4. Calling Police

1398 Words
Third Person's POV: "Take this. Double the money. You've got two days to clear out of this bakery. If you want more, just say the word. But make it quick," one of the men declared sternly, thrusting the cash towards Mrs. Hannah. "I already told you yesterday, and I'll say it again today. This bakery is not for sale, not now, not ever. Leave now before I call the authorities," Mrs. Hannah retorted, her voice ringing with defiance. "We're trying to be civil here, considering your age. But don't push us to speak otherwise. Take the money and vacate the premises, or face the consequences," the other man interjected, his tone turning ominous. "How dare you threaten me in my own bakery? You have no manners! Get out this instant," Mrs. Hannah snapped, her anger simmering beneath the surface. Before she could finish her rebuke, one of the men brandished a gun, pressing it against Mrs. Hannah's forehead. "You have no idea who you're dealing with, so watch your tone. Clear out by the deadline, or next time, I won't hesitate to pull the trigger," the man threatened, sending a shiver down Mrs. Hannah's spine. Avani, who had been eavesdropping while baking, couldn't believe her ears. She rushed outside to see what was happening, only to find the same men from yesterday, one of them now pointing a gun at Mrs. Hannah's head. The blood drained from Avani's face as fear gripped her heart. "What the hell is going on here? Who are you people?" Avani exclaimed in shock as she witnessed the tense scene unfolding before her. "What kind of behavior is this? Why are you pointing a gun at her?" Avani continued, her voice trembling with disbelief. "Av... Avani, please go back inside. I'll handle this," Mrs. Hannah pleaded, her fear evident as she worried for Avani's safety. "Let her go now! Or I'll call the police!" Avani shouted at the intruders, her anger fueling her courage. The men turned to look at Avani, their expressions shifting to confusion as they assessed the situation. "Get out of here! If you don't, I won't hesitate to call the police!" Avani threatened, her voice laced with fury. The men, somewhat intimidated by Avani's boldness, relented. "We're leaving today, but mark our words – you'll have to leave tomorrow," one of them warned Mrs. Hannah before they departed. As the men retreated, Mrs. Hannah sank to the ground, tears streaming down her face, her sense of helplessness overwhelming her. Avani, feeling a surge of empathy, approached Mrs. Hannah and gently inquired about the situation. "Who were they? What did they want?" she asked, her concern evident. "They wanted me to abandon the bakery so their boss could build a company branch here. They came yesterday with a hefty sum of money, but I refused. Today, they returned with even more money and threatened me. This bakery is my last connection to my husband, and I can't bear to lose it. I don't know what to do," Mrs. Hannah confessed tearfully, her anguish palpable. "Don't cry, Mrs. Hannah. This bakery is yours, and you have every right to protect it. We can seek help from the police," Avani reassured her, offering a glimmer of hope in the midst of despair. "No, Avani, it's not that simple. Their boss wields considerable influence in this city. He's not someone to be trifled with," Mrs. Hannah explained, her voice heavy with resignation. "But you can't just stand by and let them trample over what's rightfully yours. It's time to take a stand, to fight for your bakery," Avani urged, her determination shining through. "We're powerless against the might of the wealthy. I fear I may have no choice but to abandon the bakery," Mrs. Hannah lamented, her words tinged with sorrow. "Do you really want to relinquish the last trace of your husband so easily? You have to stand up to them, and I'll stand with you," Avani insisted, injecting a spark of hope into Mrs. Hannah's despair. "No, Avani, please don't involve yourself in this. I couldn't bear it if you were harmed because of me," Mrs. Hannah pleaded, her concern for Avani evident. "I'll be fine. I won't let them intimidate us. If they dare to return, I'll confront them myself," Avani declared bravely, her resolve unwavering. Meanwhile, the men who had been intimidating Mrs. Hannah returned to Ivan, informing him of her continued refusal. Ivan, uncertain of how to proceed, decided to take matters into his own hands. He resolved to personally persuade Mrs. Hannah the following day, determined to find a resolution without involving Josh once more. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Avani's POV: I was seething with anger witnessing those despicable men threatening Mrs. Hannah. How could anyone stoop so low as to intimidate an elderly woman into leaving her own bakery? Today, I managed to restrain myself from calling the police, but next time, I won't hold back. They deserve to face the consequences of their actions. My mind kept replaying the image of their heartless boss, thinking about how arrogant and callous he must be. Just because he's wealthy and influential doesn't give him the right to trample over someone's cherished sanctuary to satisfy his own selfish desires. Mrs. Hannah was visibly shaken by the ordeal, and she wasn't feeling well after enduring such mental anguish and threats. She requested that I close the bakery for the day, and I obliged, knowing she needed time to recuperate. Returning home, I found Dixxi waiting for me. "Something terrible happened today," I began, taking a seat beside her. "What? Are you alright?" Dixxi asked anxiously, her eyes scanning me for signs of distress. "It didn't happen to me, but to Mrs. Hannah," I explained, recounting the events to Dixxi. "Damn. Why did you get involved? It sounds like their boss is a dangerous man, and you shouldn't be tangling with him," Dixxi cautioned, her tone tinged with fear. "It's foolishness to let them wield their power unchecked. Allowing them to do as they please only emboldens them to further exploit the less fortunate," I spat out, my voice thick with disdain. "Avani, I understand it's wrong, but it's not your fight. You need to stay out of it. Let Mrs. Hannah handle this on her own. She knows what she's capable of," Dixxi reasoned, but her words grated on me. "Dixxi, you're asking me to be selfish. Mrs. Hannah is alone, with no one else to turn to. I can't just stand by and be as indifferent as you're suggesting," I retorted, feeling a pang of sadness. "Avani, please try to see my perspective. I'm not telling you to be selfish. I'm just saying it's not fair for you to get entangled in this mess," Dixxi attempted to explain, but I refused to listen. The following morning, I headed to the bakery as usual, everything appearing normal until the afternoon. Then, I spotted a man entering the bakery, alone. He didn't speak harshly to Mrs. Hannah; instead, he seemed to be calmly persuading her on the same matter. Despite his seemingly polite demeanor, I couldn't shake the anger bubbling within me. He had no right to meddle with Mrs. Hannah's affairs. Without hesitation, I dialed the police and informed them of the situation, urging them to come to the bakery at once. After ten tense minutes, the police arrived, catching the man off guard. His expression shifted from surprise to anger as he turned to face Mrs. Hannah. "How dare you call the police?" he demanded, his tone laced with fury. "It was me," I declared, stepping forward from behind, my gaze fixed on him with a steely resolve. He appeared taken aback by my admission, his surprise evident. "I warned those men not to bother her again, or else I'd involve the authorities. You should have thought twice before showing up here," I stated firmly, my anger palpable. "It's not me you should be warning. You're the one who should think twice before calling the police. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into," he retorted, his voice dripping with menace. "We need you to come with us. There are allegations against you," the police intervened, escorting the man away despite his protests and futile attempts to name-drop his boss. The police remained unmoved, leading him away from the scene.
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