6. For One Night

1335 Words
Josh POV: "Sir are you finished with the deal? Is she agreed to leave the bakery now?", Ivan asked me as soon as I came out of the bakery. I get inside the car ignoring what Ivan asked. Ivan didn't ask me any further questions, and he also gets into the car. My mind was totally lost on the girl I saw a while ago. She one of the most beautiful and prettiest girls I ever seen in my life. The girl is not perfect rather beyond perfect. She is an example of divine beauty. Her magnificent eyes, and the fear she was holding that time in her gorgeous eyes was adorable.  I encountered many beautiful girls in my life but no one was like today's girl I saw. She is just elegant and radiant which I never saw in any other girl. "Oh God she became an addiction in my eyes after only one time I saw her", I thought to close my eyes to remember her face again. "Sir are you okay?", Ivan question break my thought. The car stopped in front of my mansion and I entered inside. I ordered Ivan to wait for me in my study room as I've something important to discuss with him. I took a shower and came to my study room. "Are we going to begin the construction from tomorrow?", Ivan asked me. "No. I changed my decision", I said leaning into my seat. "What is that?", Ivan sounds confused. "I don't want that bakery anymore rather I want that girl", I said, reminding the girl. Ivan was silent after hearing me for a few seconds. "Sir are you sure? I mean you want to leave the bakery just for the girl", Ivan asked me in a curious tone. "Yeah. Do you have any problem?",I questioned him. "Of course not", Ivan replied quickly. "If I can have her that will be enough for me. I just want that girl now other than anything", I said, thinking how much it will be fun to have her for one night and enjoy every inch of her divine beauty. "Sir are you sure that the girl going to be agreed with your proposal", Ivan asked me. "Why not? Why are you doubting?",I asked Ivan not understanding his thought. "I don't know but I find her bit different by nature", Ivan told me. "I'm not going to make her my wife. I want her only for one Night. And it's good to try something different, isn't it?",I said, looking at Ivan curious face. "Can you handle it or will messed up like today?",I asked Ivan, but he remains silent. "That's mean you already afraid by the girl. It's okay. I will go tomorrow and you also going with me. Now get out", I said. "Sir do you want me to find any information about the girl?", Ivan asked me before leaving. "No need I just want her body to enjoy", I said with a smirk thinking about the girl. The next day after a meeting in the afternoon I decided to go to the bakery to deal with the girl. Honestly, I was very much eager to meet with the girl again, and I don't know why. She occupied my mind from yesterday. I think my mind won't be calm until I take her in my bed. I'm also ready to make her my mistress if I can't get enough of her divine beauty. We reached in front of the bakery and ordered Ivan to call her out. Ivan entered inside and after a few minutes, he comes out alone. "Sir she is not agreeing to come out and meet you. She told you have to go there if you want to meet with her", Ivan told me which makes me furious thinking about her courage. "Okay let's go", I said and entered inside the bakery. There are few customers in the bakery and the girl was taking orders from a table. My furious mood instantly changed after seeing her. "What you want here now?", an old lady who was sitting in the counter asked me. "Sir it's the Mrs. Hannah Roberts the owner of the bakery", Ivan told me. "Hello nice to meet you", I said to the old lady and the lady seemed surprised by my greetings. "Why you came here again?", the girl asked me in an angry voice from behind, and I looked at her. "I have something discuss with you", I said in a cool tone. "But I'm not. You can go now", the girl said surprising me. "Miss it will be good for you if you agreed because sir came here with another deal in which you don't have to leave the bakery", Ivan said in place of me. The girl looked confused after hearing Ivan. "And what's that?", the girl asked. "I think it will be better if we talk going outside", I said looking around the customers, and she understands what I mean. "Okay. Wait for me outside. I'm coming", the girl said this time in a calm voice. I and Ivan went outside and started waiting for her. After a few minutes, she came outside and stand in front of me maintaining quite a distance. "If you don't mind, Can we go somewhere else to continue our talk?",I asked because many people were looking at me and if they recognized me somehow then they will create an issue. "Obviously not. Just because I come outside as you said that doesn't mean I will agree whatever you say", the girl says like a stubborn making me and Ivan surprise. I maintaining my patience as much as I can because I don't want to create a drama with her. "Okay then come inside my car", I said, opening my car door for me and also for her to enter outside. "What do you think of yourself? I won't do whatever you asked. You have to tell whatever you want standing here. I don't want to go anywhere with you not even want to enter into your car", the girl said shouting on me and this time it was shocking for me to think about her courage. I can sense that she doesn't even know on whom she was shouting. I don't even know how I controlled my anger at that time. If there was any other person in her place then the person must be killed. The girl just getting on my nerve. Suddenly, I started feeling uncomfortable to start the talk for which I came here. "Are you even going to tell what is in your mind? I'm not a mind reader that I can understand your intention by your expression", the girl said with disturbance in her face. I decided to start my talk standing on the roadside as my car was behind me for which my body was quite hidden from the public. People won't see me if they are close. And also the girl is stubborn to agree with me to get inside my car, and I will deal with her for her behavior later. "Listen. I also don't have any interest to waste my time on a girl like you, but I am liking to do that. Anyway I don't need this bakery anymore I need another thing in that place", I said like I was dealing some business with her. She was looking at my eyes with her innocent eyes, and her eyes were seeming curious. "I have to handle the customer. I don't have enough time for your complex deal. Please say directly and simply whatever you want to say", the girl said. "If you give yourself to me then I won't want that bakery anymore", I said her in a serious tone, and she seems like she didn't understand what I said. "How can I give myself to you?", the girl asked in a curious tone. "Is she too naive and innocent to understand me, or she is pretending like that?", the question arises in my mind. I looked at Ivan who also looking at the girl with the same expression as mine. "I want you. I want you for one night", I said, putting my hand in my pocket. No sooner had I said, I felt a tight and strong slap on my face which left me freeze.
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