
1226 Words
Tristan pov I am Tristan Knight, an alpha of the black knight pack and also CEO of Knight Enterprise. My pack is one of the biggest packs. I am proud of my pack members, they are strong. No one dares to mess up with my pack because they know the outcome. I am also famous in the business world. My wolf Max is powerful, just like l always imagine that my wolf would be. He always makes me proud. We still haven't found our mate, although l turned 25 a few months ago. I am not disappointed but hope soon we can find our mate who loves us and cares for us. I lost my mother at the age of 10 in a pack attack. After my mother died, my father again married a woman who l hated to the core, and she also had a son. That bastard son of hers, eka, my so-called step-brother, always tries to take my position. But he knows that he is weak in front of me. If not my father, then l will never tolerate him and his mother. Now l am going to attend a so-called wedding. Although l don't want to go there l can't do that because otherwise everyone will think l am jealous. It was my step-brother's wedding with a girl whom l don't even know her name as l am not even interested in their life. I heard they both loved each other so much that even though they were not fated mate, they were still going to marry each other. I don't know how someone doesn't wait for their fated mate. I heard no bond can be deeper than fated mate. They are soul mates who bond by our moon goddess. “They are fools”, my wolf Max said lazily. I chucked after hearing him. We both believe in a mate bond and we are going to love our mate. Our mate is going to be our queen. “I know, Max”, l nodded at him. “You know, l am feeling something is going to happen”, my wolf suddenly told me. “Is something bad?” I asked as l also have the same kind of feeling. But l can't describe it in words. This feeling is making me a little anxious. “I don't know, my human. Just let's prepare for everything”, my wolf replied and huffed. He is also confused like me l can understand. I didn't say anything, only nodded at him. “How much more time will it take to reach the wedding venue?” l asked my beta aka, my best friend, David. He has been with me since childhood. He is strong and perfect for my beta position. He doesn't get this position because he is my best friend. He proved everyone who doubted him. I am proud of him. “10 minutes maximum. Are you feeling tired from sitting in the car alpha?” he asked me while driving. He instead drove as l refused to bring my guards. Only a few guards are with me and the rest are protecting the pack. “Yeah, you know that l have been working continuously since yesterday. I don't want to attend this wedding but l can't say anything. It will affect my reputation if l don't attend”, l replied while exhaling heavily. He nodded at me, understanding, and gave me a small smile. “You know, l am curious about the girl who fell in love with that assole”, he suddenly said and rolled his eyes. David also hates my stepbrother, as he knows how power-hungry that bastard is. “Me too, David. But l guess he isn't the same with that girl, otherwise, how can she marry him?” l said and looked outside. He hummed and continued driving. The rest of us don't say anything. “We are here”, he announced and stopped the car. I came out of my through after hearing him. Suddenly, my heart started beating, and Max started placing it around my head. He is reckless and anxious so l am. I don't know the reason, l am feeling something big is going to happen. “Why are you not coming out? Is there anything wrong, Alpha?” David asked, looking at me worriedly. I took a deep breath to control my heartbeat and make it look normal. I don't want to make him worried about anything as l don't know what's wrong. “No, there is no problem. Let's go inside, l think we are quite late, but anyway, l don't care”, I said and started walking inside the venue. He followed me behind along with my guards. As I stepped closer to the venue, my heart started beating more. Max is also more reckless than before. I am about to say something but a scent hit me. It's making me go crazy along with my wolf. He started jumping around my head. I started to run in the direction from where the scent was coming. It's cherry with a rose scent, this scent driving us crazy. I stopped running after coming, following the scent at the entrance of the venue. My heart kept breathing loudly; l took deep breaths of the scent, which made us excited and calm “Mate,” Max glowed loudly, suddenly making my breath stop for a few seconds. I waited for this here a long time, l raised my head and looked in front of me only to meet beautiful, memorizing dark blue eyes looking at me. I feel everything feed away, only both of us standing while looking at each other. She is so beautiful and only mine. I kept looking at her without blocking eye contact, but my heartbeat dropped after hearing David. “What! Your mate is the bride of your stepbrother”, he mumbled as he stood beside me. My eyes widen in realization, l feel someone stab me in my heart. Max whispers inside of my head. I am so busy admiring her that I don't notice my mate is the bride. Many negative thoughts are coming into my head. Why can't she wait for me like l did for her? Doesn't she want me? That's why she is getting married without waiting for a mate. Is mate bond is joke to her? I stumbled a little while thinking, but David held my back and looked at me worriedly. I looked again at my mate and saw different kinds of emotion in her eyes, which l couldn't read. She is looking at me happily or l am imagining things. Why she will be happy when she loves my stepbrother? Thinking of this anger rushing to my entire body. She is mine and nobody can claim her other mine. She belongs to me, and l am going to make her mine by hook or crook. Max nodded, also agreeing with me. We both are determined to make her ours. I quickly stepped towards them and pulled her towards me while holding her waist. She bumped into my chest and hugged me. “Mine,” l growled while pulling her closer to me and burying my face into her neck, inhaling her scent.
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