Sophie (5)

3235 Words
Sophie (5) “You need to stop doing this” Simon whispered I looked at him and sighed. My hands caressed his face lovingly as once again I forced myself to keep my hands still and not untie his binds “And you need to stop saying the same thing after two years because it is never going to stop happening” I replied, kissing the tip of his nose “Soph” Simon sighed “Sy” I teased back “Baby” Simon started “I can’t live without you” I said quietly “How do you think I can not see you when I get a chance?” “It’s so dangerous” Simon whispered “And nothing changes” “I would still rather have this than be without it” I said with determination “I know” Simon smiled “But you, the kids-” “Are fine. We are safe. We just miss you” I said quietly “The pack miss you” “How’s dad coping?” Simon asked as he kissed my forehead “He’s managing only because he know’s we are fighting to get you out” I said “Kai….is working on it” “He’s been working on it for weeks” Simon replied “That’s not like him” “Something is up with him. I know it is. He came back four days ago and it’s just not…him” I admitted “He’s not Kai?” Simon asked in a shocked whisper “He is. But not as we know it” I sighed “He’s changed” “How could he not, with all the s**t that’s been going on since he was born?” Simon scoffed Suddenly, a loud and an aggressive sounding buzz was felt against where my hand covered Simon’s heart. We flinched as we looked at each other, both of our eyes meeting in silent sorrow. I bit the bottom of my lip and Simon groaned “Don't do that kitten” Simon closed his eyes “Not when I can’t do something about it” “Sy” I whisper in sadness Opening his eyes, he smiled at me even as pain clouded his eyes “As soon as I can, I’ll be damn sure doing something about it” Simon teased “It’s too soon” I whisper “It’s always too soon” Simon replied “Come here kitten and give me a kiss that will keep me going for a day longer” I felt my eyes tear up even as I leaned over him and placed a long kiss on his lips. I moan as it started to turn carnal and my hand started to glide down, aiming to caress his jeans covered d**k that was now straining against the zipper. When his tongue thrust into my mouth, I felt my n*****s tighten and my core moisten as the need to mate and be taken arose When the loud buzzing sound once again filled the room, I broke the kiss with a groan that Simon matched and we both took deep breaths. Simon chuckled when he looked down “They gonna think I’ve been having dodgy dreams again” Simon laughed “Not funny” I sniffed as my eyes misted “Don’t kitten” Simon growled “You know I hate seeing the tears” “I hate leaving like this” I said even as I try to brush away the tears “We haven’t got a choice” Simon said, clearing his throat “that’s the second bell, kitten” “I’ll see you soon ok?” I said as I slowly got up from the bed “Unless of course you think I’ll interrupt you with the guards, what with the hard-on and what not” “Not funny” Simon growled playfully, his eyes flashing his wolf Bending down, I cup his jaw and kiss him softly once again “I love you” I whisper “Love you too Kitten” Simon whispered back “Now go, before Kai comes to get you personally” I rolled my eyes “You do know that WE are the parents right?” I huffed “Do you really want another lecture from our kid about why-” Simon started “I know, I know” I said “Wednesday” “Wednesday” Simon said, nodding his head I looked at the watch and pressed the side button. Immediately I felt myself starting to fade. I lifted my hand up to touch his cheek and I felt the telling tug. When I blinked, I found myself standing back in my living room with Sherry and Simon's mum, the sound of some of the kids playing elsewhere. Immediately, the tears fell and I sniffed even as Sherry pulled me into her arms and hugged me, giving me a tissue. I took it from her gratefully and blew my nose. His mum came and helped me to the couch before passing me a banana which I scoffed down gratefully “How is he?” His mum asked with worry “The same” I answered “I hate these separations” “It wont be long Soph” Sherry said “We’ve been saying that for weeks, months even!” I raised my voice “How much longer is this going to take?” “Oh, love!” Simon’ mother said, hugging me to her “I’m sorry” I whispered against her neck “I just….really miss him” “I know” She said, patting my back “Wheres’ everyone else?” I asked moving to sit back against the sofa “John has Hannah in the pack meeting with him” Sherry explained “Scott’s got Tyler and his two. And the rest are here” “Kelsie?” I asked “Still trying to find a way” Sherry said quietly “I don’t think it’s going to help” I sighed, closing my eyes “It’ about timing, right?” Sherry asked “I think so” I whisper “Is dad back yet?” “Not until this weekend” Sherry shook her head “Tracy?” "I didn't see her again" I shook my head. I sighed again and looked at Sherry “The spell is so restrictive. If I move anything or untie Simon, they will know something is up. I can’t move around this place and I can sense her. Her parents must be going crazy” “Kelsie and Kai do a good job of keeping them two grounded. Wherever he is getting the spells from, are working” Sherry said “You don’t think it’s him?” I asked in surprise “Honey” Simon’s mum said “He’s gifted but not that good. Someone or something else is helping him. I just get this strong feeling” “I agree” Sherry nodded “Kai is learning things that a child can’t learn on his own and Aria is not that knowledgeable that she can help guide him this way. Hell, even Anna didn’t know the spell Kai helped release when Tracy and his dad were caught and kidnapped. They don’t even know her true face or relation. That kind of knowledge is not…..normal” “Where is Kai?” I asked “He’s been with Kelsie until a few minutes ago, just before you came back” Sherry said “Now?” I asked, standing up Sherry had just opened her mouth when Kai appeared out of nowhere. I was about to greet him when I saw the devastation on his face and my heart almost stopped “Kai” I whispered Before me, my normally stoic, mature adult/child of a boy crumbled before my very eyes as his eyes swam with tears and his small body shook. I could hear the other two gasp and get up just as Kai ran into my open arms and flung his arms around me "Mum” Kai cried, his sobs wrenching at my heart “Kai?” I asked, my voice shaking “Baby, what’s wrong? Oh Goodess Kai, your scaring me” Bending down, I look at him as tears fall down his face and I see a scared little boy in front of me “What’s wrong baby?” I asked him, trying to be strong “H…help me mum…It’s my fault” Kai sobbed “I was meant to protect her” “Who?” I asked, confused “Ar…ria” Kai sobbed “I was meant to protect her and now she’s gonna get hurt because of me” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason I sat down on the new sofa and sighed out loudly before looking at my equally tired but happy siblings who were spread out on the opposite sofa “I know we agreed to help but jeez Raine” Ray groaned “Couldn’t you have spread the work over a month instead of a week?” “Hush up you big baby” Raine laughed “What was the big rush anyways?” Ray asked as he popped open a can of fizz and drank a large amount of it before speaking again “It’s not like you have to go into work or anything” Raine was about to smack him with a plastic wrapper covered cushion when the bell of her door sounded. Immediately both Ray and I stood to attention and started walking towards the living room door “Uh hu” Rain said, getting up “My place, remember?” Jumping up, she walked out onto the hallways, Ray and I trailing behind her as she opened the door and the tantalising smells hit our nose. Both Ray and I growled as our stomach made a louder noise and when Raine closed the door, our mouth watered when she turned around with six pizza boxes from Domino's and some small boxes on top. Ray hurried forward and took the small burden from her as she lifted her eyebrows at us. I ducked my head with a smile and followed her into the brand new kitchen as she opened her new fridge and took out the only items in there. The drinks We walked back into the living room, my chest puffing out with pride as we took the items back to the dinning table in the corner and sat down “I know I’m good” I said with a smirk “But I’m not that good that I can control a human to come drop of food telepathically” “I called them” Raine said “two hours ago and gave them an estimated time. We got most of the work done yesterday after all the deliveries, and it was only the dinning table and the new chest freezer that had to be installed today along with setting up the rest of the house” “Goddess” Ray said with a groan “Can’t thank you enough. I’m starving” “You’re packs good” Raine said, nodding “They got the house painted, decorated and most of the appliances installed within days from having the keys!” “Our pack” I added with a soft growl She rolled her eyes at me as she shoved another margarita slice in her mouth, her sigh of pleasure mimicking my own as I took another bite out of my pepperoni pizza. “Ye” Ray said reaching for the garlic bread “It’s a good thing we have our people also owning some of the bigger stores. Helps to get things done quicker. They were just as good as when Sue and I were getting our place done up” “I still don’t get why you needed the extra freezer” I said as I demolished my first pizza “You have the fridge freezer and another freezer in the utility that Dean added when he was redoing the utility room” “Are you planning on having lots of house parties and batch cook?” Ray asked with a laugh “And if you are, are we invited?” I watched the emotion pass over Raine’s face as she thought of what to say, my eyes catching a fleeting moment that didn’t look right “Well” Raine laughed “I’m not sure about batch cooking but definitely plan to catch-up on all the missed party scenes over the years” She’s lying my wolf said Its called a joke I replied “So rave’s at yours every friday huh?” Ray laughed back “Rave’s?” Raine asked Ray laughed louder and proceeded to explain the difference between a rave and a party. I watched my sibling laugh and eat, the warm tingling in my heart reminding me of this exact kind of scene when we were younger. Except we had been laughing in our den and munching mum’s cookies. Before long, we had finished off the food and we stood up. Ray gathered the rubbish and I helped wipe down the table. When the doorbell once again sounded, I lifted my eyebrows at Ray who wiggled his and grinned at me “Dessert” Ray said with a smile I almost groaned, not sure I could handle any more food at this time. When Raine came back, my smile dimmed and I frowned, watching Ray freeze as we both had equal shocked looks on our faces. Raine came into the living room and stopped when she saw the look on our faces, our eyes darting behind her to the case “You're staying here? Tonight?” Ray asked Raine opened her mouth before closing it. I felt the hurt expand in my chest as I read in her eyes what he mouth struggled to say “Your moving in tonight, aren’t you?” I asked “Yes” Raine whispered “Why?” Ray asked his eye full of hurt “You guys knew it was gonna happen. I mean, that’s what this whole week was about, right?” Raine asked “We figured you’d at least come back, stay until the weekend-” I started to say “And only come stay a few days in the month?” Raine asked, her eyes wide “It’s not like you have a m mortgage” Ray said, folding his arms “Ray” Raine said She walked towards him and took his hand in hers, squeezing it. When she walked towards me and hugged my side, I looked down at her. My eyes searched for something but whatever it was, I couldn’t seem to find it because I felt like I was missing something “It’s like a band aid, If I do it now, it won’t take longer to heal” Raine said “Did you plan this from the beginning?” Ray asked “Because from our chat’s, I don't recall you saying that you would move in on the day everything was delivered and setup” “Guy’s” Raine said “It’s easier this way” “Why?” I asked “Otherwise, every day one of you will keep saying to stay back until this becomes a holiday home for me. I know you two” Raine said with a short laugh I nodded, my heart still sore as I realised that we really were going to be without her once again. Ray looked annoyed as he looked anywhere else but her. When she saw him do this, she walked over to him and tried to explain herself. I felt the small tingle of the mind link and quickly connected with Anna when I felt her worry Anna, what’s wrong baby? I asked her Jason! Jason, I….I don’t know what to do Anna sobbed Anna! I growled What’s wrong Feeling the tension radiating from my body, Raine and Ray stop talking and now were looking at me. They started following me as I hurried out of the house, my feet running to my car as Raine locked the house and follows Ray in to the car. My heart thudding in my chest, I try to make sense of what Anna is saying even as Ray looks at me in concern, trying to understand what is going on. When Anna break it down further, my mind numbs and I blast open the private link to my sibling, unsure I heard correctly. I zip the car out of the private drive and connect to the back roads as I floor the peddle, wanting to get back to my family faster Anna I said Baby, you need to slow down and tell me again. It doesn…doesn’t make sense Jas Anna sobbed Deedee and I don’t understand it. We don’t know what to do! What is going on Ray added Jas is not saying anything. Anna, what’s going on? Aria…We were calling the kids down to eat lunch and only Aria didn’t come down Anna sobbed I went upstairs to check and she was afloat…in the air Afloat? Ray asked Ar…arm’s out, feet pointed down Anna said I tried to grab her but something pushed me back WHAT THE f**k? I shouted through the link Jas…JASOOONN!!! Anna screamed WHAT?! ANNA WHAT? as I shouted back I felt silence even as the three of us tried to communicate with Anna and Deedee who were both silent. Ray commanded the beta and gamma for help as Raine did something I never expected. “Don’t judge me” Raine said quietly “What?” I asked, my eyes darting between her and the road. I knew i was only another fifteen minutes away but my heart wouldn’t stop trying to rip out of my chest as I tried desperately to connect with Anna My foot slammed on the breaks, the car swerving left and right before I tugged on the wheel and came to a stop beside a tree on the side of the road. I watched in shock at the image being played in front of our eyes as Ray gasped, asking how this was possible. But all I could do was clench my fist, my breathing choppy as I tried to understand what my eyes were showing me. I reached out my hand towards them but only met air as before my eyes, Anna and Deedee were each holding onto Aria, her eyes closed. Her body spasmed and shook as if she was being shaken badly by something. Her hair was flying out behind her and blood was streaming from her nose. “ARIAAAA” I shouted “WHAT THE f**k?!” Ray said, his face twisting toward Raine and then towards the image WHERE THE f**k ARE YOU GUY’S?! Ray shouted through the mind link to our Beta and Gamma Just got to the door Our Beta Tim responded BREAK IT THE f**k DOWN I shouted I had barely said that when Anna and Deedee called out Aria’s name. Suddenly, Aria’s head twisted towards us, as looking directly at me and I felt fear creep into my chest “Aria” I whispered Suddenly, she opened her eyes, a malicious smile curving up on her face…. Her eyes fully black
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