woman would come and take their friend away. Solance was all smiles, but they all knew she was hiding her true emotions. She was focusing on the present, once again her scent would hide her true feelings. Dimitry also knew she was still thinking of the ritual, but she did not bring it up again. He hoped she had accepted that the bond they have now, was enough.                       Dimitry smiled at the scene before him, Alex was sitting hunched over, his hands steady at work. He was using his new acrylic nail kit on Solance, his tongue was sticking out as he worked carefully. Solance sat comfortably as she talked with Aywa about the upcoming celebration. Though he could sense how Alex was growing more and more irritated as Cole and Adele were hanging over his shoulders criticizing him at every turn.                       “That one is not the same length as the others,, Adele said her eyes on the dainty hand. “Yeah and the color is inconsistent,, Cole added. Alex didn’t answer but tried to focus on the nail he was working on. “Hey when are you going to fix the bump on the ring finger?,, Adele asked poking at Alex’s cheek. “Are you going to add glitter?,, Cole asked holding the silver glitter bottle in front of Alex’s eyes. Alex growled. Dimitry pushed off the doorframe ready to step in, having senses Alex snapping. “Knock it off you two,, Solance voice rung clear, she leveled them both with a raised eyebrow. “Its his first try,, The two pouted but sad back with a small sorry. Dimitry smiled, they were all seeing her as their future Luna, and were treating her accordingly. It pleased him, at least those closest to them had accepted her. Since the day of the failed ritual had caught up on whispers and suspicious glances from other pack members. The pack was divided, and the failed ritual seemed to a fueled the opposition, it worried him. He wasn’t looking forward to being separated from his mate, but with the way, the situation was evolving in the pack. It may be too dangerous for her to remain here, at least in till he can fight for the alpha position. “Ready?,, Zetrich said as he appeared behind him. Dimitry grunted and the two left the others to join the others outside.   Outside Clyde stood with his closest betas, Michael his right hand, Andy, Victor, Jasper and Ida. With them were also the young Matthew, they were waiting for Dimitry so they could begin training. Clyde turned as he heard the two boys come out “Hey boys there you are,, he said loudly weaving them over. Clyde and his betas were all focused on training the next trinity, Dimitry as the next alpha, Zetrich as the next right hand and Matthew as the left hand. They would become the leading males for the future, Cole and Alex being the goofier bunch. They would have Dimitrys back, but they would have the role of guarding the females on their own territory. It was the two males' own wish, and so they were ready to honor it. Dimitry had proven to have the potential, his eyes already taking the color of alpha on numerous occasions. But he still had far to go, Clyde was determined to push his son to the limit. It was the only way for the future they wish for, with Dimitry has the next alpha, with a human Luna. It would be taking the pack to the next stage and out of the dark ages, he had taken the first step when he took the alpha position nearly thirty years ago. Back then females had been more like slaves and possessions, viewed as breeding mares and nothing else. “Now just be sure,, Ida said being the most political of them all, she faced Matthew. “You have no intention of fighting for the alpha position?,, She asked. Matthew was taken back from the question. “I have no intention to sway from my path, I support Dimitry,, the black-haired male answered without blinking. “Just have to be sure after all, you had voice your interest before,, the female added. Matthew snorted and head to Dimitry's left side, Zetrich on the blond's right. “Yeah, that was when Dimitry showed no interest in the position,, Matthew finished. Dimitry placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Matthew is not his father, he is a trusted friend. Should I fail to obtain the alpha position, Matthew should go for it,, Dimitry said showing his clear support to his friend. Matthew nodded. “Should you fail?,, Zetrich asked from his right side. “If you fail then what? What will happen then? Even if Matthew becomes Alpha, Solance would still be forced out,, The young brunette exclaimed. “do you have a plan then son?,, Clyde asked a plan B was important, but none of them had voiced one. His son’s golden eyes meet his own “should I fail, I will turn omega and leave with Solance,, He said not batting an eye. The adults froze, to hear a young wolf say something with such indifference, he had clearly made up his mind. Matthew turned and looked at his friend, his friend that only a few months ago had been so apathetic to everything. The guy whom everyone had joked to be an omega, here he was saying he would become one. Just because their pack wouldn’t accept change, this wasn’t right. “You wouldn’t be accepted back, ever,, the dark-haired male whispered. Dimitry nodded “I know that,,   “No,, Zetrich said and shook his head. “Should you fail, it won’t be just you and Solance, I will go with you too,, The brunette said. Jasper stepped forward “don’t be hasty son, what about your mate? Your family,, Jasper looked at his cub. “Yeah Zet, you have Zoey here,, Dimitry said giving his best friend a smile. “Matters little, she won’t know of me. Besides, I’m Dimitry's right hand and Solances protector. I couldn’t stay in a pack where they aren’t there,, Zetrich meets his father’s eyes. Jasper gasped and stepped back, his son had already chosen his course and he wouldn’t budge, he was so like his late mother. “Zet is right, a pack without Dimitry or Solance, I couldn’t live with that, and neither could my mate,, Matthew said. Clyde watched as the young wolves looked at each other, a conversation without words. “So that’s how it's going to be,, he finally said, that was plan B. the three young wolves nodded. “Yes father, should I fail,, Dimitry started. “As he and Solance leaves,, Zetrich continued. “So will we,, Matthew finished. Clyde nodded solemnly “The trinity is complete,, he whispered. So that is plan be, should Dimitry not become alpha, the young will break from the pack and start their own. Michael stepped forward “then we be better get started,, He said taking off his forest jacket. Victor smirked and followed suit “Yeah, they need to get ready,, the redhead said taking of his booth. Ida laughed “Yeah can’t have the next generation leave, because of the old rules,, Ida shifted into her brown wolf form with the white belly and socks. She snapped her jaws at the three youngsters. Jasper shifted too and finally, Clyde shifted too, he barked at the three teens. Dimitry grunted and took off his shirt and his earing,  he looked first to his right and then to his left and then shifted. Matthew and Zetrich leaped to the side shocked by their friend's sheer size, Zetrich smirked “Yeah!,, he hooted and then shifted into his brown-reddish wolf. The small wolf danced around the large golden one, Dimitry rolled his shoulders and then turned his head to Matthew “The elders haven’t seen you in this form have they?,, he smirked as the golden wolf made rumble that sounded like a laugh, Matthew shook his head and then shifted, a sleek black wolf. Clyde growled and went in for the first attack, he went for Zetrich. Zetrich was an average size wolf, who seem small compared to the larger black wolf, and seemed like a cub beside Dimitry’s wolf form. But Zetrich was agile and quick on his feet, Clyde had a run for his money but once he stopped and let the youngster come at him, he quickly turned the tables. Zetrich was quickly held down, the small wolf whimpered when he saw his efforts to free himself from the alphas hold was fruitless. Jasper went for Matthew, Jasper was much like his son quick. But Jasper had the experience to use it wisely, Matthew held on as the small wolf tried to throw him to the ground. Matthew was a strategist and used his mind well even in this form, with a well-placed swipe of his paw Jasper lost his footing and hit the ground. Matthew howled at his victory. Clyde shook his head, Matthew celebrated prematurely. As Jasper was quickly back on his paws and without delay rammed into the black wolf, sending him flying. Clyde then turned to his son, he had grown even larger since the last time they sparred. When would his son’s growth stop? They would have to see. With a bark he sends Victor and Michael to Dimitry, he needed to see how the boy handled two advisories. Dimitry coughed to the ground, protecting his belly from any attack. As Victor leaped for the boy’s throat, Dimitry turned and swiped at the red wolf, Dimitry didn’t hit the wolf but Victor back up. Victor mind linked Clyde “he held back, had he hit me,, “you would have been seriously injured I know,, Clyde was all too familiar with his son’s strength, he doubted he had seen all of it. Dimitry was holding back, so no one would get seriously hurt. “Michael don’t go soft on him, he can take it,, Clyde said over their mind link. Michael growled and then went in for the kill, he rammed into the large wolf. Dimitry stumbled but remained standing, Dimitry growled and showed his massive canines. Michael circled the golden youngster, his main focus was on said wolf. But he remains aware of the two other youngsters that were growling from the sides, waiting for a signal. Michael wanted to test the large wolf's reflexes, he sprinted forward, and then just short of landing a hit he turned the other way, aiming for the boy's hind leg. The same hindleg that lifted just in time to kick Michael in the face. He winced but quickly got back up. The golden wolf now went on the offense, he now circled the bear-like beta. Michael was the closest in size when it came to Dimitry, but as Michael had just learned Dimitry didn’t let his size be enough, he understood size wasn’t enough to win a fight. Michael waited for the youngster to strike. Dimitry circled his father’s beta, just as he senses the snow shift behind him. He turned just in time to meet Ida’s paw with his snouts, back up only to be attacked by the brown wolf from behind. Michael went for his throat as Ida tried to force him down, he growled as they bit at him. Matthew and Zetrich stepped forward ready to aid, but Dimitry barked at them, stopping them. He then spun on the spot and bucked his back, coursing Ida to fall off, he chased her away, she yipped in surprise and retreated. Dimitry then turned to Michael who was still biting into his neck, trying to get a good hold. Dimitry tried to shake him off and swiped at the male with his paws, but he couldn’t get the male off. He needs to stand up A voice sounded in his head, the voice surprised him but not as much as the visual picture that appeared in his head. Him in his wolf form on his hindlegs, Michael hanging on his neck no longer able to touch the ground, leaving the brown male defenseless. Dimitry didn’t question the voice or the image and quickly stood up, making the vision a reality. It stung to have the large male hanging only by his teeth. Dimitry swiped once more but the male was persistent. Steer like a horse and buck, tire him out. Again, the voice sounded, the voice was familiar. He did not have the time to think about the voice or who the owner was, again he followed the voice's direction. He descended to the ground and then steered again, he kept at it, it stung but he could feel Michael’s jaw loosen, and sure enough at the fifth steer and buck the male fell off. Dimitry quickly spun and used his body to hit the large male, Michael flew and landed in the snow a few feet away. Dimitry shook his coat and turned to his father, he had beaten his father’s beta, for the first time. Clyde stepped forward, their sparred had gotten an audience unbeknown to his son. The rest of the youngsters stood by the large windows and watched as the fighting was happening. Dimitry had impressed today, as he faced his son. Dimitry was now twice his size, he had never since such a big wolf, no wait he had. On the same night, they saved Solance, the great mother. The white wolf. With that last thought, he launched at the boy. Solance watched as the two big wolves attacked each other, her heart was beating fast, and her chest was throbbing again. It looked so violent, the snares, biting and clawing. “Don’t worry sol,, Adele said hugging the human “There is no danger,, “Yeah they are just training, nothing to worry about,, Alex said and send her a smile. Solance smiled back at him, Alex was a shy boy, who didn’t smile much but boy did it suit him. Dimitry was thrown off as an image of Alex smiling appeared in his mind, he stumbled. Clyde saw his chance and went for the finishing blow, he flung his body weight into the young wolf's chest. Knocking all the air out of the youngster’s lungs, Dimitry glided over the snow, his body shifting back as he tried to get air back into his lungs. “DIMITRY,, Solance yelled as she ran out and towards him, Clyde managed to cover his son’s privates before the girl made it to the fallen boy. Clyde felt a bit guilty for taking the chance, but in a fight, one couldn’t get distracted. “Are you okay?,, Solance checked her mate over, prodding, poking, and touching to check for injuries. Worry was painted on her face, Dimitry having finally gotten air back in his lungs laughed at the worried look on her face. “You worry too much little one,, he laughed. “Don’t you little one me! That looked like it hurt! You shouldn’t get hurt like that!,, she scolded and hits his chest. He groans at the slight pain “I’m sorry,, she panicked not knowing what to do. He laughed and caressed her face “don’t worry I’m okay,, he whispered. He knew why that voice was familiar, it was her voice that rang in his head. Maybe the ritual wasn’t a complete failure.
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