8. A Good Guy

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Avani's POV: "What?",I asked Dixxi shaking her body. "Why didn't you tell me anything yesterday? Have you any what you did? Oh, God!! I really don't know what is waiting for you?", Dixxi said with fear in her eyes. "I'm sorry Dixxi. I haven't any idea that things will go this much far. I might be listening to you", I said in a sad tone. "That day when I telling you do not involve yourself in this matter you shout on me. Now see what you did. Avani you're too naive to understand the real world. People won't think twice to hurt you. And here you messed up with a powerful and Rich guy. Have you thought how dangerous they can be? They can do anything with their power and in front of them you're nothing Avani", Dixxi said which was making me afraid more. "The man was giving dirty proposal and I can't control myself at that time. He was an asshole", I said, remembering the man. "Firstly, why you call Police to arrest his man? If you didn't do that then you might be never meet him. You yourself call danger for you", Dixxi said turning her eyes from me. I know I make Dixxi upset. She is the one who thinks about me more than myself. I was blaming myself not to hear her that day. "Dixxi please don't stop talking with me it's irritating", I said while our dinner. Dixxi wasn't talking with me from the evening, and her silence was killing me. "Dixxi please", I requested again. "Avani you wouldn't want to listen to me and if I say something now they won't change the matter. Right", Dixxi said in a serious tone. "Please tell me what can I do for fixing the matter. I really don't want to face any bad incident again", I said in a helpless tone. "What's the name of the guy? I mean that rich jerk who gives you bad proposal", Dixxi asked. "Name", I said in surprise and remember that I really don't know what is his name. "I don't know his name. He does not try to introduce himself", I told Dixxi. "You must be asked an apology from this man. I know it's not right to ask forgiveness from that bastard, but I think you have to because only he knows how he going to reply of your slap", Dixxi said, and I agreed. The next day, I went to the bakery. I was hell tensed every second if he is coming again today or not and luckily no one comes today except customer which was kinda relief for me. I asked Mrs. Roberts what's the man name who wanted to leave her Bakery. Mrs. Roberts seems a little confused but later she said the man's name, and it is Josh Hudson. I don't know I was feeling like I heard this name before because it sounds familiar. After coming back home, I told Dixxi the man name. "Are you sure? It's Josh Hudson", Dixxi said setting her shocked eyes on me. "Yeah. Mrs. Roberts told me this name. Why? What's the problem?", I asked Dixxi. "Avani What you did? Did you forget him? Don't you know how rude he is?", Dixxi said making me curious. "Dixxi how can I know Is he rude or something? I never met him before", I said because Dixxi was saying like I knew the man for many years. "Avani a few days ago you got angry on a man speech do you remember that?", Dixxi asked me. "Yeah. Is he the same man? That's why I was thinking why his name seeming familiar to me", I asked in surprise. "Unfortunately yes", Dixxi said with a sigh. "Then I made no mistake by slapping him. He deserves that", I said, remembering how meanly he was insulting girls in that morning by his stupid speech. "Avani come on. You have already sensed that how cruel he can be. He was one of the powerful businessmen in the city, and you slap him. He won't let you go that easily", Dixxi said in a tense tone. "But he or his man didn't come today. I think he realized his mistake", I said, hoping it would be true. "I don't think so. I also don't know what should I tell you to do. The man is out of reach so it's not that easy to go in front him and ask for an apology", Dixxi said. "If he doesn't want to make any drama then what's the need to ask an apology from him. Let the things go by itself", I suggested Dixxi my thought. "But you have to be careful. It doesn't mean he didn't come today, he won't come tomorrow also", Dixxi said looking at me. "If he comes again then, I will ask an apology. I hope everything will be fine", I said. "You know I'm thinking about other things. How can you slap that Greek God looking, man? If I'm in your place, I must be melt right at the moment by only looking at his dashing eyes", Dixxi said losing in her own thought. "He may be a Greek God in your fantasy, but in actual he looks like a devil", I said although I find him one of the most handsome men, I have ever seen in my life. "You are a liar Avani. Don't say that your breath wasn't stop after seeing him", Dixxi said while laughing. "It wasn't for his look rather he was looking at me in a bad way, and I become afraid by that", I said what's the truth. "I think he likes you Avani after he saw you for the first time", Dixxi said with an exciting voice. "Of course, and that's why he wants to make me her slut for one night", I said and left from Dixxi side being angry. The next day, I went to the bakery, and everything was, as usual, the same as normal. But in the evening an unexpected incident happened. The man who got arrested for me came in the bakery with a bouquet of flowers including an apology letter and said that it is sent from Mr. Josh Hudson for Mrs. Roberts. I was observing the scene standing a far away being shocked. After leaving the man, I came to Mrs. Roberts, and she shows me the apology letter. The apology letter was really well written and seeming that he really means every word. Mrs. Roberts was happy after getting the apology letter from Josh. "Josh Hudson is really a good guy, isn't he?", Mrs. Roberts said to me with happiness. "Yes....yes....yeah I'm also thinking same", I said not finding any clue of that rude man change behavior. Josh POV: I was sitting in my office and was thinking about the girl. I was thinking about her more after the slap. I never let myself think about any girl. But this bi**h girl seeming like don't want to leave from my mind. But the beauty I saw in her is difficult to forget for me, and that's why she always remains in my mind. Ivan came to my office and handed me some papers. "Sir here is the all details of Girl", Ivan told me. "I don't want to read her f**king stupid biography. You read that and tell me", I said. "Sir, I already read it", Ivan said. "Okay then tell me about her", I said and I find my tone a bit exciting to know about her. "Her name is Avani. And she is......", I cut off Ivan. "Avani what? Is her name is only Avani?", I asked being confused because of course, I expect a surname of her. "Sir she haven't any surname. Actually, she is an orphan since her birth and has no idea about her parents", Ivan said. "Interesting. Go on", I said after a pause. "Her age is 21. She was in an orphanage in Leeds and leave from there after reaching 17. She moved to London and start college here. She completed her college and started working in Mrs. Roberts bakery as she loves baking. And she also has a best friend named Dixxi Rae with whom she lives. Avani also love to help poor people", Ivan stopped his talking. "Next", I said and give him a surprise look. "Sir it's all her information. I think in her life there is no long or any interesting incident until now as she spends her most of the time in an Orphanage", Ivan said. "Her personal life. I mean her boyfriend, or she loves someone", I asked in a curious tone. "No sir. I also become surprised after not finding anything about that. So, I research more but I don't find anything about that. She is single", Ivan said which make me think to change my mind.
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