Magnus (10)

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Magnus (10) I started pacing up and down the room, waiting for Deedee. I went over everything Raine said, sure that there was much more she was keeping from us. Over two hours conversation and all it did was confuse the boys but it all made me realise how things were coming to pass. When I felt the shift in the air and saw Deedee’s closed eyes move before she opened them, I walked closer to her and she sat up, her face pale and wary “Hydrens blood” We both said at the same time “I thought we had secured it” I said “It seems not. How else would that doctor have managed to get a hold of it?” Deedee asked “Something about him doesn’t add up!” I said, shaking my head “Even being there, meeting him…he knew too much about things not even in his time” I went to the table and poured her a cup of hot tea and added some sugar before walking towards her. She took the cup gratefully and sipped at it a couple of times before she sighed and set it aside “You look better” I said “I’m not as young or as powerful as I used to be” Deedee said “I can….feel the powers shifting” I admitted, looking towards the window “It’s happening. Just as predicted” Deedee said in a sad voice “I’m not sure I am ready for that to happen yet” I fleetingly look at her “Didn’t you try to bargain for this very thing Magnus?” Deedee asked with a sad smile “Once. But not since my pups were in life again” I said, shaking my head “Magnus” Deedee said “We need to find out how all this is possible. Yes it was foretold, but not like this. Someone else is moving the pieces. And I don't think it started from just Sophie. It feels a lot longer….a lot…older” “I agree” I said, folding my arms “But we can’t over play our hand” “Kai suspects” Deedee replied, her face paling further “No” I rejected the idea “I don’t think he does. Not the real story. I could see him trying to figure it out. And yes, maybe he is getting help that we can’t see but…..I don’t think he is getting the full story” “There’s more to Raine” Deedee said, her face dropping “And I suspect there’s a whole lot of layers we don’t even know about yet” “She’s someone we need to watch” I agreed as I nodded “She is not just hiding something, but planning something” “And she’s powerful” Deedee added “Yes but not more so than us” I said arrogantly “Deedee, You need to keep drinking this stuff and get strong again - “ “It won’t work this time” Deedee cut in “My pact was accepted. I can’t go back” “A pact you made without consulting me first” I said in annoyance “I can’t do this alone, without you. It’s just the two of us left!” “I did it on my own all the years went rogue Magnus” Deedee said quietly “And for that, I can’t apologise enough” I said shamefully “I never expected to have these human feelings” “Even though we had been warned of them” Deedee smiled sadly “Feelings - how…..amazing and yet baffling” I admitted “It is not weak to have them as you thought” Deedee reminded me “With our powers, we had forgotten how valuable these feelings can be eh?” “If you go” I said, my eyes looking at the whole room “There would be no balance” “Sophie and Anna” Deedee said “Will continue until it is the right time” “Not without stumbling” I added “We all stumble time to time Magnus” Deedee laughed lightly “You more than anyone, knows that” “The key hasn’t revealed itself to us” I said “How can you go without it. We both know it needs to pass down to a descendant” “You are clutching at straws magnus” Deedee said with a sigh “But a relevant one” I insisted “There’s power” Deedee said, waving her hand slowly through the air, side to side “And yet, it is seeking” “Seeking what?” I asked, intrigued “It’s rightful owner” Deedee answered Deedee sighed before lowering to the floor further and sitting so her legs were crossed and she closed her eyes. A few moments of silence calmed the room as both of our energies settled. I sighed, following her to sit on the floor and mimic her actions. When we both centered ourselves, I felt our combined power flow and ebb as if a tide was coming to shore. Suddenly, a blue streak flew above our heads, the light bright and sparkling as if it was filled with glitter. Round and round it went above our head for a few minutes and I was just about to close my eyes when suddenly, the light split in two. The streak of blue suddenly had a white partner and both the colours hit against each other, lighting up the room. They sizzled and popped as if they were sparklers until finally the white one became a blazing ball and started to float between us. I couldn’t open my mouth, even though I wanted to. I waited and watched Deedee, willing her to open her eyes. Just as I thought she was going to miss it, she slowly lifted her lashes and a soft gasp escaped her mouth. Her wide eyes looked at me for confirmation and I slowly nodded my head, my chest tight at the signs The white light slowly brightened as the blue streak circled it before it imploded, the light leaving just as quickly as it came, the blue light still orbiting around the empty space. “The white goddess” Deedee whispered “Why would she be involved?” I whispered back “Only one is meant to be at one time.” “We need to talk to the guardians” Deedee said, her face pale “ABSU-f*****g-LUTLY NOT!” I hissed out, standing up Watching Deedee struggle due to the energy she used, I helped her stand up slowly and walked her back to the couch. Once I knew she was settled, I watched towards the door, needing to run “It’s the only way to find out Magnus” Deedee called out “It’s the only way to bring about the war” I replied, my fist clenching “There’s already a war. One that has been raging since the start of time, or have you forgotten?” Deedee asked me “As if I could” I said with clenched teeth, turning to look at her “HE will follow” “He has already been here” Deedee said quietly “Yes, but not directly-” I started to say “Directly” Deedee said, her eyes awash with tears “What are you saying?” I asked in a shocked whisper “When? Where?” When the tears slipped past her eyes, I walked to her and kneeled. Looking at Deedee’s face, I placed my hand on top of hers and gentled my voice “Deedee” I urged “Anna” Deedee choked “She made a deal” “No” I said, shaking my head “Not possible. That wasn’t agreed - to approach the children directly” “HE’S desperate for the key” Deedee said, sniffing “He plans to open the box” I swore, my own face paling at the implication. I rest my forehead on our combined hands “When” I whispered “When Anna died” Deedee said “Before Jason pulled her back. That’s the only time it could have made sense” “A blood pact” I whispered again, lifting my head “I think so” Deedee nodded “That’s why I think they haven’t come for me yet” “HE broke the rules” I said in anger “HE found a loophole. That’s what he does” Deedee said with a nod “I take it you never told Anna everything?” I asked “I couldn’t” Deedee said quietly Nodding, I stood up slowly and let out a breath “This changes everything” I said “So much more” Deedee said “Without using the guardians, they won’t help us. It was one of our conditions, remember?” My body stiffens as memories of long ago assailed me. Shaking my head, I let out a low growl “It explains Aria” I said “Do you really think s-” Deedee asked “Yes” I cut in with a bite “Well s**t” Deedee said, shocking me further “Exactly” I added I walked towards the door once again, waiting as I knew she still had more to say “It’s not just Aria” Deedee said quietly “What isn’t?”I asked, keeping my back to her “The power, the magick” Deedee explained “One other saw me in the room” I whipped round, my eyes round - hoping she wouldn’t say what I suspected. My eyes asked the question even as my mouth remained closed “Raine” Deedee whispered “How do you know?” I asked “Her eyes flicked to my twice and then kept looking at the rest of you” Deedee said “But she knew I was there” “And did you find out what you needed?” I confirmed “It was as we suspected” Deedee nodded “Well s**t” I said whispered, closing my eyes “Again, Indeed” Deedee said “You know what this means, right?” I asked “The boys are going to flip, especially Jason” Deedde nodded “She’s not alone” Deedee said, her eyes flickering to white I watched as her eyes changed from human to white, as the power coursing through her allowed her to harness the power of sight for a short while. I rushed to her and gripped her hand, bringing her back to me as I saw her front grey hair turn silvery “Stop Deedee!” I shouted Deedee gasped, her eyes coming back to her human form as she looked at me in sadness “I had to” Deedee whispered “Even if to only get some of the information “You know when you use the gift of sight, you lose some of your age!” I reminded her with worry “We agreed you wouldn’t use it. It takes you nearer and nearer death!” I touched the silver strands of her hair and she looked at me, her hands pulling my own away from her hair. “Raine wasn’t alone when we visited her. She was mind-linking someone. An outsider. Not one of us or our pack” Deedee said “I felt his power, his danger. His blood” “Blood?” I asked, confused “So much” Deedee shuddered “He has bathed in blood before Magnus. The blood of our kind” “When I find out-” I began to threaten “OUR KIND Magnus….not our kind” Deedee said, her words defining her meaning I paled, my hands shaking a little before I clenched them closed. “A reaper?” I asked, my voice hollow “No, but something…different” Deedee said “This is going to be a fun conversation” I mumbled “We can only tell them as things are exposed. We don’t need to tell them anything else unless it affects them” Deedee nodded “And Kai?” i asked “If this is what we think, then we need to tell them before Kai says something” “Kai won’t know all. I’m sure of it” Deedee said with a stronger voice “But he knows enough to start piecing things together” I sighed “We really should tell them Deedee” “How, how do we say anything, Magnus? How do we tell them that the Goddess they have all been believing in… a lie?” Deedee asked
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