Raine (7)

2451 Words
Jason (7) Tick.Tick.Tick That stupid clock just kept on ticking away and still Aria hadn’t opened her eyes. I watched Anna as she put another cold compression on Aria’s forehead, her eyes tired but still determined to continue. “Anna” I said gently “Let me do this now” “It’s the last one for a while” Anna said with a tired smile “It’s ok I sighed, watching as she moved from the bed and stood up, arching her back to take out the kinks. I stood up from my chair and held her shoulders, messaging them. Immediately my wolf perked up and I darted a look at Aria, thinking it was why my wolf was so happy. When I see she is still asleep, I frown. I watched as Kai leaned over and took off the now warm compression and passed it to Anna who smiled gently and took it from him. Kai leaned over and kissed Aria’s forehead before he held her hand in his and whispered something in her ear. “She is one lucky girl” Sue said I turned and watched as she came into the room with one of the kitchen staff holding a tray of cups. Judging by the smell, the hot beverages had newly been made “Sue” I smiled “Is everything ok?” “Yes” She smiled “Ray has everything under control. The pack and coven are fine and don’t want you to worry” I took a cup of tea gratefully as I guide Anna to sit in the chair I had been in. Kai took the cup of hot milk and when Anna refused to take the coffee, I knew how tired she really was “Anna” I said gently “Baby, you need to rest. At least go to-” “I can’t” Anna said shaking her head “She’s only gathering energy, auntie Anna” Kai said “It won’t be long, I promise” Anna bit her bottom lip as she nodded. When Sue stood in front of me, I knew what she wanted “Are you ok?” She asked me “I don’t know” I sighed Anna turned to me and came into my arms. I hugged her tight as I squeezed my eyes shut for a while and then opened them to look between Sue and Anna “How’s Ray?” I asked “Hurt, upset but keeping strong” Sue said quietly I nodded in understanding. After Kai had told us to ask Raine about what happened to Aria, Ray and I had been in denial. Raine has looked at us with sadness in her eyes for a split second but that was enough for Anna to use her powers to immobilise Raine for a few seconds. Ray and I had to put ourselves in a position we never thought we would ever be. Ray couldn’t believe our sister had anything to do with Aria being hurt and I felt torn between protecting my child and being there for my sister. I have never been more thankful or appreciative for having such an impartial beta than I did when he stepped forward and took over. Ray and I were too close to the situation so when Tim stepped forward and held Raine, while I had wanted to snap at him for manhandling her, another part wanted answers. When a few guards came into the room, I realised he had mind-linked them and had already made plans for Raine. I had to hold Ray back a bit when Tim escorted a quiet Raine with him, telling us he would take her to her rooms that she used and would station a couple of guards outside her door for when we were ready to speak to her. I had desperately and quietly willed Raine to fight, to prove her innocence - to say something. But she stayed quiet and that was what was killing me now. I asked Kai to explain what he meant and he said we had to wait for Aria to wake up “Raine?” I asked “Still in her room. She’s not caused any problem or issues. The guards won’t be changed for a while” Sue said “I’m going to check on her in a bit. Deedee and Sophie have finished the soup” “Ok” I nodded “This isint on you Jas” Anna sighed “Once Aria is awake and able to talk, we will find out what is going on” “It’s f****d up. That's what it is” I said with a bite I heard my wolf whine and I turned to speak to Anna when I caught the vulnerability in her eyes. I pull her to me and forced her to sit in the chair, hunching down to speak to her “What’s wrong Anna” I asked “And don’t say ‘nothing’ because I can tell something is. Even my wolf is playing up but I don’t understand why” Anna looked me, biting her bottom lip and then at Sue and Kai. When I saw her eyes linger on Kai, I let out a short laugh; both of frustration and amusement “Don’t tell me you spoke to Kai about it but refuse to tell your mate” I said “No, no” Anna said quickly “B…but I think Kai suspects” I c****d my left eyebrow at her and she took my hands in hers and I felt my heart jump. “I…I’m pregnant” Anna whispered “What?” I asked in shock Anna’s eyes water and she smiled even as her teeth worried her bottom lip “s**t Anna!” I hiss “Why didn’t you tell me? A…Are you sure?” “The healer told me three days ago” Anna nodded “I…didn’t know how to react” “Three days ago?!. Anna!” I said in a rush ”goddess baby! You…She’s sure? And what about you? Are you safe?” Anna’s eyes finally let the tears fall. I held my breath, my heart in my throat. Last year, Anna had been pregnant but after six weeks, while she was training her wolf side in combat practise, Anna had a miscarriage. While the healer assured us it wasn’t due to her training or being in wolf form, it had scared Anna enough that she hand’t wanted to shift into her wolf form at all. The miscarriage had scarred her from inside and we were told that any more children may be slim to impossible and that if it did happen, there could be possible consequences. “She said that the baby is growing normal but the scarring could cause an issue but will know better in two weeks time when she can do a scan” Anna whispered My heart jumped and I got up, picked her up and sat down with her gently in my arms. Sue walked over, congratulated us and then with the omega, left the room; giving us some privacy. “Is this going to be an issue?” I asked Kai “Oh” Anna chuckled “So now, you are checking with Kai like he knows it all?” “He does know it all” I said “Kai?” “I don’t think so” Kai said quietly “Don’t think so?” I asked, shocked “Kai, honey” Anna said, looking at him “you need to rest sweetheart. You have been awake and with Aria without taking care of yourself” Anna slowly got up and my hands automatically tried to stall her. When she pleaded with her eyes, I nodded as she got up and I followed her. I watched Kai sit up properly where he had been lying on the other side of Aria. He looked at us and that was when I noticed for the first time how tired and worried he did look. I felt like s**t. This was a kid and he was displaying all the traits of a man and here I was, forgetting he was a kid “Kai” I said as I held Anna’s hand “Let’s get you some food. Maybe a nap ok” “I -” Kai started to say Suddenly, Aria moaned from the bed and we rushed towards her. Kai sat up straighter as Aria stretched her arms, wincing a little. When she opened her eyes a and smiled, I let out a breath that I hadn’t realised I had been holding in. “Daddy” Aria smiled, “Mummy” “Hi my little pup” I said as I gently stroked her hair as Anna touched her cheek “Kai!” Aria squealed, her face lighting up She threw herself into his arms and he held her gently as she giggled and smiled, causing my heart to beat erratically. "Careful Aria!" I said with worry “You need to be careful Aria” Kai said as he smiled at her “I just told mum and grandma Deedee you are awake, they gonna bring you some chicken soup. You need to have some” “But i’m not hungry” Aria pouted “But you need to eat baby” Anna said as she continued to touch her cheek “And then we need to talk” I added “Jas” Anna whispered “Not now, I’m sure it can wait for a bit” I opened my mouth to argue when I heard footsteps on the stairs and I knew Sophie and Deedee were on their way up. I sighed and nodded as Aria spoke to Anna, asking after her brother and the rest of our family. I was itching to find out what had happened to her and how Raine was involved “There’s my little peanut” Deedee said, coming in Sophie and two kitchen staff followed in with trays holding plates and food. I could smell the soup and was glad to see more than a bowl for Aria. When they used a small folding table to setup, I almost let out a growl of happiness and my stomach made a noise. Aria giggled as Deedee walked towards the bed with Aria’s bowl. Sophie encouraged us to look at the food as she made a small plate for Kai and took it to him I watched as Kai looked at Anna who helped distract Aria as Kai slowly left the bed and put whatever was in the vial, into the soup. Deedee mixed it well and sat at the edge of the bed and started feeding her. Sophie sat with Kai and gave him some soup and a couple of sandwiches. I watched as this little boy waited until Aria had taken a few spoonfuls of soup before he took a bite of his sandwiches. “Anna” I called out “You need to eat, baby” When she opened her mouth to decline, I looked at her, folded my arms and let her know it wasn’t a question but a demand. Anna slowly nodded before walking with me to the table, making up our plates. I watched my mate slowly lift the sandwich to her mouth, only to stop and make a face before returning it to the plate. “What’s wrong?” Sophie asked “Uh, well..” Anna flustered “Anna’s been keeping a happy but worrying secret on her own” I replied "And I'm guessing it is now making itself known" Taking the plate from her, I carry her soup as I encourage her to sit on the chair and I slowly start to feed her the soup. Watching her face, I find that she enjoyed the soup and keep feeding her “Are you ok Anna?” Deedee asked “I..” Anna blushed, looking at the children “Anna’s pregnant” I said with pride “She’s what?” Deedee asked in shock Sophie gasped before congratulating her. Deedee finished feeding Aria and then hugged Anna, bombarding her with questions, her worry about the previous miscarriage obvious. “We don’t know much” I added “Anna and I had just spoken when Aria woke up” “Yaaay” Aria laughed and clapped “I get to meet my sister this time" Anna and I opened our mouth in shock and looked at each other “Sister?” We both whispered “I wanted one but the l-” Aria started to talk “Aria” Kai scolded gently “What did I say about telling the secrets that haven't happened?” “What were you saying Aria?” I asked in shocked voice “Kai” Sophie whispered “C…can you two tell the future? Can you see it?” Aria quickly put both hands over her mouth, her eyes wide and sad when she looked at Kai. “I didn’t mean to” Aria whispered between her cupped mouth “Daughter….she’s a little girl” Anna whispered, stroking her stomach “Aria” Deedee whispered “Kai, can-” “Please don’t ask grandma Deedee” Kai sighed “There are things Aria and I can’t say....shouldn’t say” “Kai” Sophie said as she sat beside him “Can you both really see things? Like the way grandad Magnus can?” "Kai can see muuuccchhhh more than grandad Magnus can" Aria giggled, her voice full of pride Realising what she said, she covered her mouth again when Kai gave her a pointed look, shaking his head with a small smile before he became sombre again “It's not the same” Aria blurted out “Aria” Kai said with a louder voice “But its not!” Aria insisted “It’s different because we are different and we have better sight” “If you had better sight” Deedee asked “Then why did you do this?” Deedee pointed to Arias’s bandaged arm. Aria’s smile turned sad as she looked at me and then Kai who seemed to also be waiting for an explanation “Because I missed Kai and he wouldn’t come back and it was the only way” Aria said looking at her arm “Only way to what?” I asked, angry she took such a step “To help auntie Raine” Aria said before she looked at me “To help her get my blood and to help bring back Kai”
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