16 | Keep Your v****a In Your Pants

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Kane Augustus's POV "Kane?" Dallas questioned. "Yeah?" I asked, looking at her through the rear view mirror. "Is he back?" She asked with a tremble. "Yeah," I whispered. Adelina glanced at me but didn't say a word. "I'll explain later," I said, squeezing her hand. She returned the gesture and it warmed my heart. The woman didn't even know me and she was still sticking my by side. "I'm patient," she said with a soft smile. "Do you two want to stop for food first?" I asked them. "Of course," Adelina said with a laugh. "Mc Donald's!" Dallas yelled from the back and I laughed. "You good with Mc Donald's?" I asked My Beauty. "Yes," she answered, smiling. "Mc Donald's it is then," I said, pulling into the Mc Donald's drive thru. Once I ordered the food, I parked so they could eat. After that, we were back on the road heading towards a hotel out of the city. "Wow," Adelina whispered, taking in the beautiful lit up hotel in front of her. "I second that," Dallas whispered. "You two are a bunch of girls. Come on, let's go," I said, earning a glare from both. "Stay close," I warned as we made our way inside. "Hello, how may I help you?" A lady at the front desk asked. "Two adjoining rooms," I told her and slid my card over. "Very well," she said and went about ringing it up and paying. "Hope you enjoy your stay. Let me know if there is anything I can do," she said with a wink. Adelina growled and the woman looked at her with furrowed brows. "Did you need something?" She asked Adelina. I bit by tongue and watched the scene in front of me. "b***h if you don't back the f**k up," Dallas said and all eyes landed on her. "My brother is taken by this gorgeous girl. So keep your v****a in your pants," she said and smacked her lips. I started laughing and pulled Adelina and Dallas to the elevator. "Behave girls," I warned but inwardly approved of their craziness. They were my girls. "Well she needed to know her place," Dallas said with duh tone. "Dallas was a lot nicer than what I would have been," Adelina said with a smirk. "You two are f*****g insane," I mumbled, pressing the button for the fourth floor. Dallas swatted my arm and scoffed. "I'll show you insane," Adelina whispered and I growled in response. "Don't tempt me woman," I whispered back in her ear. She giggled and pressed her body against me. "But what if I want to tempt you?" She purred. "That's it," I groaned and impatiently waited for the elevator to ding. Once it did, I dragged Adelina out and down the hall. "Here," I said to Dallas and tossed her the key card. She laughed and made her way inside of her room. "Don't answer the door for anyone!" I warned and she nodded. I opened the door to our room and pulled Adelina in. Once the door closed, I slammed her against the wall and kissed her passionately. "Kane," she moaned and I kissed her harder. When I pulled away, her eyes fluttered open and she smiled. "Well that was nice," she voiced, with a toothy grin. "Yes it was," I whispered with a grin of my own. "So what do you want to do?" I asked her. "I want you to tell me what's going on. Now is your chance, Kane. I've been patient and quiet long enough," she said and I nodded. "Fine," I told her. "Let's go sit on the bed." We made our way over and we both took a seat. I cleared my throat and started from the beginning. "When I was eighteen and Dallas was around six, our parents were involved in some shady s**t. My dads best friend, Dante, set him up." Adelina's eyes went big and I sighed. "Dante killed my father in front of my eyes. Dallas wasn't home at the time so she didn't witness the murder." "What happened?" Adelina asked softly. "Dante shot him, point blank in the face and smiled the whole time. I snuck out and went straight to the police and reported it. Apparently he had been under investigation for other murders, so the police believed me immediately." "Also, my father had cameras installed everywhere, so the murder was recorded. Dante plead guilty and was sentenced to 20 years. 10 years for good behavior. And I didn't even realize it had been 10 years already," I said softly. "I'm sorry Kane," she whispered and I frowned. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm sorry you got dragged into this," I told her. She then leaned forward and kissed me gently, laying me down beside her. "Let's sleep for now," she whispered and I did just that. I slept with my beauty wrapped in my arms tightly.
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