Chapter 11

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After composing herself in the solitude of her chamber, Alexandra rang the bell for the maid. Within moments, a young woman entered the room, her eyes respectful but curious. Alexandra, with an air of authority, instructed her, “Prepare a bath for me and my luggage needs to be unpacked.” The maid, nodding in acknowledgment, swiftly set about her tasks, ensuring every detail met the exacting standards of a guest of Lady Alexandra's stature. Once her duties were completed, the maid quietly left the room, leaving Alexandra alone to prepare for the evening. In the lavish bathroom, the wide jacuzzi bathtub beckoned, and Alexandra wasted no time immersing herself in the warm, soothing water. As she reclined, the tension in her shoulders began to dissipate. Bathing had always been more than a routine for Alexandra; it was a ritual that allowed her to strategize and order her thoughts. Closing her eyes, she took a long, deliberate breath, allowing the aromatic scents of the bath oils to envelop her. The soft flickering of candlelight cast dancing shadows on the marble walls, creating an ambiance of both opulence and secrecy. As Alexandra let the warmth seep into her bones, her mind raced with thoughts of the delicate dance she was about to enter within the Midnight family. "This is a game of power," she muttered to herself, her words echoing in the private confines of the bathroom. The upcoming dinner would be a crucial arena to showcase her charm and wit, to align herself strategically in the eyes of the Midnight family. Alexandra, with eyes still closed, began rehearsing potential dialogues, considering the intricacies of every move she planned to make. From her childhood, Alexandra had been the cherished and pampered daughter of her parents. Their undivided attention and resources had been dedicated to her upbringing, fostering a sense of entitlement and confidence within her. Alexandra's privileged upbringing had been a testament to her status as the sole heir of her dragon lineage of the Bennets. In the realm of dragons, the birth of a dragon's offspring was a rare and sacred event, with couples often only able to conceive one child, if they were blessed by the Gods. In exceedingly rare cases, a couple might be blessed with two, but the arduous process of becoming pregnant with a dragon's offspring meant that such occurrences were few and far between. As per their ancient archives, the Gods, it seemed, had devised a meticulous plan to regulate the dragon population, ensuring that their powerful beings, capable of living for thousands of years, wouldn't overwhelm the world. The complexities of dragon reproduction meant that a woman had to wait patiently for the moment when she could conceive and bring forth a dragon heir. Alexandra, the sole heiress of her dragon lineage, was raised with ambition. Her family, once harboring aspirations for the throne, adjusted their plans when she, a female heir instead of a son, was born. Redirecting their hopes towards the queen's role, Alexandra's upbringing became purposeful. Rigorously educated in diplomacy and courtly affairs, she bore the weight of familial expectations, determined to fulfill their ambitions. Now, after years of waiting patiently and preparing, Alexandra faced the ultimate test — to charm Kai Midnight and secure her place by his side. She always had many admirers and alliance proposals, but she remained focused on her task. "Kai Midnight," she whispered his name with a subtle smile, contemplating the challenge he presented. "Your mother might think you have a choice in this matter, but I will make sure to make you mine. There is no one else in the entire realm to match me and I will be your Queen, whatever it takes." With her thoughts carefully arranged, Alexandra emerged from the bath, ready to step into the evening with an air of confidence that masked the intricate game she intended to play. At the same time, outside the towering castle walls, the training grounds resonated with the clash of swords and the grunts of warriors engaged in combat. Kai, the crown prince, stood amidst the flurry of activity, his gaze focused on the ongoing sparring match between himself and one formidable opponent - Thorn. Thorn, a fellow dragon and Kai's closest friend, emanated a commanding presence on the training grounds. In his human form, Thorn resembled a formidable Viking, with a towering stature, blond hair, piercing blue eyes, and a wide, friendly smile that belied his prowess in battle. He was not only Kai's best friend but also a trusted general in the infamous Dragon Army, following in the footsteps of his father, the current War Minister, in King Richard's court. As the blades clashed and sparks flew, the camaraderie between Kai and Thorn became evident. They had grown up together, their bond forged through years of shared experiences, trials, and triumphs. Beyond their friendship, Thorn's loyalty extended to the battlefield, where his strategic brilliance and combat skills made him an invaluable asset to the Dragon Army. The training session was not just physical exercise; it was a ritual that strengthened the bonds of friendship and honed the skills necessary for their roles in the dragon hierarchy. Amidst the controlled chaos of the sparring grounds, Kai and Thorn fought against each other, their movements synchronized. The clash of blades echoed on the training grounds as Kai and Thorn engaged in their weekly sparring session. Thorn, always one to seize an opportunity, decided to add a twist to their exchange. "Word has it," Thorn began, a sly grin playing on his lips, "that there's a charming lady in the castle as we speak." Kai's attention wavered for a moment, his focus momentarily caught by Thorn's words. Taking advantage of the distraction, Thorn pressed the attack, gaining a momentary advantage in their friendly duel. Kai narrowed his eyes, a hint of frustration crossing his features. "What are you talking about?" Thorn chuckled, deflecting Kai's counterattack effortlessly. "A little bird told me. Seems like your mother has plans, my friend." Kai sighed, acknowledging the truth. "She pushed Alexandra into my path." Thorn, ever the provocateur, probed further. "And how do you feel about that?" An edge crept into Kai's voice. "I'm not interested. These games of politics and arranged matches don't concern me." Their blades locked, and Thorn met Kai's gaze. "Well, good luck with that," he quipped, feigning innocence before launching into another series of attacks. As the sparring continued, the air crackled with an unspoken tension. After their sparring session, as Thorn pat Kai on the back and made his departure, the echoes of their sparring session lingered in the air. Left alone on the training grounds, Kai felt a lingering sense of dread settling in his stomach. The impending dinner with his entire family and Alexandra weighed heavily on his mind, knowing that the atmosphere would be charged with both expectation and tension. Dread deepened as he thought about his conniving brother's presence. The first family dinner since Alexandra's arrival held the potential for political maneuvering and attempts to discredit him. Yann, ever eager to undermine Kai's standing, would likely exploit any opportunity to further his own agenda. With a resigned sigh, Kai made his way back to the castle, steeling himself for the upcoming evening. He took a brisk shower, the cool water briefly washing away the residue of the training session. Dressed in a simple yet elegant ensemble — black trousers, a crisp white shirt, and polished black shoes — he aimed for an appearance that conveyed both regality and nonchalance. Tonight was just a dinner, nothing more, and he didn't want to give Alexandra any indication that he was trying to impress her. As the dinner commenced, small talk rippled through the air. Queen Ana and King Richard, steered the conversation with practiced grace. Yann, Kai's calculating brother, engaged in veiled exchanges that hinted at the simmering rivalry between them. To Kai's displeasure, Alexandra had taken her place next to him, radiating an air of anticipation. Despite her charming attempts at conversation, Kai remained stoically reserved, offering only the occasional nod or brief response. The atmosphere at the table swirled with unspoken tension, and the clinking of cutlery became a symphony of underlying currents. Between courses, Alexandra skillfully wove her charm into the dialogue, addressing each family member with tailored remarks. She strategically directed questions to Kai, hoping to elicit more than monosyllabic responses. However, his disinterest remained palpable, and the contrast between their interactions was stark. As the final courses were cleared away, the time for obligatory formalities arrived. Kai, in an effort to maintain appearances and trying to make an effort for his mother’s sake, offered to escort Alexandra to her room. She accepted with enthusiasm, convinced that she had made an impression. Yet, when they reached her door, the suspense heightened. Kai turned to her with an expressionless face, his "Goodnight, Lady Alexandra," devoid of the expected warmth. Alexandra's attempt at a sweet smile met a stoic nod from Kai as he walked away, leaving her in the quiet hallway, her expectations unmet and questions lingering in the air. Alexandra stormed into her room, frustration etched across her face. She paced agitatedly, the evening replaying in her mind. She had executed every move flawlessly — the attire, the conversations — yet Kai remained an enigma, unmoved by her charms. No man had ever resisted her allure like this before. As she tried to make sense of the situation, a growing sense of bewilderment and annoyance settled within her. What was it about Kai Midnight that eluded her influence? The unanswered question hung in the air, leaving Alexandra in a state of simmering frustration. "This is far from over, Kai Midnight," she declared to the empty room with a steely resolve. "I will ensure that I become the next queen. No man, especially one as elusive as you, will stand in the way of my destiny. This is just the beginning, and I'll weave a web of influence that even the mighty dragons won't resist. No matter the means."
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