Chapter Three

1094 Words
Slowly, I walked home from school with my backpack pulling at my shoulders. There was nothing good about my day, but I couldn’t afford to complain—things could always be worse. At least I hadn't run into the R-Train again after the incident that morning. It was a small progress, I guess. I watched the sun in the sky as I walked. If I had the time, I would’ve liked to just sit somewhere and watch it set, maybe even take a moment to admire the trees swaying gently in the breeze. But that wasn’t an option, not now. There were chores waiting for me at home. All I wanted was to get back, collapse onto my bed, and forget about the stress of school and everything else, even if only for a little while. As soon as I got home and stepped into my room, I kicked off my shoes and flopped onto the bed, hoping for a short, peaceful nap before dinner. But the moment my eyes closed, I was thrown into a strange dream. I found myself standing in a dark alley. I could feel how tense the air was Goosebumps rose on my arms, hinting at the fact that I wasn't alone. From the shadows, a woman appeared. Her face was covered in darkness, hidden from my view, but I could feel her eyes on me, watching me intensely. “Hello?” I called out “Who are you?” She didn’t answer. Instead, she slowly raised her hand which contained a knife. As soon as I saw the weapon in her hand, I became filled with panic. I tried to run, but my legs felt like lead, rooted to the spot. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat echoing in my ears. I knew it was just a dream, but it felt so real, too real. The fear was suffocating me, choking the breath from my lungs. The woman stepped closer to me in a slow motion until she was right in front of me. As she raised the knife, ready to strike, a scream tore from my throat. It was the only thing I could do. And then, as if the spell had been broken, I woke up. I sat upright in bed with my heart beating so fast. What the hell just happened? What kind of nightmare was that? It was so vivid, so terrifyingly real. I’ve never had a dream like that before. My clothes clung to me, drenched in sweat, and I struggled to catch my breath. But the horror wasn’t over yet. The next thing I saw nearly made my heart stop. At the foot of my bed, the woman from my dream stood. This time, her face wasn't hidden in darkness. I could see her face now, twisted into a evil smile. The knife was still in her hand. I screamed, a real scream this time. How did she get in here? Am I imagining things? Just as I was about to run from the bed, the doorknob rattled, and the door creaked open. The woman vanished as if she had never been there at all. I blinked in shock, wondering what the hell just happened. Janet stepped into the room with a confused expression. . “What’s the matter?” she asked “I heard screaming.” “Uh...” I trailed off, trying to find the words. “Nothing. I had a bad dream.” She squinted at me, not entirely convinced. “Get dressed. Alpha Kyle will arrive in a few minutes.” “Yes, ma’am,” I mumbled. She nodded and left, closing the door behind her. I stayed still for a moment, trying to process what had just happened. My breathing was still erratic and my heart was pounding so hard I could hear it in my ears. What just happened? I scanned the room, but it was empty now, just as it should be. But that dream... It felt too real, like more than just a figment of my imagination. I tried to convince myself that I was just seeing things, that it was nothing more than the aftereffects of a terrible nightmare. But deep down, a part of me was sure that the woman was real. That she had been in my room. I shook my head, trying to get rid of the thought. No, it was just a bad dream. Sometimes, after nightmares, your mind plays tricks on you. It’s happened to me before, and this time is no different. It had to be that. Still, I couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling I felt. I couldn't remember the last time I had a nightmare this real. There was something off about it, something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. But I had to push it aside. I couldn’t afford to think about it, not when I had to get ready. I didn’t want to get on Janet’s nerves, especially not with Alpha Kyle arriving soon. I forced myself to stand and headed to the closet. There weren’t many options, but I settled on a blue dress that stopped just above my knees. It looked nice enough. After I put it on, I brushed my hair and let it flow down my back, hoping it would help me look presentable. I slipped on a pair of white flats and left the room, making my way downstairs. In the dining area, Raquelle and Janet were there. Dinner was laid out on the table. The maids had taken care of everything in advance. A man stood talking to my dad, his back turned to me. All I could see was his tall, muscular frame, towering over everyone else. I felt tiny compared to him. My dad introduced Raquelle to him, and she smiled charmingly as she shook his hand. There was an undeniable attraction in her eyes. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Alpha,” she said in a sweet tone. “The pleasure is all mine,” the man replied in a husky tone. Something about it sent a shiver down my spine. I had the urge to hear it again and again. My dad’s eyes met mine, and he gestured for me to step forward. “This is my daughter, Rose,” he said. I took a small step forward, intending to greet him, but before I could speak, a strange sensation washed over me. My wolf, Anna, stirred to life within me, her voice whispering in my mind. “Mate.”
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