Magnas (2)

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Magnus (2) I blow out a breath of frustration as I quietly watch Deedee do her spell, her arms flying above her head in an arch as she calls the power of light to her aid. “It isn’t going to go any quicker if you do that Magnas. Honestly, you are worst than the children and that’s saying something since Kai acts more grown-up than all of us put together” Deedee said, her eyes closed I shifted uncomfortably on the floor, my hands clenching and unclenching as I tried to take calming breaths. In. out. Slow and steady. Clear my mi- Damn it!. I tried to concentrate but all I could smell was that scent. I had to grind my teeth together so I would concentrate, knowing that the scent wasn’t real “Magnas” Deedee said “Is it not the scent either?” My eyes opened wide and I looked at her with my mouth open. When I looked at the clock on the wall, my eyes widened further as I realised I had been in a state of meditation for over an hour “Magnas?” Deedee asked “How’d I miss how long I was meditating for?” I asked in a whisper “It’s amazing what we can do when we concentrate. Now, tell me - do you smell anything?” Deedee asked with a smile I barely took a whiff before I felt my eyes change colours, a growl leaving my mouth. “I guess you do smell it then” Deedee smiled “It’s everywhere” I said with a gruff voice “Why do I keep smelling it?” “At least we know it’s the correct scent” Deddee nodded. Turning to the left, she gently smiled at the invincible being “Nuwana, take the scent and find its source. But do so without Kai’s knowledge” Immediately, the room felt a little less bright and I let out a sign of frustration. Getting up from the floor I scratched behind my neck and folded my arms “I can’t believe I am letting my 9 year old grandson dictate what I can and can’t do” I grumbled Deedee chuckled, her shoulders shaking lightly with laughter. “You know if he does something, it is with good intentions” Deedee told me “I know” I sigh “But I wish he could be the child he is supposed to be” “Then you would be wishing away the supreme” Deedee said, looking at me as she mixed something in a down with a few herbs “I…worry” I admit quietly Deedee stops what is doing and closes her eyes “I do to” She whispered “They are so young Magnus and yet they are ancient” “Is Aria still waking up with nightmares if Kai is not there?" I asked “Yes” Deedee nods “And the nights he is there, he whisks her away where no one can get through to them. Jason is struggling with it badly” I nod in understanding, my own fear for my girls, a constant sensation in my heart. I clear my throat and walk slowly toward her “Do you think Nuwana will come back with anything?” I ask “If Kai doesn’t prevent it happening, yes” Deedee nods She walks towards me and puts the bowl in my hands “Drink” She said I took the bowl to my lips and swallowed the liquid, my nose wrinkling in distaste even as I downed it all. Once finished, I hand the empty bowl back to her and wipe my mouth with the napkin she provided. She sighs again and goes back to her table “It’s the only way” I said quietly “Without involving the others, without putting my family in danger. It’s the only way” “Ka-” Deedee started to say “Kai is a child who should be concerned about playing consoles and hanging out with friends. Not worrying about his grandfather’s crazy escapades and trips” I explain “Or worrying about a mate” Deedee added “We are the only ones who can do this Deedee” I said with a nod “Especially if what we think is happening is true” “He’s going to find out Magnas. He’s not stupid” Deedee’s low voice let me know how she felt about this “Let him” I gripped the chair with my hands, my knuckles white with anger “He-” Deedee started “He did this” I said between clenched teeth Paling, Deedee nodded as she bit her bottom lip “Don’t you think we should tell them the truth? Tell them everything?” Deedee asked “And watch them change and become distant?” I asked “Watch them fear us” “They may not - “ Deedee said “They will” I answered “They always do. If its not a desire for the power, its fear of it” “I-I…won’t-” Deedee stopped, her eyes watery “Why did you make the exchange?” I asked her “How am I supposed to do this without you?” “I couldn’t let Anna die for my mistakes” Deedee whispered “And when they find out the truth?” I asked “Then I hope they can forgive me” Deedee said with a sad smile Taking a deep breath she looked at me and nodded her head. I stood taller and took my leather jacket from her and put it on “When do you leave?” Deedee asked “Monday” I replied “I have to be back at the facility on Wednesday and it’s my turn to do this weekend” “IS there any news?” Deedee asked as she followed me to the door? “No” I said with a tightening of my jaw “Everyone is a suspect. Especially those of us who had joined when the attack happened. They are tight-lipped about where the others have been moved to” “How’s Sophie holding up?” Deedee asked “With difficulty. Two and a half god damned years and we are no closer to getting Jason back” I growl “Sophie’s killing herself trying to find out where they have taken them but every time she is there he’s been moved to a different room” “There has to be something we can do, Magnus. Kai-” Deedee said “Will support his mother but he won’t help Jason” I said with annoyance “It doesn’t make sense” Deedee said shaking her head We make out way past the stairs and towards the main house, my hand already opening the door and coming into contact with Aria who smiled at me “Hi grandpa Magnas” Aria smiled “Is Kai with you?” I smiled and bent down, picking her up into my arms and pretend to bite her as she squealed with delight. Deedee and I walked the few short steps it took to go into the kitchen in the main pack house and found Anna and the chef talking “Magnas” Anna said with a smile “I didn’t know you were here. Will you stay for lunch?” “How you doing love?” I said as I walk over to her and hug her gently Anna smiled as she looked at me sadly and nodded. Aria touched my face and I looked at her somber eyes “Is Kai with you Grandpa?” Aria asked “No baby” I shook my head “He’s not” Immediately, her eyes watered as she sniffed. I looked at her in surprise before turning to look at Anna who had already moved to take Aria from me “Oh baby” Anna whispered “What’s going on?” I asked “Kai’s not come to see for almost two days and he’s blocking her from feeling whatever he is doing” Anna explained Deedee tried to consol Aria even as she and Anna discussed what could possibly be going on. I mind link Scott immediately and tried to understand what had happened Where’s Kai? I asked Magnas? Scott said in shock Uh…well Don’t try to bullshit me Scott I said forcefully Where. Is. Kai? He’s not here Scott admitted with a sigh Where is he? I asked again Is he with Sophie and Jason? No Scott sighed again He’s not been home for over two days What? I growled in anger and you’re telling me this now? When I asked you yesterday how was everyone and what was Kai doing, you told me he was teaching his siblings how to be alpha’s! He was……two days ago Scott said Which he made me think….made all of us think it was only yesterday I was shocked into silence at the admission Scott revealed. Kai was getting stronger as days went by, not just weeks or months. Every time a new gift was revealed, it left most of us in shock. This new one had just set in motion something I thought we had years to not worry about. Where’s Sophie? I asked With the twins Scott said Is Kelsie about? I asked Yes. She’s just put the little one for a nap Scott said with a hint of pride Then tell her to do the traceability spell. Find out where Kai is I suggested I heard Scott take a deep breath and knew what was coming We can’t Scott hissed out We agreed to never invade his privacy that way We also said we would use it he didn’t tell us where he went or was going I reported Shit Mag Scott sighed Do you realise how much of a lecture we are going to get? That kid can talk and make you feel this small for not following agreed rules Scott projected an image of space between his thumb and finger and I almost chuckled at the guardian’s need to hide from Kai’s wrath. After all, he seemed to be getting the brunt of it from Kai lately whenever he broke any of Kai’s rules Do it I insisted Magnas, he gave that medallion and traceability spell as a compromise so we wouldn’t worry or mis-use it Scott said forcefully Scott, as his guardian - How have you not used it yet? I asked with a scowl Because Scott sighed, I trust him. I know him and I know he wouldn’t do this without a reason. He’s the supreme Magnas and mature beyond his years Scott I grumbled Just do it Kelsie would need a few things, not to mention Kai’s- Scott stopped Just do it I cut in “Hi every- Oh my goddess. What’s wrong?” I turned to the voice and immediately my shoulders stiffened as I looked at Raine. Telling Scott to mind link me as soon as he finds out about Kai, I cut off the link. I watched as she walked into the kitchen, her steps light as she went towards Aria and Anna, her hand stroking Aria’s hair gently. While Anna explained the problem, Raine cooed at Aria, telling her not to worry. I still think something is not right Octine, my wolf said You and I both. But until we get enough proof, we can’t say anything I told him You know as I do that her actions….her random disappearance are suspicious Octine growled And nothing you or I can convince the boys with I agreed She smells……not right. It’s almost like….and there’s a hint of smoke around her Octine grumbled Easy Oct. We have to play it smart I whispered We have been playing it smart for two years. And still nothing He said “When are they back?” Raine asked Anna “Tomorrow morning Ray said” Anna replied as we all moved toward the living room. Aria kept her face hidden at the side of her mothers neck, her small body occasionally shaking even as Deedee kept talking to her in quiet whispers. Anna sat down on the nearest couch as she shifted Aria onto her lap, kissing her forehead gently. Deedee and Raine sat across from them as each took a sip from the glass of water in their hands I hadn’t seen them bring “Magnas, please - have a seat” Anna invited “I need to be going” I said, my eyes darting to look at Raine who was looking at her phone “Grandpa Magnas, please stay” Aria said, her eyes still watery I walked to her, bent down and nuzzled my nose against hers. I kissed her soft left cheek and took in her scent that always helped calm both me and my wolf, just as Kai’s did. “I need to go fix something” I whispered to her, my thumb and forefinger playing with a strand of her hair “Are you going to go find Kai?” Aria whispered “Kai?” Raine said, her head rising from the phone with a frown “Why? Where’s Kai?” I looked at Aria and tried to tell her not to say anything. When I saw Anna open her mouth, I quickly stood up and spoke “He’s with his mother. Aria just misses him. Wants him to be with her all the is asking for him” I said Anna frowned, her eyes looking between Aria and I as we looked at each other. Aria put her face back against her mothers chest as she hid her face from everyone “Aaaawww” Raine said with a genuine smile “It is too cute” When I saw Anna look at me before smiling at Raine, I shook my head to tell her not to ask. Anna bit her bottom lip and huffed out a breath “Where’s Jason and Toby? Raine asked “Pack meeting” Anna explained “Oh” Raine said, her eyes widening “Did I miss something?” “No” Anna said, shaking her head She smiled when Deedee handed her a cup of tea and she took a sip, sighing with pleasure before replying “Just a meeting about the new extension” Anna said “Anna” Raine frowned “I told you guys, I’m getting my own place” “I know” Anna nodded, “But this way there is space if you want it” “But I could have used the wing Ray used to use. It already has two other bedrooms and a separate lounge there” Raine said “Especially since he and Sue have gotten their own place” Magnas Scott's voice connected with me I ignored him as I saw Raines eyes change colours from her to her wolf “I know” Anna chuckled “But your brothers are adamant in wanting to give you everything they feel you missed out on” Magnas Scott insisted I ignored him again, watching Raine’s eyes as they went through a plethora of emotions “They don’t have too” Raine whispered “Just be thankful you didn’t have a desire for pink castles and glittery walls” Anna laughed aloud “No doubt they would have found a way to get that too” Raine grimaced with that thought before wary smiling, her face still sad. I almost asked her why then I felt a pressure at the back of my head MAGNAS! Scott shouted loudly through the link What? I said, projecting an image of me barring my teeth at him for the loud mind link He’s not here Scott said, out of breath What are you on about? I asked as I smiled and took out my phone, pretending to attend a message as I walked out into the hallway. I could hear Raine, Deedee and Anna talk about colours and rooms and I wanted to go back inside and watch Raine and her face when Scott started talking again Kai Scott said I stiffened and turned my back to the room, the phone in my hand What about Kai? I asked with a low growl He’s not here Scott said with worry Not where? I asked again HERE! Scott shouted in angst Scott I said with clenched teeth You are not making sense. Where is Kai NOT? Kelsie did the traceability spell Scott explained She’s done it three times and every time it says the same thing Which is? I asked with bated breath That Kai is not here. He’s not ANYWHERE…..HE doesn’t exist! Scott shouted That’s not possible I said in shock He has to BE somewhere That’s just it Magnas. HE’S NOT! The whole globe lit up after Kelsie did the spell then after a few seconds the light vanished. She did it again and same thing. So then she did a spell to check where the rest of us were and it worked. She then did a spell to check where Kai had last been and again - same result Scott said with heaving breaths Then? Scott- I started to speak but he cut in Then Kelsie did the spell again and again the globe lit up before the light disappearing and the pendent kept moving…but with no light. Scott said with deep worry now lacing his voice But th…that means I stopped, my mind blank with shock Kai is nowhere on earth Scott whispered in greater shock
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