17 | Watch Your Back, Princess

1013 Words
Dallas Augustus's POV After I walked into my room, I made sure I locked the door then headed straight to the bathroom for a shower. After I did all what I needed to do, I got dressed and plopped down on the bed. Instantly I was met with the vibration of my phone. I picked it up and sighed at the multiple messages. Six, to be exact. Babe Where the f**k you went?! Babe Answer me! Babe I waited for 3 hours Dallas. Text me back. I rolled my eyes and opened the others. Ally Hey babes! Blake Yo, ya bf trippin! Nearly punched me! Megan Josh just showed up at my house banging on my door looking for you! Thank god my parents weren't home. To Ally Hey sweetie. Can't really talk. I'll explain later! To Megan I'm so sorry! I'll explain everything later! To Blake Oh my god, Blake! I'm so sorry! I'll explain everything later. To Babe Piss off. We're DONE!!! I smiled then turned my phone off. I tossed it to the side and turned on the tv to drown out the horrendous noise from the room over, Kane and Adelina's room. Just eww. No sister should ever hear that. So much for them going to sleep like I overheard. I have three best friends that meant everything to me. It's crazy but I love them. Ally and Megan were cousins and inseparable. When I moved to this town, Ally befriended me and her friendship came with Megan. They were the most outgoing girls you would ever meet. Now Blake, he was tall, tan, buff, and handsome. I've had the biggest crush on him for the longest time. I never told him because well one, I was dating Josh, and two, I didn't want to ruin our friendship. Ally and Megan were convinced he liked me, but I never tried to find out. I quickly jumped up and reach for my phone, turning it back on. 8 New Messages from Babe I unlocked my phone and clicked on my contacts to change Josh's name in my phone to Asshat I giggled to myself, then opened his messages. Asshat You b***h! Asshat Fucking worthless slut!! I rolled my eyes and scoffed. A slut? Really? I never even had s*x with anyone. Asshat You'll regret this. Asshat No body will ever want your ugly ass Asshat You better watch your back, princess. I was beyond revolted and crept out by his text, so I deleted the rest of his messages and blocked his contact. It felt as if I was free. Like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders. I rolled my lip between my teeth and debated on whether or not I should just confess my crush to Blake. Feeling brave and like a new me, I decided to click on his messages. Dallas Hey.. can we have a heart to heart? Blake Of course.. what's up Dallas? Dallas I like you. I've always liked you. The dots appeared and I held my breath, anticipating his next words. They stopped then popped back up. I growled and tossed my phone in annoyance. Ping! I rolled off the bed and grabbed my phone, opening the message quickly. Blake I've always loved you.. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and I smiled giddily. I may or may not have screamed a little with excitement, causing the door to fly open. "Are you okay?!" Kane asked in concern. "Send Adelina in please," I told him and he smiled. "Okay baby sis," he said and walked out. Adelina soon came in smiling. "You requested me darling?" She asked with a giggle. "Yes. Boy talk, please," I told her with a blush clear as day on my face. "What's going on?" She asked as she hopped on the bed with me. "I've been liking this guy, so I told him and he told me he always loved me." "Awww. So what's the problem?" She asked, letting her smile falter. "I want to say it back to his face. I want him to hold me and help me through this crazy time. He's my best friend. I need him," I told her with tears in my eyes. "Give him the address. Don't make me regret this," Kane's voice boomed from out of no where. I gasped and looked up. "Were you spying?" I asked with a fake hurt expression. "You know it," he said with a wink. "No, actually, I was coming to see if you wanted to order some food and I overheard the last bit," he said with a soft smile. "Thanks Kane. And thank you for listening Adelina. I really like you," I told her. "I really like you too sweetie. Now call your man and get him over here," she said with a wink and exited the room. I smiled and unlocked my phone. Dallas 88563 Plaza Road, Escambia Hotel Please come. Blake I'm on my way Thirty minutes passed before my phone chimed again. Blake I'm here "Kane! He's here!" I said excitedly. "I'll be back with him," he said and my eyes went big. "Don't scare him!" I said with pleading eyes. "He's not like the other one at all," I said, with a shameful head bow. "I won't Dallas. Now stay here, okay?" He questioned. "Okay," I whispered. I sat down and nervously shook my leg until I couldn't take it. I started pacing back and forth until finally my door was knocked on. I stayed put, waiting. "It's me," Kane said and I took a deep breath. I opened the door and Kane left and walked over to the other, going inside. I smiled at Blake and pulled him into the room. He scratched the back of his neck nervously and I blushed. "I love you too," I whispered and his eyes snapped up to mine. "What?" He asked, breathlessly. "I love you too," I said with a real smile. "Thank god," he whispered and gripped the back of my head firmly before crashing his lips against mine.
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