Raine (6)

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Raine (6) I helped hold the cup as I watched Aria’s blood slowly trickle into it, my eyes darting to Anna who hiccuped every so often as my brother held his mate, his own face pale. When Kai turned towards me, he gave me the cup and took the bandage from my other hand, I almost wanted to sigh in relief. “Kai” Deedee said, wringing her hands “Is that all of it?” Kai turned to look at her, his own eyes a brilliant blue, the white parts fully covered. I held my breath in, my eyes turning away so he didn’t meet mine. “For now, it is” Kai said, his voice deep and old “What does that mean? For now?” Jason asked with clenched teeth “The draining of her infected blood will take longer than what we have done here” Kai said with a calm voice “But make no mistake, she will require this every three days for a month” “A MONTH?” Jason shouted I heard Anna cry out, her hands covering her mouth as she tried to hold in her pain. I heard Ray and the Beta swear. Deedee choked and Sophie swore. I felt his eyes on me but I refused to look at him. In case he knew. “Is there no other way Kai?” Sophie asked “The tainted blood has to leave to break the partial bond it has created” Kai explained “How is this even possible?” Deedee asked in shocked voice “It’s this f*****g magick business” Jason spat “I told you! I told you I didn’t want the kids near it-” “Jas” Ray cut in, trying to calm him down “But noooo” Jason shouted “The twins were special. They need to connect to the magick…Our son was going to be both alpha and witch…warlock…arghhh, whatever the f**k it is! We don't know how it will all work because there are new rules in place and new situation...I wanted them to be just normal kids but hey, what do I know? I'm just their father, no-one important!” “I’m sorry” Anna whispered “You don’t have anything to be sorry about” I said with anger, looking at my brother “He’s being an ass” “Christ!” Jason said, pulling Anna into his arms “i’m sorry love” Anna held onto Jason and I turned around, only to find Kai looking at me intently. I took in a deep breath and opened my mouth a couple of times, wanting to diffuse the situation but not sure what it was I was diffusing. “You can move the cup now” Kai said I looked down and saw the cup full of the deep red blood I had been collecting for the last hour. Kai had turned around to tend to Aria who was still and un-moving on the bed, her hair still fanned out behind her, her skin cold and pale looking. I watched as he wrapped her arm with the bandages, his movements methodical and quick. Every so often, his lips would move as he touched her cheek and Aria would relax further. I moved slowly up, standing steadily before slowly backing away with the precious blood of life. As I took a step towards the door, my feet freeze when Kai called out to me “I said you could move the cup. Don’t take the blood out of this room” Kai said “I was-” I started “No” Kai said, without looking at me as he tended to Aria “Mum, can you take the cup please?” My hands tightened around it. s**t! I needed a little bit of it. Chris needed it! “I don’t mi-” I started to speak “No” Kai cut in once again “Mum” Sophie hesitated for a second before smiling awkwardly. She walked to me ans held out her hand, waiting for me to pass her the burden I had hoped to carry home with me. I looked at Kai who kept ignoring me but I felt the others look at me in confusion “Why can’t my sister take it?” Jason asked Kai ignored him “Is there something wrong with Raine throwing it away?” Anna asked "It can't be thrown" Kai replied "Then, surely she can take it out of the room and to where you say, Kai?" Anna whispered Kai ignored her When Jason let out a warning growl, with his body turned towards his mate, Kai lifted his right arm out and held his palm open. Suddenly, the cup grew so hot my hands burnt and I let the it go. Gasping, everyone cried out and I reached forward to try grab it again when the cup rightened itself and floated up and above my reach. When I tried to grab it, my hand bounced off an invincible wall and all that time, not only did Kai not look at us but he did it without spilling a drop of Aria’s blood. We all watched in awe as the cup stayed afloat before slowly moving back towards Kai. I felt the darkness inside brewing as my inner entity shrieked at fighting against what was happening, tell me how important Aria’s blood was. “I…said” Kai spoke slowly “The blood does. Not. Leave. This. Room” Once the cup was afloat above his hand, it slowly lowered to his open hand and after staying still for a few seconds, Kai twisted his hand as if turning it upside down and the cup disappeared. Right before our eyes! I wanted to rage. My perfect opportunity and it was ruined! “Erm, Kai. Sweetie” Sophie said “It’s ok mum” Kai said, turning back to Aria “It’s safe now” “It wasn’t before?” Sophie asked Kai froze for a second before shrugging his shoulder and touching Aria’s face “No, no” Jason said as he moved forward “There’s no shrugging your shoulders. Are you trying to say my daughters blood wasn’t safe with my sister?” “Wow, wow, wow Jas!” Ray said running to stand in front of Jason who was advancing towards Kai “Easy” “Don’t ‘easy’ me!” Jason shouted “Do you realise what he is saying?” “I didn’t say anything” Kai replied, once again looking only at Aria “Don’t get smart” Jason growled “Hey!” Sophie growled loudly “Back off!” “You-” Jason started “Ok, ok” I cut in “Enough. Jason, calm down” I could feel the entity inside wanting to fight. To start a war and destroy them all but I had to play it smart. I had to be careful or everything would be exposed too fast….with dire consequences “I’m sure that’s not what Kai meant” I said with a slight smile “I know what I said” Kai replied confidently “Why, you -” Jason tried to by pass Ray and get to Kai Sophie jumped in between but needn’t have bothered. Jason bounced back towards Anna who was looking on with shock. Deedee rushed to Jason’s side as I looked at Kai in surprise. He finally turned to look at us, his voice sombre and quiet “Don’t make me take my mate to somewhere you can’t reach” Kai said “Nothing else is more important than her safety “Are you threatening me?” Jason asked with hate in his eyes “As my mate’s father, I would never do that to you” Kai said walk a little forward “As my mates alpha and souldbound, I will always protect her” Soulbound. No, not possible. Not one so young. “Did you say soul bound?” Deedee asked in shock Did Deedee know what a soulbound is? How? “What’s that?” Anna asked “I don't care” Jason said “He just threatened me” “I didn’t” Kai said “Will you both stop!” Sophie sighed “Jeez, you are both acting like you are kids” “Except I am one, mum” Kai smirked Everyone started talking at once as they each tried to raise their voice over the other. In that time, my head was ringing. Soulbound. For kai to know that word…to associate it with Aria could only mean one thing, they knew about us. They knew of our true origin and if he did, did that mean he knew details about the box? About the bargain I had made? I had to speak to Chris! I had to tell him what I learned and I had to be careful. Kai was too smart and old for his age. He knew too much but someone was helping him. Someone was feeding him information, but who? “ALRIGHT!” Jason finally shouted loud enough “FINE!” Silence. Everyone had stopped talking “I-” Jason looked at Kai who stood there silently “I accept” Kai said quietly Jason scoffed with a laugh before shaking his head. When his eyes looked towards the bed, he lost his smile and both he and Anna moved together towards it. When he got closer to Kai, he hesitated before putting one step forward slowly as he held Anna back with one stretched out arm When his foot slowly set down close to Kai, he closed his eyes, expecting to be thrown back. Only to stand where he was without any problem. He opened his eyes and looked at Kai who moved away from the bed slightly “I will never stop you from being with her, unless you or someone is a danger to her” Kai said He moved back as Jason and Anna rushed forward, each taking a side to climb up onto the bed and touch Aria. I watched in silence as the scene changed before me to one of me at that age and my parents doing something similar to me but I wasn’t hurt or ill. I had been lying in bed, waiting for them to finish reading me the story I had picked out. The scene changed again and this time, I am alone, cold and in pain but this time, there’s no one. I’m shivering in my bed alone. My body is sore from being used and I want to cry but my tears have dried out. This time, there was no one to come to my side and comfort me or to read me a bedtime story. My wrist are sore from being tied down and chaffed from being so harshly restrained and still, they didn't come. Not my parents and not my brothers. I was all alone in this goddess forsaken, sterile room. I blinked as the scene faded and I was back with everyone in the room again. I blinked rapidly so the tears wouldn’t fall as I watch them all fuss over Aria and I think about the missed opportunity. I knew I had to speak to Chris. I had to tell him everything I witnessed and figure out how to do what I came here to do. I saw Kai looking at me quietly as everyone else chatted. I lifted my head, letting him know I wasn’t afraid or intimidated by him. I felt the bite of my nails digging into my hand as I balled them up into fists. “Kai” Jason spoke “How long will it take for her to open her eyes” “What is all of this Kai?” Anna asked “I have something she needs to take. I just need grandma Deedee to make it” Kai said as he looked back at everyone “Of course” Deedee said, nodding her head “What?” “Chicken soup” Kai said with a gentle smile “I will mix this in it” He held up a small vile. I had to wonder what it was and where he got it from. Judging by everyone else's look, They didn't know either “It’s something to help gain some strength” Kai explained “but she won’t take it without it being mixed in something. She loves chicken corn soup” “She does” Deedee said with a sniff “but it will take me at least an hour” "She won’t be up before that” Kai said “Mum, can you help?” Sophie hesitated, her eyes darting towards Jason who looked embarrassed. He cleared his throat and glanced at Sophie again. “I promise I won’t do anything, say anything to him” Jason said Still, Sophie hesitated “It’s ok mum” Kai confirmed “Besides, I can take care of myself” “That’s what i’m afraid off” Sophie sighed Jason cleared his throat, looking embarrassed once again. Kai nodded at her and she nodded back, talking to Deedee about a quicker recipe that would work for the soup before Aria opened her eyes. Deedee and Sophie agreed to work together to make it happen faster as they both walked out of Aria’s room, their voices slowly fading the further they went. “Kai” Ray called for his attention “What is all of this? The blood, the cut? What happened here today?” “Aria did something she shouldn’t have. Something she promised to never do” Kai sighed “Something she shouldn’t have even known about, but somehow did” “I…Is she going to be ok? Geez, I’m her mother and I….didn’t know how to help her” Anna sobbed “Babe” Jason said, his hand running down her arm “You couldn’t have known” Kai said “If Aria shouldn’t have known about this, how did this happen?” Jason asked “This doesn’t look like something someone does accidentally that worked. The cut is too precise” “Because she was told what to do, how to do it” Kai said, looking at Aria’s face I held my breath. No. Not possible! I was promised noone else would be part of it! That no one else would take any actions without going pass me first. That was the plan, the rules. The pact. “Who?” Jason asked with a growl “And with what?” Kai became silent before slowly turning his eyes to me. My breath caught in my throat, my hands becoming sweaty as I waited to see what he said. Without moving his eyes, he spoke softly. “Dagger” Kai said, uttering the words I hoped he wouldn’t “Dagger?” Anna asked in confusion “What da….Nnnnnooooo!” “What?” Jason asked, looking between the two “No kai, you must be mistaken” Anna said as she wrapped around her daughter tighter “That’s not possible. She’s not of age. NO KAI” “What dag- f**k off!” Jason shouted as he looked at Kai, pale “Nonononononon” Anna said, shaking her head “It’s just not possible” “Kai!” Ray whispered “Are you sure?” “NO!” Anna shouted “It’s not possible, it can't be” “It is” Kai said, looking at me “What are you trying to say?” Ray asked, his voice low and filled with pain “That Aria didn’t just know how to do this. She was told. Guided” Kai said quietly “By who?” Jason growled Kai remained silent. I tried to keep my heartbeat from jumping up, my eyes steady as I looked at all the eyes now looking at me “No, no way” Jason said, shaking his head “Raine?” Ray whispered in as hocked voice Through it all, I stayed quiet as I met Kai;’s eyes. His blue eyes flashed for a second before the colour started seeping out, his eyes finally turning back to his own. He turned back to look at at Jason who was caressing his daughters hand, his eyes looking at me with such pain, I almost admitted everything then “How Kai? How did she even get the dagger?” Anna sobbed quietly “Ask Auntie Raine” Kai said, turning back to me as he quietly imploded my world
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