7. She Slap Me

1165 Words
Josh's POV: I was already frozen by the slap. I just can't believe that this girl slap me. I looked at her in shock after getting back my sense. I don't saw any regret on her face rather there was visible anger. "How dare you to hit Sir? Do you have any idea who he is?", I heard Ivan shocked voice beside me. Her eyes move to Ivan. She was fuming in anger. "How dare you ask me that? Go hell from here if you don't want another slap", the girl said to me in an angry tone fixing her eyes on me. It was unbelievable for me that she was warning me from slap again. Finishing her sentence, she stormed off from me and entered again inside the bakery. I was literally puzzled facing one of the unexpected incidents in my 27 years of life. No one ever dared to slap me or didn't try to raise their hand on me. Not even my disgusting parents. But this girl she dared to slap me which still seeming unreal to me. Turning around, I punched my car with my fist because of the anger and fire that was rising inside me was unbearable. I also feeling the hit of the fire which was rising inside me due to the slap. "Slutty bi**h you have to pay for what you did today", I said, clenching my teeth. I opened the car door and get inside. Ivan did the same without saying anything. "Go back to my mansion", I ordered the driver although I have an important meeting with Natasha and other clients but my mind was messed up, and I don't think I can concentrate in any meeting or something. "But sir Natasha is waiting for you for next meeting", Ivan said, and I gave him death glare to shut his stupid mouth. "Okay. I think I should tell her to cancel it", Ivan said taking his eyes for me. In the car, I was burning inside with rage. I was feeling breathless not to control my anger. I was wanting to kill that bi**h girl right at the moment. My mind was fully furious and don't want to accept the fact that I slapped by that cheap bakery girl. "I swear I will kill her arrogance and make her beg to me. She will ask apology by herself for what she did today. I will destroy her in every possible", I thought to fist my hand tightly. I came to my mansion and still, I was feeling so much humiliated by the slap. My mind was going crazy and crazy. I went into my room and sat down on my couch to calm myself but I can't. I desperately wanted to release my anger on something. At first, I smashed my phone by throwing it and later I broke all the things which were place on my room for display. Everything was made of glass. I was breaking them making huge sound to calm my mind. Without thinking twice, I smashed my mirror with my fist, and I realized I cut my hand. "Sir please be patient. You're hurting yourself. Your hand is bleeding", Ivan said, entering inside my room from nowhere. "I have to call the doctor", Ivan again said and start calling the doctor. "Stop it. I'm okay", I said in a shouting tone. Although I was feeling pain in my hand, but it was enough to freeze my anger. I again sat down on my couch leaning my body on that. Ivan was standing "I want to make her my slut", I declared looking straight feeling no emotion inside me. I looked at Ivan direction when he was still silent. "Find out each and every information about her and I want that within tomorrow morning", I said this time in a normal tone. Ivan nodded and leave from there. "You want to play with fire, and now you will", I said with a smirk. Avani's POV: My mind was fully messed by the incident I encounter a while ago. I still can't believe what that man said to me. I never get this type of nasty proposal from anyone before. I never thought I will face this situation in my life ever. He was literally asking me to be his bed partner. "What he thinks myself? I'm a p********e or something. How can someone think this low about a girl?", I thought while whisking some whipped cream. I was so lost in my thought that I don't even notice the whipped cream spread around outside the bowl creating a whole mess. "Avani what are you doing?", Mrs. Roberts surprise voice break my thought. "Sh*t", I said seeing what I have done. "Where are you lost? What are you thinking so intensely? Is everything alright?", Mrs. Roberts asked me in a curious tone. "Yeah...yeah... I'm alright. I was just lost in my thought", I said while cleaning mess which created for me. "What they talked with you outside? Are they talked something bad? Your face is seeming gloomy and tensed after that time", Mrs. Roberts said placing her hand in my shoulder. "They just said they don't need this bakery anymore", I lied and right that moment I was feeling guilty inside thinking why I lied to her when something bad is going to happen. "Really. Thank God. I finally feeling relieved after some days. It's happened for you Avani. I can't explain how grateful I'm to you. Thanks for standing beside me", Mrs. Roberts told me giving me a dearly hug. I was feeling stupid for giving her false hope. I blaming myself in my mind for being so stupid. After that, I continue my work in the bakery. Honestly, I can't concentrate on my work due to nervousness. I creating mistakes every minute in my fork. I was regretting for slapped the man and don't think he let me go easily. "If he did something bad with this bakery this time", the thought scared me like hell. I want to leave the work for today because I was unable to work more for numerous dangerous thoughts. I asked Mrs. Roberts that I want to leave early today, and she happily agreed. I was walking in the roadside losing in my bad thoughts. I don't even know when I came on the main road, and I haven't the idea that I was almost going to hit by a car, but someone pulled me before that. "What are you doing? Did you lose your eyes?", the person shouted on me and find that it was Dixxi. "Why you came all of a sudden before the car? You don't even hearing when I was calling you? Do you become dumb?", Dixxi again shout, and I can sense how angry she was. "I lost somewhere. Can we go home? I'm feeling exhausted", I said and Dixxi's angry face become normal a bit. I and Dixxi came back in our home together, and I know Dixxi sensed already that something is wrong with me. That's why she didn't ask any more questions on the way. "Now tell me what happened?", Dixxi said standing in front of me with folding arms. I remembered how Dixxi warned me not to interfere in that matter. If she knows what happened then she must become mad on me. So, I tried to ignore her question giving her a false excuse that I'm feeling headache. "No I'm not going to allow you to go anywhere until you answered my question", Dixxi said blocking my way. I know Dixxi is stubborn and won't be cool until I don't tell her the whole matter. So, I helplessly told her everything which happened yesterday and today. I found Dixxi was looking at me like she saw a ghost.
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