Chapter 13

1450 Words
The next morning, the kitchen bustled with activity as Elena hurried to prepare the fruit salad, as instructed by Chef Giovanni, slicing and dicing with practiced efficiency. Chef Giovanni, a towering figure, glanced her way, acknowledging her presence. "Good that you arrived, Tiny," he said, his voice gruff yet warm. "We have a busy day ahead." Elena nodded, her hands moving skillfully over the fruits. As she worked, Sarah approached with a scowl on her face. “What happened, Sarah?”, Giovanni asked with questioning eyes, as the usual cheerful omega was very quiet and with a long face. "I was assigned to attend Lady Alexandra this morning," she grumbled to Giovanni. The chef raised an eyebrow, concern flickering in his eyes. "Ah, I heard from the other staff that the lady can be quite demanding, indeed. Stay sharp, Sarah. We don’t want issues, especially with the Queen." Sarah shot a disgruntled look at Elena, who simply focused on her task. The morning progressed swiftly, and soon, the kitchen was a symphony of sizzling pans, chopping knives, and clinking utensils. Elena wiped her hands on her apron, stealing a moment to catch her breath. Giovanni observed her with a fatherly pride. "You're getting better every day, Tiny," he remarked, his tone carrying a hint of approval. "I noticed the small desserts you prepared yesterday evening, and they are wonderful. You have a real talent for baking. Maybe one day, you'll be running this kitchen." A hint of a smile played on Elena's lips. She appreciated Giovanni's encouragement, and she felt tears gathering in her eyes; no one till now in her entire existence had ever praised her for anything. Maybe her parents, but as the time passed, their memories started to fade, despite her best efforts to try and remember them. After several minutes, Sarah returned, her expression a mix of exasperation and exhaustion. "Lady Alexandra is insufferable," she sighed, sinking into a chair. Giovanni grunted. "Shhht, someone might hear you, and you will end up in trouble, Sarah. Well, you've survived her once again. Take a breather but be ready for the next challenge." In the opulent dining hall of the castle, Lady Alexandra orchestrated her plan with determination. She knew the rumors that circulated about the unyielding nature of Kai, but she was not one to be deterred easily. Her previous conquests only fueled her confidence as she believed that, in the end, Kai was just a man susceptible to the charms of a woman. Dressed in a light, alluring gown with a deep neckline that accentuated her curves, Alexandra entered the dining room where Kai was already seated, savoring his breakfast. The fragrance of the morning feast filled the air as servants attended to their duties with quiet efficiency. Kai, momentarily lost in his thoughts, looked up as Alexandra approached. The low-cut dress left little to the imagination, a calculated move to captivate the attention of the man in front of her. The subtle swaying of her hips and the inviting smile played into her scheme. As she reached for one of the dishes on the table, she skillfully exposed a bit more of her bosom. Kai, caught off guard, nearly choked on his food. The atmosphere became noticeably tense as the air seemed to thicken with unspoken tension. Alexandra, seizing the opportunity, took a seat across from Kai, her eyes locked on his. She leaned in slightly, her voice a sultry whisper, "Good morning, Your Highness. I trust you slept well." Kai, regaining his composure, gave her a measured look. "As well as one could expect." Undeterred, Lady Alexandra continued her subtle seduction. " I've heard tales of your extraordinary fighting skills. I must admit, I'm rather intrigued. Would you be so kind as to give me a demonstration sometime?" Kai, maintaining his composed demeanor, regarded her with a raised eyebrow. "Lady Alexandra, my skills are not for mere entertainment." She chuckled, her tone playful, "Oh, I wouldn't consider it mere entertainment. Think of it as a private performance, just for me. And I told you to call me Alexandra." Kai, unyielding, responded, "My duties involve more than showcasing my combat abilities." Undeterred, Lady Alexandra continued her flirtatious banter, "But surely, a strong, capable man like yourself can make time for a lady's request. I find the idea of a skilled warrior quite... captivating." Kai, with a hint of a smirk, replied, "Lady Alexandra, there are more suitable forms of entertainment within the castle. My fighting skills are reserved for matters of necessity." Alexandra's gaze lingered on Kai, her smile unwavering. "Necessity or not, I believe a private exhibition would be quite thrilling. Don't you agree?" Kai, meeting her gaze evenly, maintained his resolve. "I'm afraid I must decline, Lady Alexandra.” He felt his temper rising, at these endless attempts, becoming full of irritation. She sighed, feigning disappointment, "Such a shame. I was hoping for a taste of the legendary Prince Kai in action. The top warrior of our realm." Kai, with a subtle nod, concluded the conversation, "There are other ways to appreciate one's abilities, Lady Alexandra. I suggest you explore those avenues." In the midst of Alexandra's persistent attempts to entice Kai, an overwhelming frustration began to build within him. Just as he felt the tension reaching its peak, the strange voice boomed in his head once again, cutting through the noise of the dining hall. "What an annoying creature, let's snap her neck." Simultaneously, Kai sensed his aura increasing, and the primal instincts of his beast pushing for control. He clenched his fists, attempting to suppress the rising tide within him. Realizing that the situation was spiraling out of control, he abruptly stood up from his seat. "Apologies, Lady Alexandra," he muttered, his voice strained. "Urgent matters require my attention." Without waiting for a response, Kai swiftly exited the dining hall. The urgency coursing through him made him move at a rapid pace, colliding with someone in the hallway. Acting on pure reflex, he reached out and caught the trembling figure, preventing her from stumbling to the ground. "Easy there," he said with a brief, distracted glance, the turmoil in his eyes evident. Kai, realizing that his strong frame had collided with the small human slave, found himself instinctively holding her delicate waist. As he looked down at her, their eyes locked, he sensed the vulnerability in her wide, green eyes. In that fleeting moment, he understood the precariousness of their position. Hastily, he released his grip on her waist, the distance between them widening. A flicker of turmoil passed over his face before he turned on his heels, striding away with a sense of urgency. Elena, still recovering from the surprise collision, watched Kai's hurried departure with a mix of confusion and curiosity, while her heart raced, to break her chest. Once he arrived in the solitude of his room, Kai's usually composed demeanor crumbled as he paced back and forth, an internal struggle consuming him. He grappled with an unfamiliar force, one that threatened to unleash his bloodlust in a way he had never experienced. The battle between man and beast raged within him, leaving him nervous and on edge. Seeking for control, Kai entered the restroom, splashing cold water on his face to quell the rising tide of conflicting emotions. His hands trembled as adrenaline coursed through his veins. Staring at his reflection in the mirror, he couldn't comprehend the turmoil brewing within him. "Who are you?" he questioned the reflection, a plea for answers that lingered in the silence of the room. After a few seconds of silence, he murmured to himself in frustration, “A thing is clear: I’m losing my mind.” As he bent down to gather more cold water, an unexpected response echoed in his mind. "Inferno." The single word reverberated, carrying an ominous weight that left Kai stunned. Kai stood in front of the mirror, disbelief etched across his features, as the mysterious voice responded to his cautious inquiries. "Who are you to me, Inferno? Are you a sorcerer? What do you want? How are you doing this?" Kai asked, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and trepidation. In the silent expanse of his mind, a crackling anticipation enveloped his being. The voice, imbued with an air of arrogance, scoffed at his initial question. "What a stupid question," he retorted, eliciting a frustrated frown from Kai. Undeterred, he pressed for more answers, urging the voice to reveal its identity. "I am you, and you are me. I am your Dragon," the voice declared with an enigmatic air. Kai's shock deepened as the weight of the revelation settled upon him.
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