
1732 Words
Aanshi pov “Ahh…''Gasping for air, Aanshi wakes up trembling all over. Frantically looking around she searched for any signs of fire and her mate. She doesn't see anyone, her eyes meet only a plain white wall. She was confused about whether she was dead or, if not, then how she was alive. She clearly remembers getting stabbed and left in the fire along with Tristan. A tear fell from her eyes after she remembered what had happened. She was totally confused and thought about where she was! It looked familiar like she had seen before. She blinked her eyes when she realized that she was wearing a wedding dress and this is the same dress she wears when she gets married to Tristan. She quickly came down from the couch and ran towards the mirror. Thoroughly checking all over her, she looked for any scars or body marks. She also looked young, she had fresh skin. Looking in the mirror, she was confused. No burn marks or stab marks? She remembers the fire was big, so shouldn't she have marks or signs on her body? Her cheeks didn't look swollen. Instead, she looked young. Was it all a dream? She shivered at the thought. What the hell is happening? Suddenly, her eyes drifted to the calendar beside the mirror. Widening her eyes, Aanshi looked at the date in shock. Three years before everything started, opening and closing her mouth from stock, Aanshi was completely baffled. Pinching herself she winced when she realized that it was true. She has been reborn. Heaven! She was given a second chance. Aanshi laughed looking at herself in the mirror. Her hands became fists, remembering she had betrayed everyone. This time she will make them pay. Her eyes become determined while she is looking blankly in the mirror. If she is right, then today is supposed to marry that bastard Harry, but before she can get married, Tristan comes there and forcefully marries her. This is the reason why she hates Tristan more. Because of him, she can't marry that bastard. After their marriage, she never treated him right and also helped Harry to stanch Tristan's alpha position. She did many wrong things in her past life. Unknowingly, tears started flowing down from her eyes, remembering what she had done. She wrapped her tears harshly; this time, she would make everything right. Now, she has to plan carefully to take revenge on them. In this life, she would live happily with Tristan and give birth to Tristan's child, which she couldn't in her past life. Because of her foolishness, she lost her child. This time she will not listen to anybody's words and dance in their tone. She comes out of her thoughts when she hears the door being knocked, and if she remembers correctly, then her so-called sister comes to take her to the wedding place as it's time. Her face became cold thinking about this. Aanshi sneered thinking about that and coldly said, “Come in.” “Elder sister, why is your voice sounding so cold? Are you feeling unwell?” Nia asked sweetly, showing a worried face while coming towards her. Aanshi cleansed her fits seeing the fake reaction of her sister. How can she miss her past life? Ohh, because she is blind in love, that's why she never noticed anything. “Yes, l am feeling nervous. As you can guess, it's common,” she replied with a fake chuckle. “Ohh, then do you want to take some rest before going to the wedding?” Nia asked worriedly. If anybody sees her then nobody will believe that she doesn't care or love her. She wasn't the person who could have killed her. Right now, Aanshi can understand that her acting skills are really good. She never doubts her and that's why she always falls for her schemes. But this time, she will not be manipulated by anyone. “No, let's go. I am alright; let's finish everything”, she said coldly before starting to walk outside of the room with determination. She is eager to see Tristan. She wants to correct every mistake that she has made in her past life. Nia followed her being confused by her sudden change of behavior. Aanshi reached the venue; her breath became heavy. Everything is the same, and it's making her anxious. She looked in front when her eyes fell on the person whom she once trusted more than her mate. Her eyes become cold seeing him smiling towards her. She can now see how fake his smile is; she wants to laugh at herself as to why she can't see those things in her past life. She is brindled by fake love and cares that she doesn't notice the real people who care for her. Aanshi was shaped out of her thinking when Nia called her. She looked towards her confusedly, and then she realized she was standing without moving from her place. Everyone is looking at her confusedly and worriedly. She takes a deep breath and moves forward. She is having second thoughts about why Tristan is still now coming. She reached near Harry while thinking about Tristan, her past life, and what exactly happened at her wedding. She remember before her bow, Tristan stopped the wedding and married her forcefully. This is the main reason for her hating Tristan. She always thinks that because of him, she can't marry her love, and her life becomes messed up. She never considered Tristan's feelings and created trouble for Tristan. Tristan tolerates everything and never says anything to her, but because of her foolishness, he loses everything, even his life. Tears fall from her, remembering her past life. “Aanshi”, Harry whispered. She came out of her thinking and looked towards him emotionlessly. She raised one of her eyebrows confusedly. “ Love, where have you lost? The priest is waiting for your answer. What are you waiting for? Answer quickly, then you will belong to me forever”, Harry said with a sweet fake smile. She almost puked blood after hearing him. She closed her eyes to calm herself down because this was not the time to slow down her emotions. She needs to make them pay for everything. She will not easily let their suffering end. “Nowhere, l am feeling headache a little,” she replied while smiling a little. He smiled brightly and tried to hold her hand but she moved her hand away. She will not let him touch her, only Tristan has the right to touch her. Harry looked confused and slightly embarrassed at her behavior. “We can go to the hospital after the ceremony is over, love”, Harry said with a worried and concerned face. If only she didn't know his real face, then she would be melting by now. She started to feel more sick seeing his acting. She is having second thoughts about why still now Tristan doesn't come. What happened to him? Or something has changed because of rebirth. No, this is not possible. She needs more time until Tristan comes and stops the wedding. Before she could speak anything, her so-called family came towards her and started their emotional drama. “Aanshi dear, you shouldn't waste everyone's previous time. Many important people are coming to your wedding. Just complete the process, then you can take a rest”, her father said while looking at her with a smile. He smiles at her too sweetly, which makes her sick, seeing how people can act that much better. “Do you think I am wasting everyone's time even when l am telling you all that l don't feel good? Do you care about me? You are thinking what others will think but not about me?”, she said with a sad face and looked at him, narrowing her eyes. “How can you say something like this to your father? Here he is worried that everyone will think bad about you and also Harry is waiting for you. You are also excited to marry him quickly, so why are you behaving like this?” her mother said and looked at her angrily. She is not trying to hide her frustration in her voice. She is angry about her decision. “Love, please just complete; then we can go see the doctor,” Harry said while coming close to her. She backwards a little seeing him coming to her. They don't notice because they are busy convincing her to complete the wedding. She took a deep breath and nodded at them because she trusted Tristan. She knows that he will surely come and stop this f*****g marriage. “Okay”, she said without any emotion. They smile brightly and go back to their seats. She scoffed at them seeing their dramas. Priest again started speaking, she closed her tightly and started praying to the moon goddess. She started doubting as the minutes passed; she didn't know what was wrong. Why has Tristan still not come? Now, is there anything that changed after she was reborn? Her hopes shattered, she became more nervous, and everyone was waiting for her answer. She knows that she doesn't have any other choice. If Tristan doesn't come then she has to take everything in her control. She opened her eyes and looked straight at Harry. “I”, as she is about to decline to marry that bastard but is cut off by a powerful growl. Her heart started breathing fast, and a small smile came to her lips. Because she knows who he is, she looks towards the source, and there is her mate standing looking at her, breathing heavily. Finally, Tristan comes. He looks unreal, he is so handsome, with his perfect jawline and his beautiful eyes. Everything is perfect about him. He is looking damn angry and it's making him look more hot. She wants to run towards him and hug him tight. She is looking deeply towards him, she doesn't even blink her eyes, thinking if she blinks and doesn't see Tristan in front of her. She gets distracted when she again hears growls and feels suddenly pulled by her waist. Her head hit a hard chest, and she looked up to meet only Tristan's eyes.
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