The ritual

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“You okay babe?,, Dimitry asked as he rubbed the girl’s arms, trying to keep her warm. Solance nodded and smiled at him “I’m good, just envious,, she laughed watching her pack members walking around. They were outside, it was a little over midnight, the moon was full and high in the sky. It was freezing and the cold air was tearing at her vocal cords, but it was finally the day. They could finally perform the ritual. She was so warmly dressed and yet it was hard to stand the cold, seeing her friends walking around without outerwear, like it was nothing. Heck her mate wore his traditionally white v-neck and a pair of dark jeans and flip-flops. And he was warm as can be, it was kind of annoying.                       “Hang in their Sol, we will get this ready soon,, Adele encouraged, she was helping Sarah placing the five white candles in a circle. Aywa and Matthew were placing the moon flowers in between the candles, dressing the snow free ground with the white flowers. The boys had spent some time shoving snow away for the ritual, Solance had focused on learning the vow and taming her nervousness. A mixture of nervousness and excitement were swirling in her stomach, it was finally time. Dimitry stood behind and rubbed her arms, creating warmth and then hugged her close to his chest, sharing his body heat. He needed to keep her warm, he didn’t want her to get sick.                       Sarah went over the ritual instructions, checking that all was as it should be. She nodded as her eyes moved over the paper, she then folded the paper and placed it back in her pocket. “Adele would you light the candles, Dimitry, you and Solance may step into the circle,, The woman said.                       “Now we are ready,, Sarah said, everyone took their position. The pack stood around the circle, each holding a flower. Dimitry and Solance held hands inside the circle,  Solance looked into her partners eyes and smiled, he gave her a confidence smile back, cocky bastard. “Oh blessed mother,, Sarah said in a strong voice, the rest of the pair started to whisper, but whatever they were saying Solance couldn’t make it out, their voices to low. But the combination of their low whispers, that was said at the same time, gave her an eerie feeling. “We seek to unite this destined pair, that you have created,,  Sarah’s voice rose again. The whispers became louder, Solance could now determine that it was the chanting they were doing. “dýo kardiés mia psychí,, the packs voices rose in volume, the unknown words send a shiver down her spine. “One wolf and one human,, as Sarah said that Solance felt a throb in her chest. That wasn’t my heart, that came from my sternum? “dýo kardiés mia psychí,,                        Dimitry watched his mate closely, he cupped her cheek haven sensed her discomfort. At his touch, she shook her head and smiled. It worried him but, he trusted her to tell him if they needed to stop. “Oh blessed mother, help us unify your pair!,, Sarah voice rose in strength, just as the pack went from whispers to normal speech. Dimitry felt the air shift around the circle, and the present of something else. Something he couldn’t see or smell, but it was there with them. It’s present felt comforting, Solance squeezed his hands. Her eyes were big and owlish, she felt it too. He smirked, he didn’t know much of humans, but his mate wasn’t like any ordinary human. She truly was born to be with him, to be a part of his world. The chanting changed, now the male’s words changed, but the females remained the same. “lýkos ston ánthropo, ánthropos ston lýko,, the male’s voice rung loudly, the female’s chimed in “dýo kardiés mia psychí,, Solance felt the throb again, this time it was slightly painful, but she ignored it.  She wanted this and a little pain wouldn’t stop her, Solance knew she would recite her vow soon. The wind was swirling around them, the candles flames danced but didn’t blow out. “Your pair is ready to say their vows,, Sarah’s voice rung just above the chanting, Solance took a deep breath readying herself and steading her voice. “I vow that this joining is my wish, that being the partner of one of your children would be a great honor. I pledge that my will and desires shall not weaver, that this human life, shall be tied to this wolf. My mate,, Solance finished her vow, Dimitry smiled at her. Just as the males chanting rose in higher pitch, it spooked Solance a bit from the sheer force of their voices. The slight pain was now full-fledged throb in her chest, it felt like it was burning. But she focused on what was going on around her, ignoring the pain. “I vow, that this joining is my wish, that accepting this non wolf as my pair is my wish. I pledge that my will and desires shall not weaver, that this wolf life, shall be tied to this human, my mate,, Dimitry’s voice was strong and steady, and the vows were said flawlessly. Gently Dimitry pulled Solance to him, the next part of ritual was about to happen. Solance shallowed and calmed herself, they had been biting each other regularly, but they had never drawn blood before. The chanting around them remained but neither took much notices of it anymore, they were in the circle, their own little world. “Now a door shall be opened! So the blessed mother, our goddess can tie the pair together,, Sarah said over the chants, Dimitry looked at the doctor, Sarah nodded it was time. Dimitry moved Solance’s hair out of the way and zipped her jacket open, just enough that he could pull the collar away from her neck. Solance closed her eyes and readied herself for the pain, all while she ignored the growing pain in her chest, was this normal? Dimitry sensed his mate’s slight panic, heck had the roles been reversed, he would be in a panic too. So he didn’t fault her, he kissed the spot on her neck he was going to bite. “it’s going to be okay, its over soon,, he whispered into her ear. He felt her nod and her hands cling onto him. He bit down, fast, not wanting to draw out her pain. “With the bite the door is open!,, Sarah said. The air shifted again. Solance bit her lip, not so much from the bite, but from the increase in pain from her chest. It felt like someone was holding a flame to her chest letting the fire lick her skin. She rapidly blinked back the tears, they were almost done. She felt Dimitry draw back from her, she needed to drink his blood now. Dimitry used one of his canines to make a cut into his arm, he then held the bleeding limp towards the human. Again, Solance shallowed, and took a step forward and held his arm. “And now with the intake of blood, the human shall accept the nature of a wolf,, Sarah said nodding to the human, Solance placed the bleeding cut to her mouth and let the blood pool in her mouth and then she shallowed. The metallic like cobber taste coated her mouth, her stomach tightened.                       “With this the bond has been formed, now great mother, we await your blessing of the bond,, Sarah said, her eyes closed, her face turned to the moon with her hands up. The wind stopped abruptly and Solance felt a sheering pain trough her entire body, the bite on her neck burned, the stomach knotted, and her chest was burning. She gasped and fell to her knees, just as the wind gusted out from the middle of the circle. The candles were still lid. “Mate?,, Dimitrys worried voice reached her, but she couldn’t answer, the pain making her speechless. Her hands went to her chest, and she fell to her side, Dimitry quickly reaching for her, “Sarah!,, He called out, Sarah opened her eyes to see Solance on her side all curled up, tears streaming down her face, her breathing troubled. The pack stopped their chanting, now worry sat in and they all crowded around the pair in the circle. Dimitry was trying to get Solance to response, Sarah checking the girl’s vitals, trying to figure out what was wrong. “Did you know this could happen?!,, Dimitry accused the doctor. “Of course not, had I known there was even the smallest chance of something like this happening, I would never have suggested it!,, Sarah answered with a snare.                       Solance had grown distance to what was happing around her person, she was being prodded and poked. But she felt nothing, heard nothing, her eyes fell on the white candle with the still flame. Did it fail? It pained her, why couldn’t she succeed, she wanted this, what was wrong with her. A small movement in the forest caught her eye, white fur and black eyes. She could see the wolf just above the flame. “so beautiful,, she whispered so low that none heard her. The wolf watches her, Solance reached out but was to weak to hold it, as her hand fell the candle went out. Solance passed out and unbeknown to her every candle went out and the white wolf disappeared.                         She felt glee fill her to see the human fail, even the great mother believes this union is wrong Angie thought. Angie had caught onto what the group was doing, and even now the pack had been divided into three groups. Supports of the human, those who don’t care and those who opposes the filthy union. But to think the great mother would be on her side, she couldn’t hold back her smile. She would tell her father, and he would tell the elders, they supported her. She would get the human out of here and take her rightful place as future Luna, everything would go back to how it where.                       Dimitry paced outside of his room, the hallway had become a waiting area for the males. As the females took care of Solance, it had been about an hour since she passed out. “don’t worry son, the girl is strong,, the alpha said, doing his best to hide his own worry. “Yeah, nothing is going to stop that girl,, Zetrich added, it had shocked him to see the strong human girl fall to the ground, clearly in pain. But her being unresponsive was eerie, it had made it clear to him, that their future Luna truly wasn’t like them. He knew that he would be the future beta, when Dimitry ascends to alpha. It would be his honor to defend Solance in Dimitry’s place. Dimitry tried to calm down, knowing that him worrying himself into a frenzy wouldn’t help his mate. But he failed miserably, how could he calm down? She had performed this ritual for him, so he could have something akin to a normal mating bond! Because of him, she was in pain. Never again, he was fine with what they had, he didn’t need anything more! Finally, the door opened, Sarah let the girls out. She then walked to Dimitry, “she is okay, I’m not sure what happened, but I will find out. Now go in, she is still asleep, but stay near her should she wake up,, Sarah patted the male’s cheek and left. Dimitry stood rooted to the ground not sure if he should go in, he had hurt her, again. A firm push towards the door got him moving. Dimitry Did not need to turn around to know it was his father that had pushed him, Clyde then closed the door, and the pair was left alone. Dimitry looked at their bed, Solance was laying there asleep now dressed in her pjs. There was a serene look on her face, she was no longer in pain, just sleeping. Relief washed over him, feeling more confident he walked over to the bed and sat on the side. He gently stroke her cheek, “wake up soon,, he whispered and kissed her cheek. 
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