18 | One Long Week

934 Words
Adelina Cortez's POV It had been one long week without hearing from Kane or Dallas. Plus, Sereia's wedding was coming up this weekend. With all the work I buried myself in, a break was needed. I even had to cancel with my mystery client for the charity auction. Carlos said it didn't matter anyways. "Carlos?!" I questioned loudly. "What b***h?!" I laughed and knocked on his door. "Can I come in?" I asked with a giggle. "Girl," He said with an annoyed sigh as he opened the door. "Since when do you knock?" He questioned. "Since you've been in a depressing mood all week," I told him. "What's been going on babes?" I asked softly. "Come in, I will tell you," he mumbled and opened the door all the way. I moved around him and went to his bed. "Now sit and start talking," I demanded. He sighed and walked over to me. Hopping on the bed, he sighed again then pouted. "I met this guy, but I didn't get his number. It just bums me out. That's all," he said and I frowned. "It'll be okay. Fate has a funny way of working itself out." "Now, did you ever go buy your outfit for the wedding? It's in a few days." He jumped up and dashed to his closet, opening it up. He pulled out a gorgeous baby blue long sleeve dress shirt and some black slacks. "You're going to be so handsome," I told him with a smile. "Thanks Lina. What are you wearing?" He asked with a small smile. "Come!" I shouted and took off to my room. Carlos soon walked in laughing. "Okay, show me," he whined, but his smile came back. "Okay," I said with a smile of my own. I pulled out my dress and showed it to Carlos. "Oh my goddess!! b***h, you're going to look fine as f**k!" Carlos shouted and I giggled. "Really? You think so?" I asked softly. "Yes girl. I have to go into the office tonight to catch up on paper work. You good by yourself?" Carlos questioned. "Yes. Be careful and text me when you're on your way home!" I exclaimed and he nodded. He left my room and was soon out the door. Since I wasted away my day, I figured I would find something to do. To Dallas Hey missy. How you been? Dallas Hey! I miss you! I'm so bored. Kane is out of town for a few days so I'm all alone. Adelina How about you come over and we have a girls night? Dallas Omg! Yes! Can you come get me? Adelina Of course sweetheart. I'm on my way. I grabbed my keys and made my way outside. Once outside, I noticed a man lurking across the street. I locked up the house quickly and jumped in my car, leaving the person behind. To Carlos Don't go home tonight. Some weird man is creeping outside the house. Carlos Okay sugar, be careful! Stay safe. Love ya! Adelina You too cuz. Love you too! I pulled into the driveway of the new house Kane has bought and pressed down on my horn. She came running outside with a bag and a toothy grin. "Took you long enough," she said with a laugh, climbing into the car. "Sorry, I had to text my cousin. We are going to stay at a hotel. Sounds good?" I asked her. "Sounds amazing. Is something wrong?" She asked with concern. "No. Just some guy was outside my house and it freaked me out," I told her and she sighed. "I hope it wasn't Dante. We still haven't heard anything about him since he tried to grab you. I don't know why Kane even left me alone," she whispered. I scoffed. "He probably has cameras all over your house and is probably tracking your every move," I told her with a serious face. "Oh my god. He's probably going to call any second now!" She exclaimed and I laughed. Right on cue, her phone rang and she rolled her eyes. "I'm with Adelina!" She yelled into the phone as soon as she answered it. She argued with him briefly before passing the phone to me. "Hello?" I questioned. "My sweet beauty," he whispered. "I've missed you." I smiled and blushed when I caught Dallas smiling at me. "I've missed you too. Dallas and I will be staying at a hotel tonight to enjoy us some girl time," I told him and he chuckled. "Don't have to much fun without me," he growled and it was my turn to roll my eyes. "Talk to you later Kane," I told him and hung up. I handed Dallas her phone and she smirked. "So are you two dating or what?" She asked and I sighed. "I don't even know honestly. Your brother is handsome, charming, possessive, and even obsessive. He has a big heart and I know he's worth it." She laughed and smiled. "He is indeed." "But the thing is, I don't know if that scares me or makes me want him even more," I told her. She nodded her head and bit her lip. "Maybe give it a try?" She suggested. "Maybe," I said and turned down the road near the hotel. "Anyways, you're ready for some fun?" I asked her and she bounced up and down. "Yes!" She squealed and I giggled. "Let's go," I said, parking my car. We hopped out and I locked my car while we made our way to the entrance. A girls night is exactly what I needed.
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