Chapter 10

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In the next days, Elena found herself assigned to the bustling kitchen, where the clatter of pots and pans resonated like a rhythmic melody. Her role was clear – to assist the chef, Giovanni, with the meticulous task of ingredient preparation. Peeling, cutting, and skinning became her daily routine, as she immersed herself in the aromatic symphony of spices and flavors. This role, tailored to temporarily accommodate her weakened state, spared her from the more demanding tasks around the royal family. Despite her dedication to the kitchen duties, Elena's body struggled to regain strength. The healing process proved slow, hindered by the extensive damage she had endured and the limitations of her human physiology. The injuries that marred her fragile form had yet to fully mend, leaving her in a state of perpetual discomfort. Some staff members, aware of her delicate condition, treated her with a measure of empathy, while some were not too compassionate. The chef, a stern yet understanding figure, guided her through the culinary tasks in a firm but friendly tone. Yet, beyond the lively atmosphere of the kitchen, Elena grappled with a profound challenge – the inability to speak. In the privacy of her room, she attempted to utter words, but the only sounds that escaped her lips were harsh, animalistic noises that echoed with frustration. The attempts brought her to tears, the inability to communicate intensifying her sense of isolation. One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the castle grew quiet, Elena sat alone in her room. Fueled by a relentless determination, she once again tried to coax words from her damaged throat. The room echoed with her strained efforts, the sounds raw and pained. Unbeknownst to her, the echoes of her struggle reached the ears of a hidden observer. It was Patrick, the butler and Kai's right-hand man, who, with his enhanced vampire hearing, had overheard Elena's attempts at communication. Intrigued and concerned, he decided to investigate the source of the mysterious sounds. As Patrick approached Elena's room, he caught glimpses of her struggles through the partially opened door. The sight of her vulnerability sparked a short pang of empathy within him, before departing for his master’s room. Once he arrived, he found Kai in a foul mood. "What happened, My Lord?" Patrick asked, a note of concern in his voice. Kai sighed heavily, weariness evident in his stormy gray eyes. "Prepare a room for the next few days. Alexandra Bennet is arriving at the castle as per my mother's proposal. She'll be staying for a week." Patrick nodded in acknowledgment. "Very well," he replied, noting the exhaustion in Kai's tone. As the morning sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, Patrick, diligent as always, gave instructions to the entire staff. The news of Alexandra Bennet's arrival spread like wildfire, igniting a sense of tension and anticipation among the household. Patrick assembled all the staff in the main hall of their wing. "Listen up, everyone," Patrick addressed the staff in a firm yet composed tone. "We have a distinguished guest arriving today, Lady Alexandra Bennet. Her stay is significant, given the strong possibility that she might be considered as the future mate for the Crown Prince and the future Queen. I expect everyone to be on point, presentable, and on their best behavior. This week will play a crucial role, and each one of you represents the Midnight family's reputation. Tread carefully, and let's make this a seamless experience for Lady Bennet. Everyone should continue with their assigned tasks, unless directed otherwise by myself personally." The air in the castle became charged with stress and anticipation. Servants hurried through the halls, ensuring every corner was immaculate, and the atmosphere carried a palpable sense of suspense. The arrival of Lady Alexandra Bennet held the promise of shifting dynamics within the Midnight family. As the staff dispersed to carry out their assigned tasks, Sarah, known for her knack for gossip, found herself in the kitchen engaged in conversation with Chef Giovanni. Elena, still peeling vegetables nearby, couldn't help but eavesdrop on their exchange. "Do you really believe Lady Alexandra could be our future mistress?" Sarah inquired; her tone hushed yet curious. Giovanni, focused on the meticulous preparation of dishes, responded with a thoughtful expression. "Let's see if the Crown Prince can tolerate her," he remarked, his words laden with skepticism. Elena, though absorbed in her duties, couldn't help but pay attention to their conversation. Sarah, never one to shy away from candid opinions, continued in a low, secretive tone, "She may be noble, beautiful, and educated, but mark my words, Giovanni, she'll be a nightmare for everyone here. Harsh, vain, and mean – that's what the whispers say. All the other staff who served her before complained about her in secret." Giovanni raised an eyebrow, acknowledging Sarah's insight. "But, she is the only daughter of Lord Bennet, a strong ally of the Dragon King. His pride and joy," he mused, understanding the political implications of the match. As the kitchen buzzed with activity, the tension among the staff members was palpable. The impending arrival of Lady Alexandra Bennet had set the stage for a week that could shape the destiny of the Midnight family. At the stroke of 1 pm, the staff gathered in the entrance hall of their wing, clad in their crisp uniforms, a sea of anticipation shimmering in the air. Patrick, stood at the forefront, his countenance unwavering, as the atmosphere thickened with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The hushed whispers among the staff ceased abruptly as they heard approaching footsteps. The grand doors swung open, and in stepped Queen Ana, her regal presence commanding attention. Despite the passage of years, she possessed an ethereal and elegant beauty that seemed frozen in time, an ageless grace that befitted her status as the queen of the dragons. By her side, Lady Alexandra Bennet made her entrance, a vision of opulence and allure. Milky white skin, midnight-long black hair cascading down her shoulders, and striking blue eyes. Adorned in rich, tasteful garments and jewels that whispered of nobility, she emanated a breathtaking aura. Elena, stationed at the end of the row, stole furtive glances at the guests, her awe momentarily eclipsing the surrounding tension. The queen's timeless beauty and Lady Alexandra's mesmerizing allure left an indelible impression on the onlookers. As Queen Ana and Lady Alexandra approached the line of staff, Patrick remained stoic, a pillar of unwavering composure. Queen Ana's voice cut through the hushed atmosphere, her words carrying the weight of authority. "I trust everyone is prepared for Lady Alexandra's stay. This week is of great importance, and I expect each of you to fulfill your duties with the utmost diligence." The staff, collectively nodding in acknowledgment, maintained a respectful silence. As the Queen and Lady Alexandra were welcomed by the staff, the grand entrance hall stirred with a tangible sense of anticipation. Just as the atmosphere settled into a respectful quiet, everyone felt a powerful aura and soon, Crown Prince Kai descended the stairs with a firm and purposeful stride. The acknowledgment of his late arrival was met with a polite apology as he explained the urgency of a pressing matter. "I apologize for being late. Duty called, and I had to address an urgent matter," Kai conveyed with a composed demeanor. Lady Alexandra, with an affable smile and a sweet voice that seemed to drip with charm, responded graciously, "No need to worry, Your Highness. I completely understand that a man of your importance must prioritize the kingdom's welfare and duty." Queen Ana, catching the subtle nuance in Alexandra's words, smiled with hope gleaming in her eyes. The exchange bore the weight of unspoken implications and expectations, and Kai, acknowledging Alexandra's understanding, offered a short nod of gratitude before turning to Patrick. "Patrick, please escort Lady Alexandra to her chambers, probably she wants to rest or refresh herself," Kai instructed, addressing his trusted confidant. Alexandra, with a playful laugh that resonated with seduction, interjected in a tone laden with allure, "Oh, please, Your Highness, no need for such formality. You can call me Alexandra." Kai nodded again and then turned to the Queen, “Can I have a word, please”, while dismissing Alexandra from his presence, to her frustration. Patrick, ever the vigilant presence, stepped forward to guide Lady Alexandra to her chambers, while Kai led his mother to the closest room. As they entered, the door closing behind them, Kai turned to face his mother, the weight of the impending conversation palpable. "I agreed to host Alexandra for a week, Mother," Kai began, his tone measured, "but let me make it clear: this doesn't mean she will be my choice as a wife or queen. The final decision will be mine alone." Queen Ana, her expression caught between disappointment and determination, opened her mouth to speak, but Kai anticipated her words. "I don't want to be bound for thousands of years to someone I don't like or despise. You need to understand that" he asserted. His mother huffed, her gaze reflecting a mixture of concern and maternal insistence. "I only want what is best for you," she insisted, a hint of exasperation in her voice. Kai, unyielding, interrupted her, "I appreciate that, Mother, but you must not interfere. The choice is mine to make. I understand my duty towards the crown and our bloodline, but I need some control over my life and choices." His words carried a stern tone, emphasizing his determination to control his own destiny. In the privacy of her chamber, Alexandra Bennet, once alone, discarded the composed facade she had maintained in the presence of the royal family. Frustration and anger etched across her features as she tossed her purse onto the bed with an assertive thud. "How dare you be late and dismiss me so fast, Kai Midnight?" she muttered through gritted teeth, the words punctuated with a controlled yet simmering rage. Her perfectly white teeth clenched, revealing the underlying intensity of her emotions. Taking a few deep breaths, Alexandra attempted to regain her composure. She paced the room, her mind ablaze with determination. "But no worries," she whispered to herself, a gleam of unwavering resolve in her eyes. "No matter the means, I will be the future Queen of the Dragons."
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