Raine (3)

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Raine (3) “But the cost!” I said in frustration, throwing up my hands in the air “When I -” “Raine” Jason said patiently “The money Ray and I have had from the pack account belongs to all three of us” “Only the amount that you initially had” I said “Not the amount you both invested and got returns on” “Are you crazy?” Ray huffed out, folding his arms “It’s pack money. Regardless of who invested it” “But-” I tried again I heard laughter and we all turned around to watch as Anna came into the living room with two omegas behind her, pushing a trolly with food and drinks. “Will you tell them?” I asked my sister-in-law “Oh no” Anna chuckled “I am not getting involved” “Hi baby” Jason said as kissed her lips. Anna smiled and gestured to the omegas to set up the table as she and Jason had a moment. I watched in envy as the two mates cuddled and kissed, his eyes hungry whenever he looked at her “Ugh” I said in a huff “You two act like teens” “Thank you” Jason smiled smugly Anna chuckled as she pulled Jason to the table. She turned to look at me and Ray who was already making his way forward with a happy dance when he looked at the table “When you find your mate, trust me. You won’t be able to help but be a teen too” Anna laughed Both Ray and Jason froze as they looked at each other. I felt my heart stop. My mate. Goddess given mate. The one being that is meant to love you, made for you like no other. The other half of my soul and the one who - “Raine?” Ray calls my name I blink, my eyes re-focusing on the people in front of me who were now looking at me with concern. I cleared my throat and sighed. I needed to district them, take them away from this mate talk “What’s with the face?” I asked Ray who was still frowning “Why are you so lost looking?” Ray asked “I know it can take time, I mean look at me, but I still found my mate. You will too” “That’s not what I - never mind. Speaking of which, I thought Sue was going to join us for lunch?” “Don’t change the subject” Jason said lightly “She was until Tara needed her. So she’s gone to the hotel” Ray explained as he filled his plate “Ra-” Jason started to talk “Look” I said quickly, changing the topic “I already explained that the wing Ray had been using before he found Sue would have been sufficient for me. You wanting to build a new wing, decorate and do all this stuff….is silly” “And we told you” Jason said, now filling his plate “That you are our sister who-” “I’m going to buy my own place” I cut in “Off land” Silence. They all froze, their eyes wide as Anna blew out a breath and looked sideways at Jason who had palled. Ray looked like he was going to be sick and for a moment, I felt stupid and foolish until I remembered my end goal. I remembered my promise and what I had to do to achieve it……and for it to happen, I couldn’t live here among them. “What?” Ray whispered “Why?” Jason asked, his eyes filled with pain “Because I’m an adult, Because I need my own space” I said, trying to hold myself strong “Because i’ve not been a sister for many years” “Oh s**t” I heard Anna softly whisper “And I don’t know how to live in a pack like this” I whispered I walked over to the table as they watched me in silence. I could see Ray rapidly blink his eyes and Jason open his mouth to say something. When he didn’t speak, I started filling my plate with the lunch offering as Anna pushed my brother to sit down. When Jason pulled Anna onto his lap, I took a deep breath and turned around “I get that you are happy I am here. I understand the need to stay together and run this pack. But I can’t do that” I explained quietly “I’ve been on my own for a long time” I held up one hand when Ray opened his mouth, my eyes pleading with him to let me finish speaking “I love that we found each other after so long and we three have had this time together. BUT I can’t be co-alpha. You and Ray have done wonderfully here. You thrive here as you should” I smiled gently “But living as a large pack as this….the pack life of everyone knowing everything, working together and being part of each other….it’s…” “Too much” Anna said, nodding her head “Yes” I whisper Jason looked at Anna with surprise “I felt the same way” Anna said, cupping his chin “Don’t you remember?. It was so much when i walked down to my own living room and saw so many people gathered around to speak to you or Ray about pack business…..someone always around when I just wanted space to think or do my spell…..all the groupies that lusted after you” “What groupies?” Jason said with a deep frown Anna rolled her eyes and smiled at me. I smiled back, grateful for her help. When she looked back at Jason, she kissed his jaw and sighed “What your sister is trying to say is….she want’s her own space. I don’t blame her. This place is a madhouse” Anna chuckled “The completion of the reception area and packhouse has only just finished and I am so thankful that our home, while attached to the packhouse - is still a separate place. Gram’s has her own place connected to us but essentially, with the security and locked places that others don’t have access to, I am still thankful we are not all part of the one home” “I never realised it was something so contentious” jason said, his eyes hurt “It’s not, you foolish man” Anna said, staring into his eyes “But see it from her point of view. Suddenly she is thrust into a pack with people who are coming around at all hours of the day and night, know whats going on and treating her like she's a specimen under a microscope and who they are trying to figure out” Ray put his plate of food on the side table, clasping his hands together as he looked between Anna and I “She’s an enigma and a wonder. No doubt all these years meant she had a quiet mind and a quiet room where she could listen to her own thoughts. Suddenly, she’s thrust in the life of a pack where the mind link is constantly abuzz. Be it with gossip, information or pack news. On top of that, we have pack meetings, social gatherings and the kids acting crazy around here” I opened my mind to defend that statement when Anna laughed loudly and held her hand up to stop me from speaking “Don’t deny it and don’t worry about it. I so get where you are coming from. I was one of those people that grumbled about kids being in planes until i had my own” Anna laughed “And it IS a madhouse here. I get it. AND it’s bad enough having one brother as an alpha, never mind two who are both over protective, overbearing and overly concerned” “Heeeyyy” Ray said with hurt “Oh, you are so in trouble my mate” Jason growled at her playfully “And super loving” Anna added with a giggle I rolled my eyes, Ray smirked and Jason playfully bit her ear as he whispered words to her that both Ray and I were thankful we couldn’t hear. Anna blushed hard before clearing her throat “And no doubt this also means dating and having any kind of private social life is out of the question” “Dating?” Ray sat up “Who?” Jason asked with an even bigger frown “Jeez” Anna said “This is what I mean. The look of upset and anger on both of your face would stop anyone looking to even consider talking to Raine in a s****l nature never mind approaching the alpha brothers for permission to date” “Why the f**k is he talking to her like that?” Ray growled “If he is her mate, then act like it and -” Jason spoke angrily “Wait a minute” I said “What do you mean why is he talking like that? Am I not good enough to date or hold someone attraction?” “What?” Ray asked, confused “He shouldn’t be approaching you for anything but being a mate” Jason growled louder “And he hasn’t asked-” “HASN’T ASKED?” I shouted louder, now standing up “DO I NEED PERMISSION TO DATE SOMEONE NOW?” “Raine” Anna started “No, but -” Jason started “No buts!” I raised my voice again “you both seem to have forgotten i spent years….YEARS without an adult or family there for my well being or to look out for me-” “Raine” Anna tried to cut in “I sure as hell didn’t have backup or someone looking out for me when I had my first period and bleeding all over the place” I ranted “Raine” Anna whispered louder Both my brothers became silent “I sure didn’t have anyone there telling me what I needed to know as a girl on the verge of womanhood which FYI is hell mixed with a she-wolf hormones. And I sure as hell didn’t have them there to be a buffer when I was assu-” I cut off, shaking with anger and mortification at what I almost revealed “Finish that sentence” Jason said in a low voice Everyone was now standing and looking at me. I hated it. I hated what I saw on their face, what I saw in their eyes. Guilt…Pity. I hated that look! I growled out, letting my wolf come out into my eyes to show them I wasn’t weak “I am not some WEAK she-wolf who you have to mollycoddle and protect as if she's some damn fresh-faced virgin who is on her first date” I said, my anger a breathing thing “and there isn't a HE because I don’t want a he” “Oh” Ray said, nonplussed “We cool, if you want a she…or, you know…they/them” “What?” I asked, my confusion reducing my anger “I mean….This isn’t like home Raine” Ray said with a somber voice “We don’t judge here. We ask everyone to respect everyone’s choices and-” “Oh” I laughed, understanding what he meant “That's not….I didn’t mean. Oh boy. I forgot what having you two around was like” I laughed harder, my eyes wanting to water at the absurdity of the conversation “Raine?” Jason asked He slowly approached me. Turning my face up to look at him, he touched my chin in gentle strokes as his eyes softened “I’m not into-” I started “I know” Jason said quietly “I’m sorry” I whispered “So am I” Jason said quietly Taking a deep breath, he focused his eyes on the window passed my head and spoke gently. “I know you want your own space” Jason spoke “I know Ray and I can be annoying and over protective….and over-bearing” “Heeeyyy” Ray said with a mock frown, walking up to us both “But I can’t help wanting to give you every-” Jason cut off when I interrupted “Everything you feel I missed out on after being kidnapped and experimented on” I finished for him “I know. But Jas, I’m not that kid anymore who wants the big room with the see-through telephone and the girly, glittery wallpaper. I don't need such a big wing to myself. I just need -” “Space” Jason finished He took a deep breath and nodded, looking at me. Ray pulled me close and hugged me, my head fitting nicely under his chin “We worry” Ray said “I know” I replied “But we shouldn’t” Jason said, once again looking at the window “Because you are an alpha in your own right too….but-” “I am also the youngest and your sister and in your eyes, still to be protected” I finished for him When both Jason and Ray looked at me, I smiled and pulled out of Rays’s arms “We still do it and I missed this” I admitted “Being able to finish each other's sentences or thoughts” “That will never go away, no matter where you are” Jason said, his voice thick with emotion I c****d an eyebrow at him and when he slowly nodded, I felt my smile widen. I hug Jason who holds me tighter and I look into his eyes. His eyes search mine before he slowly smiles and lets me go “I guess I was trying too hard to hold onto a memory that has long passed” Jason admitted “But never forgotten” I replied “Aaww man” Ray said “You both sound so old and dreary” We chuckle, the mood lightening as we all sit down and start eating, our stomach now grumbling at the delayed substance reaching its destination. After a few minutes of light chatter and enjoying the meal, I stood up. “I really do appreciate you wanting to do this for me” I said “And I am serious Raine” Jason said, standing “ This home will forever be yours and you will always be welcome. I still don’t want you to go, but I….have to accept you want to” “I can’t promise to not bug you to come back….But I can promise to support this choice” Ray admitted “And you WILL be accepting your share of the pack money” Jason said, folding his arms “No negotiation” I rolled my eyes at them and shook my head. When I saw them both open their mouths to no doubt tell me off again, I smiled “Agreed” I said “But first….how about you both help me first a suitable place, because let's be honest….you won’t let me move unless it meets both of your criteria” When they both smiled at me widely and Anna nodded in my direction, I knew it was the right thing to do. “We have a list” Ray said, folding his arms too “Of course you do” I say, laughing “And a set of approved builders and letting agents” Jason added Again I nodded my head “And it has to still fit an alpha’s abode” Jason said “Did you really say abode?” Ray laughed “Oh, Jas” Anna said, laughing She came up to us and kissed his cheek. She smiled at me as she hugged her mate. My eyes darkened for a moment when I saw him pinch her bum and I had to push the feeling down, I couldn’t let it out….not here….not in front of them “Agreed” I said with a brittle smile, now wanting to leave “Ok then” Jason said with a huffed breath “Now…about this dat-” Anna and I both groaned then laughed as I pushed my brother away, not wanting to get into the ‘mate talk’ again. I walked over to the table and grabbed another soft drink can and started walking out of the family room “I call shotgun on all furnishings and if I buy or rent. No exception” I laughed I heard then stutter and scoff as I leave the room, Anna laughing at how I had gotten my way and a good one over them as my brothers argued about what I said. I walked down the stairs, going towards the front door. As I do, my eye catch the mirror hanging on the wall and I stall, my carefully placed smile finally slipping as black liquid fills my eyes and they turn everything black from the darkness inside
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