Kai (4)

1978 Words
Kai (4) I sat quietly, watching her as she finally let her hand fold onto the table. “What are you thinking?” She asked with a knowing smile “Don’t you already know?” I asked “I do” She said “But I want you say it aloud” “Why?” I asked with a frown “Because you need to process the information” She smiled “And I want you to accept what is being told” “Why wouldn’t I?” i asked her “Because you are far too practical” She laughed gently “And you need to rationalise all of this in your head” Spraying silent, I looked at her for a while, my mind going everything I had learned in the past four days. “It changes everything” I said quietly “Yes” She nodded “It does” “And change never comes for free” I added “No” She agreed “It doesn’t” “What will it cost? Who will it cost?” I asked, folding my arms When she opened her mouth to speak, I stood up from the table, pushing back my chair “I’m not giving her up. Not for anything or anyone” I stated first She closed her mouth and looked at me with a quite, reserved look before she sighed and lowered her lashes “It wont be forever and it won’t - “ She tried to continue “No” I cut in “Not happening” “Kai” She sighed “No” I shook my head “You know she is the other half of me. You said it yourself. We are meant to be. To stand together so we can face what is about to come - together we are stronger” “And all of that is still correct” She said, slowly standing up “That’s why your trials and training has started” “Which I agreed to do to be better. To prepare for what was to come but you never mentioned giving her up” I said with angrier tone “you said I would need to go away for a short time and Aria would come back to me. That grandma Deedee made a special deal and it would help us” “Yes Kai” She nodded and walked closer to me “She did and it will. But not for a long time yet” “I won’t leave Aria so you need to come up with a better plan” I said sternly “Kai” She looked down at me “Right now, you need to get strong to help Magnus accept his new truth and change that will come into his life. Raine is on a such a dangerous path which we can’t change or we disturb the balance. It has to come from her but only if you help” “I already said I will, but not if it hurts my Aria” I looked away from her “I will always chose her over everyone else” “Even your own parents?” She asked gently I hesitated. I knew mum still visited dad because I helped her with magick and she couldn’t understand why she couldn’t take them away to safety. I had to let dad suffer because it was the only way to put in motion what needed to happen without letting the other side know I knew what was going on. I loved my family and I loved Aria Feeling my heart beat harder, I straightened up “Even over my parents” I say with force She nodded and walked past me to a bookshelf and between a few books, her hand disappeared and then came out with a small bottle. She walked back towards me and held it out to me “What is it?” I asked “Olv-toristo” She said “A potion to help with you not being there” “How does it work?” I asked, opening my hand “A small drop will be enough. You put it into whatever they are eating or drinking before you leave and it will make them think you are not as far” She said I took the bottle from her and unscrewed the cap. I frowned when I didn't detect any smell and looked at her for confirmation “It’s not detectable. But know this, it can’t be used on multiple people. You must choose who it will help” She said quietly “It’s full purpose?” I asked “To ease their suffering and separation anxiety of their loved one not being there, with them” She said in a clear voice “It make their absence not seem as long as time moves forward” I took a deep breath and knew what she was saying. My mum could use this position greatly. It would help her with the pain she was feeling for not being able to be with my dad “Why can’t it help more than one person?” I asked, my sadness coming through my voice “Those are the rules” She said, clasping her hands I nodded once while looking at the bottle, my mind going through all the scenarios “And Raine?” I asked, lifting my eyes to her “She has to decide. When they brought out her true inner self through the book, her path was written but not determined” She said walking toward the blackboard behind her desk. I looked at all of the drawing and numbers written as my tired eyes tried to read what it all meant “If only she knew the truth-” I started to say “Which you know is forbidden Kai” She said, turning to look at me “The decision must be hers - WITHOUT interference. If we do tell her, we break the balance treaty and hell on earth would be a mild term used” “It’s not fair” I whispered Her harsh face relaxed and she walked over to me. Cupping my face gently, she kissed my cheek “Oh Kai” She sighed “I know. It is such a great burden to place on shoulder one so young” “But it is the only way” I repeated her word from earlier “And the only one who can do it” “The throne can not remain empty” She said gently “Even if it means unhappiness?” I asked with a sad face “Even then my love” She spoke quietly “The happiness will only be for a while but when the truth is revealed, the time with one’s rightful mate will transcend it all” “But not before the battle, the pain or the betrayal” I repeated She nodded. Standing back up, she sighed before smiling “You should go now” She smiled “Gramps found out” I nodded “As he was bound to do” She chuckled “Don’t forget who he is a descendant of” I nodded as I pocketed the bottle in my hoodie pocket. When she opened her arms, I walked into them, hugging her waist as I closed my eyes. “I’m ….WE are always here Kai” She said, stroking my hair with her fingers “And only you could be the one to bring it all together. The supremes were created for protection and without them, destruction would be the world's friend” I stepped back, nodding at her words. She smiled at me and waved her hand. A blue star appeared, bright and shining as I smiled at what was being shown. When I looked back at her, she smiled back at me, her hands clasped in front of her “Always your choice, Kai” She gently said Smiling, I turned back around and stepped through the star “I’ll see you in a couple of days then” I nod I heard her chuckle as I was whisked back to where my heart was. To where it all began and ended. “Kai!” Aria shouted in happiness Appearing in Aria’s room, I watched as she ran to me from where she was sitting at her window seat, her book now forgotten on the floor. I opened my arms and lifted her up as she launched herself at me. When I felt her energy, I immediately stopped twirling her and locked my eyes with hers “Aria” I frowned “What have you done?” “Kai” She laughed “Your back. I missed you. Why did you leave me?” “Aria, I never left you” I said I walked with her to her bed in my arms, her legs wrapped around me. Sitting down, I adjusted so she sat on my lap, her legs now hanging on the side of my own as shr tried to hug me. I stopped her and looked at her pale cheeks and tired eyes “What have you done Aria?” I asked her gently Her eyes started to water. Looking down, she sniffed as she tried to evade my gaze. I gently lifted her chin and rubbed my nose against hers “Aria” I breathed “You were gone for so long” Aria whispered “I told you I had to go away to do something” I said gently “Look at you! You haven’t been taking care of yourself like you promised” “I hurt” Aria said with a sniff “You hurt? Hurt where?” I ask with a frown “Everywhere” Aria sniffed again “You went away reaaalllyyy far Kai. So far, I couldn’t reach you” “Aria” I sighed “I couldn’t find you” Aria cried “I really trie…tired” “Aria” I tried to hug her but she shook her head, her nose running “You left me and I was so cold because I couldn’t feel you here” She said, tapping her heart The long sleeve of her top moved up a little and I felt my heart stop. I gasped, my eyes wide and when Aria saw what I was looking at, she scrambled to get off my lap, tucking her arm behind her back as she covered the mark again “Aria” I whispered in shock “What have you done” “I….I…didn't mean to” Aria stuttered I walked closer to her even as she backed away, her teeth biting her bottom lip. I felt my heart beat faster as I tried to understand what I saw, what shouldn’t have been possible….not yet at least “Aria” I whispered, my voice shaking “It…was the only way to fe…feel you” Aria sniffed “I didn’t mean it” “Aria” I whispered her name again FInally i stood in front of her and gently took her right arm and held her hand as I gently pushed up her sleeve until the black and blue jagged line came into view. I took a deep breath “No” I whispered “I’m sorry” Aria said with a sniff Looking down at the mark, I knew then that everything she had told me was true. If I had even a doubt, this scar had just proved her words were right. And that meant everything else was right and I couldn’t run from her words. I was the one now causing Aria danger and I had to be the one removed from her life
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