Raine (11)

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Raine (11) I paced up and down the length of the room. I had two days left before Chris would come looking for me and I was still no closer to leaving. After that day almost six days ago, Jason and Ray avoided me like the plague. I couldn't say it didn’t hurt. My brothers had frozen before the air turned heavy and Kai put some sort of protective bubble around them. He was so good, I couldn’t even detect them had my eyes not seen them in the room. Not long now love Chris said through the mindlink I winced, my teeth worrying my bottom lip as I thought about him and this situation Chris I said No Chris replied I didn’t even say anything I chuckled nervously The answer is still no. I know what you are going to ask Chris replied Oh really I laughed then You know me so well eh? I do actually Chris said smugly No Raine, You can’t have more time. I will see you in two days Chris I sighed That wasn’t a request Chris said harshly two days I - I was cut off Two days Chris insisted Now, do you want some quandong? You are in Australia? I asked, excited Hhhhmmmm Chris hummed, the sound turning me on as I squeezed my legs together Missing me? More than you know I sighed Wanting me? Chris chuckled deeply More than my own life I replied as I usually did Then tell me why you think you can’t see me in two day’s time? Chris said smartly I am still with my brothers and - I tried to lie That is no excuse. You know we can sneak about as we did before Chris said with a deep voice Aria is displaying a lot of her witch powers I said with a rush, ready to use the lie I had thought up You think she can use the dagger then? Chris asked with interest Yes I said with a confidence I didn’t feel Can you get her to use it? Chris asked we need her to call to it before the next red moon Yes. I can get her to use it I said She’s already used it but not in the way I thought she would. How did she use it Chris asked She cut herself…intentionally I admitted Suicide? Chris asked. I could see one of his eyebrow rising in an arch in my mind No I confirmed A way to get Kai to come back to her….and for her to give me some of her blood Smart cookie Chris said with respect They want me here to talk to her, work with her a little I lied It doesn’t mean you can’t leave the house for short periods of time. I’m sure they don’t expect you to hole-up in the house Chris said I closed my eyes, knowing this wasn’t going the way I wanted. He was always two steps ahead and if I wasn’t careful of my feelings, he would pickup on them as well and that would be worse because I didn’t know how to answer him about that I heard the lock of my door click and turned around, opening my eyes even further when I saw Anna and Jason enter. I quickly sent Chris an image of the two of them and cut off the mindline, knowing he would understand. “So I’m finally worthy of a visit, am I?” I asked with a smirk “Only because Anna feel’s like it” Jason said, folding his arms “We need to talk” Anna said I watched how she kept behind Jason and knew they must have agreed on it for them to be here. I saw a light shimmer in front of them and knew Anna had put up some sort of protection spell between us. It would explain why Jason had let his mate be here in the first place. “i’d offer tea and coffee, but” I shrugged, my eyes looking at Jason “Raine” Anna said quietly “Will you please sit so we can talk?” I nodded, walking to the bed and sitting down while jason took the seat beside my bed and moved it backward and made Anna sit while he stood watch “Here” Anna said She held out her hand and a gasp escaped as I looked at the small vial in her hand. I looked at her face before looking back down “i…Is that - ?” I cut off, unsure “Aria’s blood?” Anna nodded “yes, as you can see - a small amount” “Why are you giving it to me?” I asked, my voice quivering “Didn’t you need it?” Anna asked I looked away towards the window, unable to meet their eyes “And you are just giving it to me” I asked “Like that” “Yes” Anna answered “Why?” I asked, still unable to look at them “Because you need it” Anna responded “and because you are family” “And family always comes first” Jason added I whipped my head around, my eyes widening as I looked at them, sure I must have heard wrong “Family” I whispered, a lump in my throat “Always” Jason said, nodding “I..” I stopped talking, unsure if this was even real “I know you need it to find out about yourself” Anna said, her smile sad “But you need to know that it has been spelled” “Spelled?” I asked, unsure of her meaning “There’s only so much you can do with it” Anna said “Don’t ask. Kai helped.” “Oh” I said, shock in my voice “You can’t the vile off land or out of the house” Jason added I looked at him and then at the small glass treasure that was still lying on Anna’s psalm. I hesitated even as Anna encouraged me to come closer. When I did, I looked at the barrier and realised I couldn’t pass my hand through it. “It’s been spelled” Jason said “to know if you try to take it out of this house. Be it the vile or just the blood” “You can use the spell room downstairs” Anna said when I struggled to talk “I can leave the room?” I asked, surprised “Your confinement has been lifted” Jason said with a nod “But there are restriction on where you can go” I nodded, expecting this and yet shocked that this was happening “Am I allowed to go to my house?” I asked “Yes” Jason said after hesitating “But without-” “The vile” I finished the sentence, nodding “The dagger you gave Aria” Anna spoke “Why can’t I cut myself?” “What do you mean?” I asked, confused “I took the dagger from her” Anna said “I ran my fingers over the blade and it didn’t cut me. I thought maybe it was because I hadn’t pushed my skin of my my fingers into the blade enough, but even then….it didn’t” “I…” I stuttered, looking at Anna as if she had lost her mind “that doesn’t make sense. It’s a dagger…a blade. Of course it will cut anyone that tries to put it’s fingers against the balde” “It doesn’t” Jason added “It must” I said, shaking my head “that doesn’t make sense nor is it possible” Anna gave the vile to Jason and then took her phone out of the pocket and switched it on. After flicking through the screen, she turned it to me and pressed play and allowed the video come to life I watched first in fascination and then shock as Anna and Jason along with Deedee, Ray and two warriors all stood around confused when they used the dagger. They lifted it high and low, they twisted and turned with it and used every single person’s skin and different body parts - and still the dagger didn’t cut anyone. Even when jason stabbed himself, like a toy, the blade would still be there and yet, as if it disappeared or was made of invincible material, it wouldn’t make contact the their skin. No cut or blood appeared “How is it doing that Raine?” Jason asked I stepped back, trying to hide my shock. I cleared my throat and looked at Jason “How long am I allowed out?” I asked “I’m lifting the confinement” Jason said “You can come and go, but without the vile” “And my house?” I asked “I know you are eager to go there” Jason sighed “But?” I asked with a lift of my eyebrow “But all these secrets, these situation you won’t talk to us about, makes me think you are hiding bigger things” Jason sighed again I remained silent. I saw him look at me for confirmation and I shrugged my shoulders “I don’t know what you class as bigger” I said “Don’t play games” Jason growled “I’m not” I replied “Of course I have secrets. Do you think being out for two years is enough time for me to lay myself bare and tell you everything? Could you even handle everything?” “Raine” Anna said, trying to defuse the tension “I’m an alpha, of course I can” Jason said arrogantly “Right” I snorted in disbelief “There shouldn’t be secrets between us!” Jason said louder “Why?” I asked “Because you are my sister!” Jason shouted now “I haven’t been your sister in or for years Jas” I said, looking at him with pain filled eyes “You have ALWAYS been my sister” Jason said with a pale face “Even if you had died, you would still be my sister” “You want the fairytale….not me” I said, thumping my chest “I don’t want the secrets!” Jason shouted again “I can handle having you….it’s these secrets…ones I don’t know how big they are” “The type of secrets that will keep you awake?” I asked, stepping forward “The secrets the size of golf balls compared to basketballs?” Anna put a hand over her mouth as one hand gripped Jasons’s wrist “Secrets destroy” Jason said with clenched teeth “We are a testament to that” “Some secrets are better hidden” I whispered “Safer” “Until they eat you up from the inside” Jason whispered back “So you want to know all about the torture? The abuse” I spit at him “Or maybe it will help you feel special about the tears and vomiting…maybe even help you feel better about yourself and your life knowing about the pain. Of losing your family so young and in a world where everyday was someone form of pain…of loneliness and death awaitied everyday” “Yes!” Jason said even as his own eyes were now swimming in tears “I rather know what you have gone through than walk on eggshells and not know what to say….how to help” “You could barely hear about the black magick torture” I said with a painful laugh “Do you really think you can hear about how my childhood was ripped from me? How my aversion to needles became my friend in the end? Or how about the beatings….the blood or maybe the rapes” “Rapes” Jason whsipered, his face now ashen “What secrets are too small? Folded over in pain with your first period cramp on the day you were captured? Or witnessing the death of your parents? Maybe one of the bigger secrets is discovering your brothers are alive and they didn’t come for years because they didn’t want to face what happened to their land?” I was sobbing, my anger rising as my arms wrapped around myself, holding myself close. I tried to slow my breathing, my eyes blinking rapidly so I would stop the tears. Jason looked like he was going to be sick, his body shaking from my truthful arrows “Secrets have helped me be normal….to be me” I explained “you worry what my secrets will expose. I worry how my secrets will break me down into a shell.,,,into that little girl who was on her own for years and discovered that death would have been a better options…..had I not had others who needed me more” “I…” Jason stuttered “I wanted to be there…would have been there” “But you weren’t” I interrupted “SO leave me to my secrets and understand you will only know them when I allow you to” I felt myself about to break and I heard Chris in my head, trying to connect with me. I winced when I felt the push from him and I had to use my shield to block him out which would now cause another conversation about something I didn’t want to speak about If you don’t answer Chris said I will see you outside the boundaries NO! I said, wincing at the pain a headache was now coming on It’s just us arguing…you know…sibling fights Don’t lie to me Raine Chris growled in my head I’m not I replied Please Chris. You know this is difficult for me. I promise I am fine Two days, Raine Chris said And we WILL be talking about the shield, among other things. Ok I whispered I turned off our connection, only to find Jason and Anna staring at me “Who were you speaking to?” Jason asked, his voice a little shaky I remained silent “How can we move forward if we don’t talk? Don’t lay bare the secrets?” Jason asked, sighing “That works for those that have secrets that won’t shatter them…I am not that person” I said “My secrets are my friends. My family. And you are asking me to break them” Jason paled further. When he tried to speak again, Anna held his hand and with her eyes, begged him to stop talking. Looking at the vile in his hand he slowly looked up “My secret is….” Gulping, he looked away before his eyes rested on my face “I can’t afford for you to mess around with this vile in a way that will take my family…my children away from me” I stiffened when I heard his confession “Because” Jason continued “I don’t think I can go through losing another child…losing the people I love once again. I’m not strong enough to bury more people….to bury bodies of my own blood….” Cutting off, Jason rapidly blinked his eyes. Holding the vile in his hand, he held it out to me “My secrets lay within my children's blood” Jason said, his voice stronger “And I am trusting my sister with my secret” I swallowed the lump in my throat, understanding what he was offering me. I took a smaller step forward and tentatively put my hand out. When it went through the barrier, I walked closer as Jason took a step forward too. He held out the vile and I slowly reached out to take it. When my hand wrapped around the vile, I felt something sing in my blood and I lifted my eyes to my brother who was watching me. After a few minutes, he let the vile go and I held it close, unable to believe after all these years I had it. I stepped back, nodding. Anna stood up slowly and held Jason’s hand and looked at me “What do you need?” Anna asked “A few things” I said after some hesitation “Some you already have downstairs” “Can I help?” Anna asked “No” I said, shaking my head even as Jason opened his mouth “But you are welcome to watch” Nodding, Anna moved towards the door before slowly turning back to me “If Aria touched the dagger now, will she still cut herself?” Anna asked “Yes” I answered honestly “Why won’t it hurt us?” Jason asked with a frown “Where is it?” I asked “With Deedee” Anna admitted “It does the same thing to her. No cut” I chewed my bottom lip before nodding, my mind in a whirlwind about the implication and meaning. I really needed to ask the demon what this meant. He was witholding information “You didn’t know it could do that, did you?” Anna asked in a shocked whisper “I….it doesn’t make sense” I said, my head shaking “How could you not know?” Jason asked, his eyes wide “Because she never made the dagger” Anna said “She’s not the rightful owner…are you?”
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