Chapter Five

1341 Words
I stood by the kitchen sink, washing the dishes. My hands moved mechanically through the soapy water as I got lost in my thoughts. Alpha Kyle's words echoed in my head over and over. "You're mine now, and there's nothing you can do about it. This means I will treat you as I see fit. Is that understood?" A single tear slipped from the corner of my eye. His words felt like daggers to my fragile heart. I stared blankly out of the window, my gaze unfocused. I had always known that my life would be one of duty. Yet, somewhere deep inside, I had hoped for something more—a love that would rescue me from the nightmare my life had become. But now, that hope seemed foolish, distant. The feeling of Alpha Kyle's rejection bore down on me, and no matter how hard I tried to be strong, the pain was unlike anything I had ever known. "Hey, Rose," a voice spoke from behind me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned to see Raquelle leaning casually against the kitchen island to my left. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she studied me. She rarely spoke to me unless it was to insult or belittle, so her sudden attention put me on edge. "Yes?" I spoke "Do you need something?" "Not really," she said, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. "I just wanted to ask what you and Alpha Kyle were talking about in the kitchen earlier." My heart clenched at the thought of revealing the truth to her. Raquelle would relish in my sadness if she knew what had truly transpired. She would be overjoyed to learn that my mate, the one who was supposed to cherish me, had instead declared that he would never love me. "Nothing," I replied. Raquelle raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "Are you sure?" "Yes," I lied, forcing myself to meet her gaze. "Good," she said with an evil smile "I noticed the way you stared at him throughout dinner. I thought I should let you know that he doesn’t go for girls like you. I’m just telling you as a good sister would. You got it?" Her words hurt me, but they were unnecessary. Alpha Kyle had already made it clear where I stood. "I understand," I said quietly. "Okay then. Carry on." She smirked at me before turning on her heel and going out of the kitchen. I finished washing the remaining dishes before heading upstairs to my room. Once there, I collapsed onto my bed and pulled out my books to distract myself with homework. But the pain in my chest made it difficult to focus. I was halfway through a history assignment when I heard the door knob rattle. The door opened and Raquelle entered. "Do you need something?" I asked. "Apparently, I do. There’s been a change of plans." I frowned, confused. "About what?" "My friends are coming over for a sleepover, and I really don’t want you around." "Okay," I shrugged "I’ll stay in my room." She shook her head, clearly enjoying this. "You don’t get it. I don’t want you around at all, which means I want you out of the house." I stared at her in disbelief. "Where do you expect me to go?" She shrugged. "I don’t know. Go crash at a friend’s place or something." "I don’t have any friends," I whispered. She placed a hand on her chest in mock sympathy. "Aww, that’s so sad. But you know what? I don’t care. I want you out, and I’m not changing my mind." I knew there was no point in arguing. Raquelle always got her way, and any argument would only make things worse for me. "Okay," I whispered in defeat. She smirked. "Good girl." As soon as she left, I gathered my books and went outside. I sat on the cold sidewalk under the faint glow of the street lanterns. I tried to focus on my homework, but the night air chilled me to the bone. I blew warm air into my hands, trying to get rid of the cold, but it was no use. The loud music and laughter from Raquelle’s room echoed through the night. I fought back tears, trying not to cry again. But then, I felt something warm and wet drip onto my head. I froze, my heart sinking as the liquid soaked into my hair. The smell was terrible I reached up and touched a strand of my hair. I gasped in horror when I realized what it was. Laughter sounded from above, and I looked up to see Raquelle and her friends at the window. Raquelle held an empty cup in her hand. "Why?" I choked out in tears "What did I ever do to you?" Their laughter only grew louder. "Aww," Raven mocked, "I’m sorry, but I really had to pee, and the flush system wasn’t working, so I thought, why waste it?" "Don’t worry," Rachel added with a sneer, "urine makes your hair grow. It’s also good for the skin." "You should be thanking us," Raven added. Raquelle pouted. "Oh, my poor sister. I should’ve stopped them, but where’s the fun in that? Right, guys?" "Yeah!" they choruses. They drew the curtains and turned off the lights, leaving me alone in the cold, urine-soaked and humiliated. I set my books aside, hoping to keep them clean, and hugged my knees to my chest, watching the road through tear-blurred eyes. A few moments later, a red Audi pulled up in the driveway. I didn’t recognize the car, but my heart skipped a beat when I saw Alpha Kyle step out. He looked at me in confusion as he took in my horrible appearance. "What are you doing outside?" he asked. I got up and bowed my head in respect at him. "It’s a long story, Alpha," I murmured, avoiding his gaze. "I forgot my phone, so I came back to get it," he said "Let’s go inside." "I—I can’t," I said. "Why?" he demanded. "They won’t let me," I whispered. "I have power over everyone in your household, including your father. Obey my instruction and let’s go." The authority in his voice left no room for argument. I flinched slightly but nodded. "Yes, Alpha." I followed him to the front door. He knocked, and Janet’s voice came from inside. "Who is it?" she asked. "Alpha Kyle," he replied. The door opened almost immediately, and Janet’s eyes widened when she saw us. My father was in the living room, watching TV, but he quickly stood up when he noticed Alpha Kyle. "Good evening, Alpha," my father greeted him, bowing his head "With all due respect, what brings you here at this time?" "I forgot my phone," Alpha Kyle spoke. "Have you seen it?" "No, I haven’t," my father replied, glancing at Janet, who shook her head. Raquelle entered the room with her friends. "Mom, we heard voices," she said "What’s going on? Oh, hello, Alpha.". They all bowed their heads in respect. Her gaze shifted to me, and her expression hardened. "What are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay outside, you filthy dog." Before I could respond, Alpha Kyle spoke "I said she could come inside." Raquelle blinked in surprise, clearly taken aback. "I’m sorry. I didn’t know." "Raquelle, have you seen the Alpha’s phone?" my father asked She exchanged a nervous glance with her friends before reluctantly pulling the phone from her pocket and handing it to Alpha Kyle. She bowed her head. "I apologize, Alpha," she murmured. "I saw it and was going to return it to you in the morning" Alpha Kyle took the phone without a word. Then, he turned to me. "Rose, let’s go." Everyone started murmuring, obviously surprised. My father’s eyes widened in disbelief. "Where are you taking her?" "To my palace" Alpha Kyle said. "What makes you think you can do that?" "Because" Alpha Kyle's voice boomed "She's my mate"
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