Kai (12)

1897 Words
When the hand fell on my shoulder, I turned and found my mum behind me. She opened her arms and I turned around to hug her, sighing as I felt her body shake a little. When she sighed and then trembled, I moved away from her hug and looked at her face, my heart breaking at the pain there. I knew they must be hurting my dad and mum was feeling the pain because every so often, she would pale or wince. “Are you ok?” Mum asked me “Are you?” I asked in return “Hey” Mum smiled, ruffling my hair “I’m the parent here mister. It’s my job to worry about you, not for you to worry about me” “I know your hurting mum” I told her “And I know dad’s in pain” “Kai” My mum sighed “You need to stop worrying about us. We are fine…we-” “Mum” I cut in “I’m not like other kids and I never will be. I’m NOt a kid” “Yeah” She laughed “tell me about it” “I’m serious mum” I said, hugging her “I know” Mum laughed again “I mean look at you, before long - you will be towering over me just like your dad. Your almost to my shoulder” “Mum” I sighed and stepped back “Oh Kai” Mum said with a sniff “I just want you to be happy. To just be….carefree” “As the Supreme, you know that will never be” I gently reminded her “And I wish I could change that” mum whispered I stayed silent, not wanting to voice my opinion out loud “So” Mum said after a few minutes of silence “What were you thinking about so hard?” “Aria, You. Our family” I explained “how grandad needs his mate, how Aunti Raine needs help but the chain of events that will - “ “Kai, Kai, Kai” Mum said quickly “stop love. So many thoughts at the one time” I nodded, looking towards the window. When she brushed my face with her fingers I looked at her and saw tears in her eyes “I wish you could just go out and play with your brothers and sisters as they are doing just now” Mum said “Sometimes….i wish I could too” I nodded “And you can’t?” Mum asked I shake my head, unable to explain to her the dire situation we were in without exposing it all. Mum sighed, a tear slipping out. Holding her hand, I give it a squeeze and when she looks at me, I know she is holding back from crying “Sometimes, I wish that I had never been bitten or was the supreme” Mum whispered “So when I had you, you got to be a normal boy. Special because you were my baby…but just a special, normal boy instead of this burden that has been placed on you” “It’s ok mum” I said, squeezing her hand tighter “no baby, it’s not. Not really. But like a champ, you are taking everything in your stride” “It’s just the way it has to be” I shrugged my shoulders “Maybe it didn’t” Mum whispered again “What were you thinking about so hard before?” Mum asked “Stuff” i answered “Stuff you can’t talk about huh?” Mum smiled sadly “I wish I could take away whatever burdens you have Kai” “I know mum” I smiled warmly “But then I wouldn;t have all the cool powers I have” Mum laughed loudly before she winced in pain again. I frowned, placing a hand on her arm and closed my eyes. I felt my power flow into her, easing some of the pain she felt from dad’s pain and when I was sure I was able to block most of it, I willed my power to stay within her body for the short 48 hours I knew it could. “Kai” Mum whispered “What did you do?” “I gave you some of my power, so you wouldn’t keep feeling dad’s pain as much” I explained “It’s the only thing I have of him to feel” Mum sniffed “I don’t like seeing you in pain” I said “And I won’t. Especially when I have the power to help” “My big, brave, wonderful boy” Mum said, caressing my hair “Mmmmuuuumm” I grumbled “your messing up my hair” Mum laughed as I knew she would, the sadness finally leaving her eyes “Ok, ok” Mum laughed again “Now, how about some lunch? What do you fancy? Betty is thinking about lasagna with some chips” “And garlic bread? Maybe some spaghetti so I can take some to Aria?” I asked, hopeful “Sure” Mum smiled “But, maybe ask her dad first, ok?” “Ok mum” I nodded “I won’t be long. We can have lunch and if uncle Jason say’s it’s ok, I will take some to Aria” “And no pushing Kai” Mum said sternly “Remember our talks about boundaries?” I nodded, puffing out a breath “Ok then” Mum nodded “Well, I’ll let Betty know about the extra request. Your brother and sister are in the movie room downstairs. I’m going to finish off the sorting in my room so if you want to go down together later, we can do - ok?” “Ok mum” I smiled Smiling, she kissed my forehead then turned to leave, stopping at the door and turning to look at me “And don;t think so much or too hard” Mum said before leaving my bedroom I sighed, walking towards the window and looking out again. After a few minutes, I felt the air change. “It really isn’t polite to enter without asking” I said, still looking out the window “What’s the answer?” “I’m sorry young master” The male voice said “But the answer is still no” I nodded, still looking out of the window “And grandma moon?” I asked “Silent” He replied “She only sent me this” I turned around and saw him open his hand, his bright light almost blinding me. I walked closer to him and reached out to touch the sand filled hourglass made of shining crystal. When I saw the barely visible, intricate design of the symbol - I lifted my eyes to him and when he nodded, I opened my own hand and watched the hourglass move to sit on my open psalm. Once it made contact with my skin, gold light in vine-like lines snaked up my arm, the power making me feel dizzy. He stepped back, his face obscured by light as always before he disappeared, his bright light leaving with him I watched the golden sand inside slowly trickle down, my arm pulsing with it’s energy. I know what I am looking at but I am unsure what to do with it. And this power? I couldn’t even guess. I sighed and looked out towards the window again What’s wrong Kai? I heard Aria ask Nothing. I’m just thinking about stuff I replied Must me a lot of stuff Aria giggled I can feel it all the way over here Sorry I smiled I guess I do think a lot sometimes That’s ok. I just wanted to make sure you were ok Aria said and I felt her smile too Are you alone? I asked You know we can’t tell them we can do this…at least not yet I’m in my room Aria said She sent me an image of herself and the ipad as she asked me to help select a movie to watch. I spoke about lunch and the order I put into Betty which made Aria smile happily as she nodded. Then suddenly, she went quiet. Just as I was about to ask her what was wrong, she shocked me too What’s that? Aria asked What’s what? I replied, frowning This Aria said, sending me the image I gasped, shocked she could see something I was blocking Aria! I gasped You can see the hourglass? What’s a…..a …hourglass? Aria asked me It’s…something I will explain later I said, still shocked But first, tell me how you can see something I am blocking Why are you blocking it? Aria asked with a sad voice I don’t block anything from you I know Ari I said gently But this is something special from grandma moon. So I had to make sure no one else could see it, in case it was dangerous Oh Aria said But Kai, it’s not dangerous How do you know? I asked, surprised Because I can feel it…I can see it Aria explained Like the way we see the aura of something. It’s good Kai OkI said, believing her words But, it’s still powerful and in the wrong hands, could be dangerous Oh yea Aria agreed quickly But you can control some of it now No I can’t Aria I said I don’t even know what it does Yes you can Aria replied It gave you some of it’s control when it went into your skin…like little lines It did? I asked in wonder How do I use the power It will show you how Aria said and I heard her smile And you will grow even more stronger with it How do you know this Ari? I asked She shrugged her shoulders It’s like I can see a movie in my mind Aria said But it’s not happened yet And in this move, I use this? I ask Uhhu Aria said Aria I said, scared Do you know what it can do? Uhhu Aria said, i felt her shake her head Ok I replied, frowning Daddy’s coming Aria said I felt the mind-link go silent, allowing me time to store the item in my cupboard. As soon as I did, the bright lights and energy of the hourglass started to dim until it looked like it was made out of wood and normal glass. Even the sand inside had dulled. I put a quick spell over the item, wrapping up the energy so no one could sense it and then locked it. When I felt Aria try to connect to me, I quickly spoke to uncle Jason to ask permission to bring Aria her lunch. I knew he wasn’t too happy but he agreed, trying to keep the peace even though I know it was hard for him. I thanked him and went to find mum, my worry increasing at Aria’s ever rising and developing new powers. I knew I was powerful, but Aria seemed to be growing in leaps and bounds and that worried me more because if she was growing that fast….then what was it in preparation for?
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