
Alpha's Reborn Wife: A Tale Of Revenge

another world

If she ever gets a second chance then she will never be manipulated by her parents, her beloved sister, and the last person she loved with her whole heart, for whom she doesn't even believe her fated mate. Maybe that's why the moon goddess punished her. She was killed by those people whom she trusted more. She regrets everything, she did with her mate. With the blessings of the moon goddess, she gets a second chance and she promises herself that she will take revenge on everyone and live happily with her fated mate. She will love him wholeheartedly and save him from every danger. Can she take revenge for who betrayed her and killed her brutally or she will end up having the same destiny?

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“No, l can't do it. Don't make me do it, please”, she said while crying and knees down before her family and her lover. They are laughing looking at the sense. They don't feel any kind of pity for her. “Tsk tsk, Aanshi baby do you feel pity for him? Your so-called mate whom you hate more than anything in this world. You should be happy that finally, you killed him with your hand who married you forcefully and made you his wife”, he said while leaning down and making her look at him while holding her chin. She hissed in pain because of the tight holding. There is no gentleness in his touch like before, she can't believe what's happening with her. It seems like a bad dream to her from which she badly wants to wake up but she knows this is not possible because everything is real. She can't escape from reality no matter how much she wants. She is looking at him with her tear-filled eyes, and he only looks at her with a black expression. He left her chin and wiped his hand before holding her younger sister's waist and kissing her passionately. Her heart broke seeing the sense when they both shamelessly made out. She is feeling foolish, becoming blind from those years, and doesn't see their true face. “Baby, we can continue later. Just finished them, l feel disgusted even looking at her face”, Nia said while breaking the kiss and looking at Aanshi with hateful eyes. “Anything for my baby girl and you b***h do it fast and killed him. If you don't kill him, then l will kill that bastard child and you”, Harry said while smirking and laughing manically, seeing the fear in Aanshi's eyes. She held her stomach in one hand and looked at him shockingly. “Harry, how can you even think you killed your child? Who doesn't even come into this world?” she asked him with pure disbelief. She can't believe that he can be this cruel to kill his blood. She came back from her shock and looked at them confusedly after hearing their laugh. She can't understand why they laughing at her after hearing this. “Do you think bastard belongs to me? Are you that much i***t, Aanshi, that you can't understand this little thing? This bastard isn't my child. I can't even think of myself touching a disgusting person like you. Have you ever looked at yourself how ugly you are? I don't even know how can he love you so much that he is willing to do anything for you”, he said while looking at her hateful eyes. She looked at him while tears continuously fell from her eyes. She realized how much she was blind to ignore everything. She is looked at as a person who is badly beaten up. His entire body is wrapped by a sliver chainsaw. Her heart started acing seeing his Condition. He is the most feared alpha and strong. Everyone fears him for his ruthless behavior. He doesn't think before killing anyone who will try to harm his close one. He didn't do anything wrong to suffer like this. Now she understands his care and love. How much foolish she did not notice those things. She wants to laugh at her foolishness; the moon goddess blessed her with the best person, but she doesn't charis him. She doesn't even care about him until today. She doesn't even accept him as her fate mate because she is in love with someone who doesn't deserve it. “I am sorry for everything, Tristan. I should listen to you”, she said while looking at his eyes which are half closed. He doesn't show any moment like before. “Stop your fracking drama and do as l say quickly; otherwise, consciousness will not be good,” Harry yelled at her before slapping her hard. “Don't you dare to hurt her; you can kill me, but let her go,” Tristan yelled angrily and looked at them angrily. “You still loved her; l must say you are crazy to still love her,” Harry taunted and laughed mockingly. Aanshi looked at Tristan with teary eyes. Her eyes are full of regret. “Leave her, Harry. I'll give you everything you want, and you can kill me also, but let her go”, Tristan said while gritting his teeth. He never pleads or requests anyone, he is only doing for her. “Is the great, alpha Tristan pleading in front of me? I am so happy today. I am feeling proud of myself”, Harry said while self-praising himself and laughing. “No, don't do anything to him. Just killed me, l deserve this”, she said while her voice shaking. Her tears stop falling, she is getting tired. She doesn't have any kind of strength to hear more. She just wants to escape from this reality. “Stop your both drama and you b***h killed him with your hand. I want to see him killed by you it's going to be fun seeing you kill him”, Harry said while smirking. “No, l will not. I will not hurt him. You can do anything to me”, Aanshi yelled and wiped her tears which blocked her view. “You b***h, will not understand my language”, Harry said and hold her hair tightly and started dragging her while holding her hair. She started steaming from pain and protectively held her stomach so that her baby didn't get hurt. A mother can never let her child hurt in any condition. “Leave her, you bastard”, Tristan yelled and struggled to come towards them. But his body is tightly held by a silver chainsaw and he doesn't even have strength as he is given wolfbase. His wolf does not also respond to him. He is feeling worthless for not protecting his mate and pub. “I have enough of you both; you b***h killed him; otherwise, your child will not live for another second,” Harry said while pointing a knife at her stomach and making her stand in front of Tristan. She starts breathing heavily from fear; she doesn't want anything to happen to her child, and she also doesn't want to hurt the person who loves her more than his life. “Aanshi killed me. I am ready to die in your hand but don't let happened anything to my baby. Just kill me and save yourself”, Tristan said while looking at her. He gritted his teeth feeling helpless to do anything. He can't see his love, his mate, and more importantly, his baby's mother died in front of him. He will do anything to save even if it means dying. “No, l can't do this. I will not”, Aanshi shakes her head. Nia makes her hold a gun forcefully and make her aim at Tristan's heart. She tried to take her hand but she was not strong enough to do it. She also doesn't want to hurt her child. She doesn't understand what she should do or not. If she chooses to save herself and her child, then she can never face herself, and if something happens to her and baby then Tristan will not forgive himself. In both ways, one of them going to suffer. “Aanshi, as your alpha, l give you the order to kill me.” Tristan uses his alpha voice on her to make her kill him, as she is not ready to do it. He wants to save her in any condition. “No, Tristan don't make me do this sin”, she said with a creaking voice. “You did a lot of things then. Please, last time, for our baby's sake, please do this. Please let my child see this world. Please, Aanshi, grated me with these blessings. I never asked anything from you in return but today l want this”, Tristan said while looking at her lovingly. He still loves her with all his heart. He can't bring herself to hate her. A gunshot is heard in the entire building, and everything seems to stop. She stood there frozen at what just happened. How can she shoot him. she doesn't want to do this in any condition. Then how can she shoot himself? He is looking at her smiling even though blood started coming down from his wound. She stood there frozen in her spot, and the gun fell from her hand. Everything seems stopped, she gasped when suddenly she felt pain in her stomach. She widened her eyes seeing Harry stabbed her with a knife. He killed her baby; Tristan leaped towards her, holding her body before she could drop onto the ground. He started screaming for help, but nobody came to help. They only watch the sense before them unbortherly. She watched how much he loved her today and realized her all mistakes “If l ever had Chance, l will love you unconditionally and cherish you, my husband, and my mate. Forgive me for everything, l can't also protect our child. I destroy everything", she said while breathing heavily and keeping her hand on his cheeks. “I never blame you, l loved you before, and now also l do," he said before kissing her forehead. He doesn't move after kissing on her forehead, she can't feel his breath. Her heartbeat increased, and she started calling his name, but she didn't get any response. She looked at everyone, looking at their betrayed face when they started throwing oil on them. They want to burn them. She looked at the sense with burning eyes. She wants one chance to take revenge on him. They set fire to the entire building along with their body. Aanshi is looking at everything while holding Tristan tightly. She wants to change her life, she prays to the moon's goodness before closing her eyes. Her destiny is with her, she is given a second chance from the blessings of the moon goddess. She wants nothing but revenge and to live a happy life with the person who suffers because of her every day, she wants to change her destiny. Her rebirth is to change many things; she is determined to take revenge. It is the revenge game of reborn.

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