Chapter Four

1245 Words
As soon as my eyes caught sight of Alpha Kyle, I felt a rush of energy within me. Anna stirred to life in a way she never had before. "Mate," she breathed. The word sent a feeling of shock through me. My breath hitched, and it took every ounce of self-restraint not to gape openly at the man standing before me. He was, without a doubt, the most handsome man I had ever seen. Tall and commanding, he had an air of authority that marked him as an Alpha. Even if I hadn’t known who he was, his powerful presence would have given him away. He was effortlessly confident and he didn't have to say or do anything for me to notice that. I was drawn to him like a moth to a flame. His gorgeous face was framed by his tousled blonde hair. His piercing blue eyes reminded me of the ocean and they seemed to cut right through me. When his gaze locked onto mine, I felt an intensity that stole the breath from my lungs. I could hardly believe it—this Alpha, the leader of the pack, was my mate. A connection sparked between us. The pull I felt to him was undeniable and magnetic. It reached deep into my soul, pulling at emotions I couldn’t describe. My heart swelled with something overwhelming, something that terrified and thrilled me all at once. I felt drawn to him in a way I had never experienced before, as if he were the center of my universe. Time seemed to stretch as we stood there, locked in each other’s gaze. We stared for what felt like an eternity, neither of us speaking, both of us simply… feeling. The air between us was charged and tense. Raquelle glanced between us with a look of confusion on her face. "Do you guys know each other or something?" she asked. "No," Alpha Kyle replied "But she looks familiar." His eyes never left mine, and I had to tear my gaze away, staring down at the floor to hide my racing thoughts. He was so intimidating, yet so impossibly attractive. I could feel my pulse quicken in response to his presence. "Alright," Janet said, clasping her hands together "Let’s eat then." We all moved to sit at the table, and the maids began serving us one by one. To everyone else, this was just another meal, but to me, it felt like a feast. My mouth watered at the sight of the food. I couldn’t even remember the last time I had eaten a proper meal; I was usually the one doing the serving, never the one being served. I found myself seated across from Alpha Kyle and Raquelle. She wore a short, gold-colored gown that emphasized her cleavage. Her long, wavy blonde hair fell over her shoulders. Throughout the meal, I couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. I couldn't process everything that had just happened. The fact that my mate was an Alpha seemed impossible. How could it be? I was just an omega, the lowest of the low. Mates were supposed to be equals, yet here I was, bonded to someone so powerful, so far out of my league. As I tried to process this, my father and Alpha Kyle began discussing pack politics. "I appreciate the work you’ve done while I’ve been away," Alpha Kyle said "No one else could have done it better." Raquelle giggled "That’s my dad for you. He’s always there when you need him." "She’s right," Janet added with a proud smile. "You can always count on him." Alpha Kyle nodded. "I can see that now." They continued their conversation, discussing alliances with neighboring packs and the constant threat they had from rogues and rival packs. I kept my focus on my food, silently chewing, knowing it wasn’t my place to join in. Just being invited to this dinner was more than I could have ever expected. But no matter how hard I tried to keep my mind on the meal, I found my thoughts drifting back to Alpha Kyle. The attraction I felt toward him was undeniable, leaving me both excited and anxious. Every time our eyes met across the table, my heart would flutter and my cheeks would heat up. There were butterflies in my stomach just from the sight of him. Yet each time we made eye contact, his expression remained unreadable. He would simply stare at me, then look away as if nothing had happened. His actions made fear creep into my heart. Does he not want me? Does he think I’m ugly? It wouldn’t surprise me if he rejected me. I was nothing compared to him. I was just a weak, insignificant omega. Why would an Alpha want someone like me as his mate? To make matters worse, Raquelle seized every opportunity to flirt with him, batting her eyelashes and laughing a little too loudly at everything he said. She leaned in close to him whenever she could. She did everything to catch his attention. "How was your trip, Alpha?" Raquelle asked. "It was fine," Alpha Kyle responded. "I had many things to sort out while I was away." "Wow," Raquelle fluttered her lashes at him. "You must be so busy." "You can’t imagine," I couldn't help but feel jealous as I watched them. I couldn’t help it. They looked so good together, like a perfect couple straight out of a storybook. Raquelle was everything I wasn’t—beautiful, confident, strong. She wasn’t an omega; she was the legitimate daughter of the pack’s warrior leader. Who could blame Alpha Kyle if he preferred her? I glanced down at my plate, feeling my eyes sting with tears. I would never be good enough, no matter how hard I tried. After dinner, I stood up to clear the dishes. Alpha Kyle’s gaze followed me as I gathered the plates, but I refused to meet his eyes. I might have been served tonight, but I couldn’t expect anyone else to clean up after me. The maids had probably gone to their quarters to rest, and I was more than used to doing this kind of work. When I got to the kitchen, I dropped the plates in the sink. As I turned to fetch the soap, I suddenly bumped into something solid. Startled, I looked up to find myself face-to-face with Alpha Kyle. He stood tall with a cold expression on his face. "Where do you think you’re going?" he asked. "N-Nowhere," I whimpered , feeling small and intimidated. "I just wanted to get some soap." He stepped closer, and I backed away until I was pressed against the sink, trapped. There was nowhere for me to run. "Have you heard about me?" he asked firmly. I nodded, my throat dry. "Yes, Alpha." "Do you want love?" I hesitated, unsure of how to respond. What could I possibly say to that? "Answer me," he growled. I nodded again, this time more slowly. He let out a dry laugh. "The rumors you’ve heard about me are true. So, you can throw any thoughts of love out the window. You’re mine now, and there’s nothing you can do about it. I will treat you as I see fit. Is that understood?" Fear gripped me, making me tremble. I nodded quickly, too scared to speak. "Speak up when I talk to you!" he demanded. I swallowed hard and whimpered "Y-Yes, Alpha."
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