5. First Meeting

1333 Words
Third Person's POV: "Miss, you've just stirred up a hornet's nest. You have no clue who you're tangling with," Ivan warned, casting a grave look at Avani before the police escorted him away. With Ivan taken into custody, the police departed, leaving a tense atmosphere in their wake. "What have you done, Avani?" Mrs. Roberts inquired, her voice tinged with fear once they were alone. "I did what I believed was right. We can't let them wield their power over us. They're the ones in the wrong here," Avani asserted, her resolve unwavering. "I understand, Avani, but you don't realize the danger you've put yourself in. They won't let this slide. You've just made yourself a target," Mrs. Roberts cautioned, sensing the gravity of the situation. "I believe everything will be fine now. I doubt they'll dare to return after today. Try to relax, Mrs. Roberts," Avani reassured her, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "If anything happens to you because of me, I'll never forgive myself. You've involved yourself in this because of me, and I'm truly sorry, Avani. You shouldn't have to face this because of my problems," Mrs. Roberts expressed her guilt. "Don't blame yourself. You're like family to me. I couldn't stand by and watch you suffer. Everything will work out, you'll see," Avani comforted her, her voice filled with reassurance. Meanwhile, in Josh's office, the news of Ivan's arrest left Josh reeling with shock. Unable to comprehend the sudden turn of events, Josh's mind raced with confusion and anger. In a fit of fury, he stormed off to the police station to demand answers. "Why was my assistant arrested?" Josh demanded, his tone commanding and authoritative upon his arrival at the station. "We had no idea he was your assistant, sir. We received a call from a young woman reporting threats, and upon investigation, we witnessed the altercation and made an arrest. But you're welcome to take him with you now," the police officer explained, releasing Ivan from custody. Josh shot Ivan a withering glare, seething with anger at his assistant's apparent incompetence. Without a word, Josh stormed out of the police station, Ivan trailing behind him like a guilty shadow. As they neared the car, Josh rounded on Ivan, his frustration palpable. "I can't believe you got yourself arrested over a bakery. Did you forget your responsibilities, or are you suddenly feeling charitable behind my back?" Josh bit out, his jaw clenched with irritation. "Sir, I swear I had everything under control until that girl decided to involve the police," Ivan explained, his tone troubled. "So now the old lady is a girl, is she? Have you completely lost your mind, Ivan?" Josh snapped, his anger escalating. "No, sir, I meant... the girl who called the police... she seemed like an employee," Ivan stuttered, reminding Josh of Avani's involvement. "So, you let a girl best you today?" Josh seethed, his fury mounting. Ivan was at a loss for words, unsure of how to respond to Josh's anger. "You clearly don't know how to handle things. Well, today, I'm going to show you how it's done. Take us to that ridiculous bakery," Josh ordered the driver curtly as he climbed into the car, Ivan following suit. "Drive us to that godforsaken bakery," Josh commanded the driver, his tone dripping with authority. As evening approached, Avani was preparing to close the bakery for the day. Mrs. Roberts had already left in the afternoon. Just as Avani was about to lock up, she heard the sound of someone entering the shop. "Sorry the shop is already...," Avani's words trailed off as she recognized the man standing before her, Ivan, holding the door open. Before she could utter another word, her eyes widened as she noticed Josh entering the bakery. Josh's entrance into the bakery was met with Avani's fierce gaze, her anger palpable in the air. But as his eyes fell upon her, a sudden silence enveloped the room. Josh stood frozen, his gaze fixated on Avani, his scrutiny making her feel uneasy and vulnerable. For a moment, Josh said nothing, his eyes seeming to devour Avani's every feature. His prolonged silence only added to Avani's discomfort, her heart pounding in her chest as she awaited his response. "Who are you? Get out of here," Avani's voice broke the silence, her words tinged with a hint of defiance, though beneath the surface, she felt a twinge of fear. Josh snapped out of his trance, startled by Avani's assertiveness. He couldn't help but feel intrigued by the fire in her eyes, admiring her courage despite her obvious apprehension. "Ivan, get out and wait outside," Josh commanded, his voice firm, and Ivan promptly obeyed, leaving the two alone in the bakery. With Ivan's departure, the tension in the room heightened, leaving Avani feeling vulnerable in Josh's presence. "Wh... Why are you not le...leaving?" Avani stammered, her voice trembling with fear as she attempted to stand her ground. Josh's lips curled into a smirk at the sight of Avani's unease, finding her vulnerability oddly captivating. "Where is Mrs. Roberts?" Josh inquired, his steps drawing him closer to Avani, who instinctively took a few steps back, her hand clutching her bag tightly. As Avani attempted to retreat, Josh swiftly closed the distance between them, his hand grasping hers and pressing her against the nearby wall, trapping her in his gaze. Avani couldn't believe the proximity between herself and Josh. Fear drained the color from her face as she felt his presence looming over her. His face seemed to fill her vision, every detail magnified in a way that felt surreal. "Are you afraid of me?" Josh's voice was barely a whisper, yet it sent shivers down Avani's spine. "N...N..N....No," Avani managed to stutter, though her trembling voice betrayed her true feelings. "But your eyes say otherwise," Josh observed, his gaze penetrating, locking onto Avani's eyes with an intensity that made her heart race. Avani found herself captivated by Josh's mesmerizing blue eyes, unable to look away as they held her in their grasp. Suddenly, Avani's breath hitched as she noticed Josh's gaze trailing down to her lips, a gesture that sent a wave of panic coursing through her. Her heart pounding in her chest, Avani attempted to break free from Josh's grip, her voice trembling as she demanded, "Leave me. Go away." Josh's smirk only widened as he watched Avani struggle against his hold, her efforts futile against his strength. "You're hurting me. Let go of my hand," Avani protested, her voice tinged with desperation. When Josh realized he was inadvertently hurting her, he released her hand, but before Avani could react, he pinned her against the wall with his other hand, effectively trapping her in place. "You know, bravery doesn't suit a beautiful girl like you. You look even more captivating when you're scared and vulnerable. Don't try to play brave with me when every fiber of your being is trembling at my proximity," Josh murmured, his voice laced with seduction. "I told you to leave, or I'll call the police again if you try to harm me," Avani retorted, her voice trembling but resolute. Josh chuckled softly. "That's amusing. Your call to the police won't make a difference." "Anyway, it's been a delightful encounter, beautiful girl," Josh continued, his finger trailing lightly along Avani's cheek before coming to a stop at her neck. Avani felt a jolt of electricity shoot through her at his touch. With a playful smile, Josh departed, leaving Avani dumbfounded and reeling from the encounter. She sank to the floor, her breathing heavy and erratic, as if Josh's presence had stolen the air from her lungs. Beads of sweat formed on her brow as she struggled to process what had just happened. Avani gulped down a glass of water, her mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions. With trembling hands, she gathered her things and made a hasty retreat, eager to put the unsettling encounter behind her.
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