3. We Are Just Friend

1111 Words
Third Person's POV: Avani had always harbored a deep passion for baking, envisioning a future where she'd have her own bakery. To prepare herself for this dream, she chose to work in a quaint, lesser-known bakery – an old establishment run by the amiable Hannah Roberts. Hannah, along with her late husband, had built the bakery from the ground up, but since his passing a year and a half ago, she had been managing the shop solo. Recognizing the need for assistance, Hannah hired Avani, who was eager to learn and grateful for the opportunity. Despite the challenges of running the bakery alone, Hannah remained remarkably kind and nurturing, endearing herself to Avani. Avani found solace in both the art of baking and in Hannah's gentle presence, cherishing the moments they spent together after hours, perfecting their craft. "Good morning, Mrs. Roberts," Avani greeted warmly as she stepped into the bakery. "Good morning, dear. You're a bit late today. I was starting to worry. Is everything alright?" Hannah inquired, her concern evident in her voice. "I'm so sorry. Dixxi and I got caught up in a disagreement this morning. It won't happen again," Avani apologized, slipping into her apron. "No need to apologize, my dear. These things happen. By the way, could you whip up some of your famous red velvet cupcakes today? A customer was so impressed with your baking skills that they placed a pre-order after tasting your heavenly creations yesterday," Hannah requested, her smile as warm as ever. As Avani immersed herself in the joyful task of baking, her focus was momentarily diverted by the sound of voices. She paused, setting aside her ingredients to investigate the source of the commotion. Her gaze fell upon the counter where Mrs. Hannah typically presided. To her surprise, she spotted two men in black suits engaged in conversation with Mrs. Hannah. Avani's curiosity was piqued – she had never seen these men in the bakery before, and their demeanor didn't suggest they were ordinary customers. Despite her curiosity, Avani hesitated to intrude on their conversation. Perhaps Mrs. Hannah knew them, she reasoned, and she didn't want to impose herself as a third party in their discussion. So, she quietly observed, her curiosity growing with each passing moment. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Why bother convincing her? Just throw enough money her way and bulldoze the bakery. I don't need anyone's permission to do as I please. Money talks, remember?" Josh instructed Ivan upon learning that Ivan had dispatched some of his men to persuade Mrs. Hannah to vacate her bakery. "I understand, sir, but there are complications. We can't simply demolish her bakery without her consent. It's her property, and there's a risk she could take legal action against you if we act rashly," Ivan reasoned, attempting to counsel Josh. "So, you're suggesting I need the approval of some old lady I couldn't care less about?" Josh retorted arrogantly. "This situation is more complex, sir. We'll need her cooperation before proceeding with any actions," Ivan reiterated. "Fine, do what you must. But I expect to see ground broken on the new branch of our company by the agreed-upon date," Josh declared firmly. Natasha barged into Josh's office, seething with anger. "What the hell was that display in the conference hall?" she snapped at Josh, directing her frustration towards him. "Get out. I need to speak with Josh," Natasha ordered Ivan, her tone laced with fury. Ivan, dejected, silently exited the room. "What's gotten into you? You embarrassed yourself in front of the reporters, and it was all broadcast live. Have you forgotten how to conduct yourself? You've tarnished your reputation today," Natasha scolded Josh, her anger palpable. "Please, Nate, not now. Those idiotic reporters have already driven me insane. I'm not in the mood to rehash that mess," Josh grumbled irritably, clearly agitated by the conversation. "Okay, but tell me something. Are you only befriending me because of my billionaire father?" Natasha's voice trembled with hurt, her pain etched clearly on her face. "No, Nate, don't be upset. I was just blurting out whatever came to mind at the time. I didn't have a proper answer," Josh chuckled, but the remorse gnawed at him as he saw the hurt he had caused his closest friend. "But you meant every word," Natasha insisted, her tone laced with anguish. Josh felt a pang of guilt, realizing the depth of Natasha's hurt. "Listen, it's true that your background caught my attention initially, but our friendship means a lot more to me than just that. You're the only female friend I have, and I value our bond deeply. I wouldn't want anyone to misconstrue our relationship," Josh explained, attempting to reassure Natasha, though his words didn't sit well with her. "They're not assuming anything wrong; they're simply seeing the potential in us. There's nothing inherently improper about being 'shipped' with you," Natasha countered, her words unsettling Josh. "Nate, I've told you countless times – we're just friends. Nothing more. It's better if we both respect the boundaries of our friendship," Josh insisted firmly, his words stabbing at Natasha's heart like a sharp needle. Without another word, Natasha turned and swiftly exited the office, leaving Josh to exhale a sigh of helplessness. He knew Natasha harbored feelings for him, but he couldn't reciprocate them. Despite Natasha's advances in the past, Josh remained steadfast in his view of her as nothing more than a friend. After Natasha stormed out, Ivan cautiously entered Josh's office. "What's the matter now?" Josh snapped irritably. "Sir, Mrs. Roberts has declined our proposal. She's adamant about not leaving the bakery, as it holds precious memories of her late husband," Ivan informed hesitantly. "Are you serious? Why are you bothering me with this? Can't you handle such a simple issue?" Josh barked furiously. "It's not that simple, sir. Mrs. Roberts is resolute in her decision, and I believe it would be best to respect her wishes and consider alternative locations for our new branch," Ivan replied, his voice tinged with fear. "Offer her double the money. And don't question my orders again. It's as if you've forgotten how to handle even the simplest of tasks," Josh roared, his glare cutting through Ivan like a knife. "Understood, sir. But if she still refuses..." Ivan's voice trailed off, his apprehension palpable. "Then demolish the bakery, with her inside," Josh shouted, slamming his fist down on his desk in a fit of rage. "Get out," Josh bellowed once more, his anger unrestrained. Ivan wasted no time in exiting the office. The following day, he sent the men to Mrs. Hannah with double the money, hoping desperately for a different outcome.
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