Chapter 12

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After leaving Alexandra, Kai entered his chambers with a heavy sigh, the weight of the evening's interactions settling on his shoulders. Blocking Alexandra's attempts at flirting and engagement had drained him, leaving him in a state of exhaustion. The affairs of the Midnight Corp, coupled with the demanding training regimen and his responsibilities as a Crown Prince, had taken a toll on his energy reserves. Sinking into a large leather armchair in his bedroom, he stared into the flickering flames of the fireplace, his thoughts churning with frustration. The looming deadline set by his father added an extra layer of pressure to an already complicated situation. He knew his father wasn't joking; finding a mate and wife within the next six months was a non-negotiable task. As he contemplated his future, dread crept in. The options laid before him were fraught with challenges. An arranged marriage might secure an alliance, but what would happen later when the woman discovers that he can’t be a real husband or produce an offspring? Love, a concept he had always thought of as elusive, felt even more distant. The burden of responsibility as the future ruler of the dragon realm weighed heavily on him. "Six months," he muttered to himself, the words hanging in the air like an ominous countdown. "What are my options? Find someone and make a secret deal, leaving myself exposed to blackmail? Or try to delay my father’s deadline and still search for a solution to my problem?" The crackling fire offered no answers, leaving Kai to wrestle with the complexities of his destiny. The room seemed to echo with the weight of his internal dialogue, each option presenting its own set of challenges and consequences. As the weight of responsibilities pressed down on Kai's shoulders, a longing for a moment of solace tugged at him. The desire for his secret indulgence, a cup of Nesquick, became a quiet call amidst the chaos of ruling the Midnight realm. Kai checked the time, realizing that Patrick, his trusted aide, had not yet returned from the Slave House. The latest batch of omegas, crucial for the functioning of his household, was expected. Recalling the confirmation about the availability of 15 more trained omegas from a different location in Astrium, the werewolf realm, Kai saw an opportunity to bolster his household. In the intricate tapestry of supernatural realms, dragons, with their formidable auras and fiery tempers, maintain dominance. However, the unique resilience of omega werewolves made them the exclusive workforce for dragon households, with the few exceptions of humans or hybrids. Their innate abilities allow them to navigate the potent energies without succumbing too fast to vulnerabilities experienced by other races. However, the absence of Patrick meant Nesquick – a small pleasure amidst the complexities – remained elusive. Determined to seize a moment for himself, Kai decided to take matters into his own hands. The quiet halls of the castle offered a brief respite as he strode purposefully towards the kitchen. The flickering lights cast shadows on the stone walls, creating an ambiance of secrecy. The kitchen lay in hushed darkness as Kai, alone in his quest for his hot drink, began to rummage through cupboards. The soft glow of moonlight painted a dim scene, and in the quiet, he wondered aloud about the elusive location of his coveted Nesquick box. Just as he started to feel the comforting solitude of the night, his warrior instincts, finely honed through years of training, prickled with awareness. Sensing an unseen presence, Kai swiftly turned, his tone commanding as he demanded, "Show yourself." From the pantry's shadows emerged a pitiful figure – the human slave girl, trembling. Kai's gaze bore into her, demanding an explanation. “Why were you hiding in the pantry?” She tried to make some sounds from her chest in fear, but was still unable to speak, aside from some struggling sounds which were hurting her throat badly when she was trying to speak. "You didn’t answer my question. Why are you here at 1 am?" Kai pressed, the air thick with suspense and unspoken tension. Elena, her fingers gently touching her throat, signaled her inability to speak. “You can’t speak?” Kai asked. Receiving a silent nod in response, "Okay", he said, dismissing her, as he continued his quest for Nesquick, he felt a tug on his shirt. Turning around, he found the pitiful human girl looking at him, her eyes holding a question. Slightly exasperated, he asked her, “Do you know where the Nesquick box is?”. After a brief moment, she shook her head, then scurried to a different cupboard, producing the coveted box for him. Kai, deep in concentration, furrowed his brows as he read the instructions on the Nesquick box. Elena, observing his intent gaze, recalled the events from several days ago when she had to deliver him a cup. Guessing that he wanted the same, she hurried to the fridge, retrieving a cup and measured out some milk, pouring it into a small pot on the stove. With the cup now filled, she approached Kai and gestured towards the box. He handed it over, realizing that she was preparing the drink for him. After Elena handed Kai the prepared drink, he took it from her and tasted it, the rich chocolate flavor exploding in his mouth. Sipping on it contentedly, he asked her once again, “Why are you in the kitchen at this late hour?” The human girl headed toward the fridge, extracting a tray filled with sweets. Kai's eyes widened as he observed the delectable éclairs before him. “You were baking?” he asked, curious, and she nodded in affirmation. Among the assortment of ordinary éclairs were some that looked particularly appealing, so Kai took one and savored the heavenly, vanilla milky taste. In just a few minutes, he found himself consuming more than ten of the mini-eclairs, groaning in pleasure. Elena looked at him with wide eyes, in surprise. After a few more moments of silence, Kai finished his cup and turned to leave the kitchen, bidding the girl good night, “Thanks for the drink and sweets. Good night and go to sleep.” As he arrived in his room, he realized that he felt completely relaxed, and the quiet moments spent in the kitchen with the peculiar girl had brought him an unexpected sense of peace. With this newfound tranquility, he fell asleep almost immediately, the troubles of the day momentarily forgotten. Elena gazed in awe at the retreating figure of the Crown Prince. Initially, she had been intimidated by his presence, but tonight, something felt different. His aura, which usually exuded strength and dominance, didn't feel as overpowering as it had been in the past few days. Shaking her head quickly, she cleaned the kitchen before heading to bed. As she lay in bed, instead of falling asleep, Elena found herself lost in thoughts about the enigmatic Crown Prince. Every encounter with him left her heart pounding in her chest. She never imagined that she would end up in his household. With his image in her mind, she eventually drifted into sleep, but her slumber was far from peaceful. In her dream, she stood face to face with a majestic red dragon. Trembling in fear, she felt the creature's intimidating gaze fixed upon her, creating an unsettling atmosphere. The red dragon's eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, and its scales shimmered in the dim light. Elena felt a cold sweat break out on her forehead as the creature slowly circled around her, each step echoing like distant thunder. The dragon's hot breath sent shivers down her spine as it lowered its massive head, its snout now inches away from her face. The air felt heavy with an oppressive energy, and Elena struggled to breathe. She could sense the power and ancient wisdom emanating from the mythical being. Suddenly, the dragon's mouth opened, revealing rows of sharp teeth. It let out a deafening roar that shook the very foundations of her dream world. Elena covered her ears, feeling a mixture of terror and awe. The creature's roar echoed in her mind, leaving an indelible mark on her psyche. As the dream continued, the dragon's eyes locked onto hers, and a voice echoed in her mind, "Your fate is entwined with ours," it whispered, sending a chill through her entire being.
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