Raine (1)

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Raine (1) “Run Raine!” My mother shouted “Run and don’t look back!” I stumbled when my mother pushed me away from her as she bent over and held her ankle that now had a bullet wound and bleeding. “MUM!” I shout, my heart thumping with fear it didn’t have before “Go baby!” She said, her hands covered in blood as she held it out in front of her, stopping me from coming forward “B-” I started to speak “NO!” Mum whispered now “You need to run, you need to hide” She said, her voiced laced with pain “I can’t come with you, you need to protect yourself” I opened my mouth to speak when suddenly, a piercing pain bloomed in my heart and both my mum and I clutched ourselves as we looked at each other in fear, in pain…our eyes now watering at what we felt…at what this pain meant “Daddy” I whisper, my heart breaking My mother covered her cry of pain with her hand as fresh tears ran down her face. “Go” My mother whispered in a broken voice “They will find you. They will come for you but you must go now” “I…I can’t” I sobbed “Daddy…. I c..can’t leave you too” “It’s the only way, baby” My mother cried “Goddess, I wished I had sent you too” I heard the rustling of trees and leaves as some made their way towards us at great speed. My mother tried to get up but cried out in pain before falling back down. When I moved to take a step towards her, she held out her hand “Go Raine!” She whispered “If you have ever loved me and…yo..your father, you will listen to my command” My mum pushed her alpha command on me and I flinched as fresh tears leaked from my eyes, my nose now runny. I sobbed, my feet automatically taking steps back even as I begged her to let me help her “I command you to go Raine!” My mother hissed out, her eyes daring towards the oncoming footsteps “As your Luna, I command you to obey my orders and RUN!” “MUM!” I cried out even as my feet started moving away from her My body turned around even as my face kept looking back at her pain filled, beautiful face. Her watery smile slowly changed as she whispered quietly to me “I love you baby. I love you all” She said, her soft voice carrying to my shifter ears “I am so proud of you…of all three of you. Now run and don’t look back. DON’T come back for me” Even though I didn’t want to, I felt my body run faster, away from my broken, hurt mother who shifted into her wolf, preparing to attack whoever was coming after us. I wanted to turn around, to back to her but I couldn’t because her alpha command wouldn’t allow it. I sobbed as I ran through the forest, my face hitting branches and twigs which caught on my t-shirt and face and causing small scratches. My feet pounded the ground as I sprinted faster and faster, knowing I was running to the one spot I could be safe and hidden Our underground club The one my brothers and I made that only our mother and head warrior know about. I panted as sweat poured down my face, my black ponytail now unbound and strands of hair flying about as my eyes blurred with fallen tears. I couldn’t hear anything behind me yet I ran faster and faster, my heart pumping away as a stitch in my left side started to form. I almost fell down when my sneaker caught on a partially hidden branch but I rightened myself quickly, my breathing labored from the run. I sighed in relief when I came toward the lake, and the small pathway leading to our secret hiding place when I fell from the excruciating pain as my last tether was cut from the alpha pair and my mother. Sobbing I raised my head and cupped both my hands over my mouth as I screamed into my hands, holding the sound in so I wouldn’t give away my position. Fresh tears poured down my face as I realised that both my parents were now dead, murdered by these creatures….these beings who invaded our land. The stitch at my side became more painful as I struggled to get up, my breathing choppy as I struggled to get air into my lungs Raine! I heard I finally heard his voice What the hell is going on? Jason I sobbed Help! Raine! Ray screamed We’ve been trying to mindlink everyone and we couldn’t! Where’s mum and dad, we can’t mindlink them. But then a few minutes ago, this Dead I sobbed They are dead What? Jason screamed What are you talking about? The pack I sobbed, the attack. Everyone’s - What attack?” Jason screamed I started running again, my side in agony, the pain running up my back and I cried out as the pain intensified. I could hear the pain and hurt, the confusion in my head that my brothers projected but all I could focus on was getting to the hiding space and this new pain that seemed to have come from nowhere Raine I could hear the fear in Jason’s voice We were attacked and dad and the warriors stayed back to fight them off I cried as I struggled to put one foot in front of the other th….they killed the…them. All of them, even the pu..pups I sobbed. I heard the rustling behind me and I knew I wouldn’t make it. I clutched my side and still tried to run further when suddenly I looked down and saw the blood. Had I been hit too when they shot at mum? Oh goddess, how did I not notice Ray, Jas I sobbed Mum and dad are dead and I’m next. They’re coming for me. You have to stay safe Raine! Jason shouted, his fear now clogging the mindlink as he and Ray tried to speak to me I pass a thick tree and stop to hide behind it as I look at the blood now running down between my legs and the pain intensifies. I take deep, shallow breaths as I see black spots appearing in front of my eyes Raine! Ray shouts We are coming, we are coming! Get to the club and we- It’s too late I whispered through the mindlink as I started to feel faint. I hear the footsteps now that are coming closer and I project the imagine of myself and the blood to them, their gasps of shock and pain clear through our connection No!...NO! Jason shouts Stay safe. I love you I sob just as i collapse onto the grass, my body withering in pain as I take deep breaths “There you are” I hear the man’s voice I look up at his evil smirk as he laughs at me, the gun pointed at my head RAINE! I head Jason scream when he sees the image I show him “You gave me a good little chase there, darlin” He laughed “But you should have known you couldn’t outrun me” I let out a growl, my eyes blackening as I warned him away from me. He laughed until I bit him, my canines grazing his hand. He hissed before slapping me and grabbed my hair, lifting me up easily. “You little b***h” He hissed, his eye darkening in anger “Time to put down the dog like I did with your mother” I cry out at the confirmation of what I had already known. I tried to bite him again while hearing my brother’s anger and feeling their fear; begging me not to entice this man any more in case he hurts me. I try to twist my body away from him even as I feel the pain run up and down my body. He holds me up with his hand around my neck and I claw at it, trying to get more air to breathe. He shakes me in disgust as he looks at me with burning hatred behind his eyes “You filthy shifters are all the same” He spits out “And it is my du-” He cuts off as he tilts his head. That’s when I realise he has something white in his ear and a very faint voice is coming through it. He growls in anger before looking at me with a smirk. Raine! Raine! Jason shouts “You disgust me” The man said again, this time raising a silver box. He snarls but not like we do because he isn’t a shifter. He’s something else A small pop sounds out into the forest as something foreign enters my body and the pain I felt before intensifies beyond anything I have ever felt. I cry out, my body trembling as I finally slip into darkness, my brothers shouting out for me as I slip away. I jerk up, my body trembling as sweat beads my forehead. I gasp, trying to even my breathing as my eyes adjust to the darkness around me. I cup my hands over my mouth, trying to pull myself together, my eyes squeezing shut as my nightmare…my memories end of that fateful day all those years ago. When I feel I have my breathing under control, I slowly move my legs and get out of bed, my bare legs swinging over the side. I grabbed my discarded t-shirt off the ground and put it on as I walked to the window. I pill the curtain aside only a little, my heart still beating erratically as my mind plays games with me about being followed. When I see no-one outside the hotel room or the in the car park, i let out a sigh of relief as I feel my shoulders sag “Still worrying we will be caught?” Chris. He was here with me. I lean my head back against his naked chest as I feel his muscled arms come around me and hold me against him “It’s only a matter of time” I say, closing my eyes again “Then we have to be better prepared” Chris said, his voice low and deep “Even after all these years, how do you manage to surprise me I will never know” I said I turned in his arms and moaned when I felt his stiff c**k rub against me. At over 6 foot, he slowly leaned down and kissed me, his mouth devouring me. I moan as I rub my breasts against him, my n*****s hard and begging for attention. Chris whips the offending t-shirt off me and throws it back on the floor before hoisting me up. My legs wrap around him automatically and we both groan at the feel of his hard c**k rubbing against my p***y lips, my slit wet and welcoming "Chhhrriiss" I beg "one second" He moans as he carries me back to bed. He lowers me gently down before coming down on top of me, my legs opening to welcome him in. With one plunge, he surges into me, causing us both to groan out as our bodies connect once more. "Fucckk" Chris yells out quietly "Yyyeeessss!" I hiss out Over and over he thrust's in deep, his hips punching into my p***y, our fleshing slapping against each other that creates crude sounds in the room. My nails lengthen and grips his back hard enough to bring him even closer to me as his eyes glow in pleasure at the small prick of pain. He hold me tighter before lifting one leg over his shoulder and changing the angle of his thrust, causing him to grunt out in pleasure. I fling my head back, loving this intimate feeling that is just ours. I feel his lips graze my necks and hold his head away. "No" I whisper "Yes" Chris groans "Nnnooo" I moan "They will see" "f**k" Chris growl's "I can't wait much more" "Soon" I pant as I start to coil and tighten "They are not stupid" Chris panted "You are starting smell more like me as it is" "But they don't know it's you" I reply Chris punched his hip extra hard and I moan louder. Sweat covering our body, Chris dips his head and takes my left n****e into his mouth, sucking hard. I hiss out in pleasure as I felt my core tighten and my legs shake "Chhrriisss. f**k!" I say out loud Faster and faster he pounds inside of me, his hand grabbing mine and holding them down above my head. He nips my n****e hard enough to cause a mix of pain and pleasure which caused me to cry out. He moves his head to capture my lips and thrust his tongue inside my mouth, our tongues mimicking what our bodies are doing. Suddenly I'm there! I felt everything within tighten up and I cry out as my orgasm crashes inside of me like waves of the sea. I felt Chris c*m as he shouts out, his sticky substance coating my insides with heat as it floods me. His breathing choppy, Chris finally relax's and collapsed beside me. I felt him move and as he left my body, the amount of our joined release started to leak. I should have been embarrassed but I wasn't. I felt my thighs and bed become wet and I grimaced at the damp feeling. When his arm's snaked around me and pulled me to his side, I didn't complain. He kissed my forehead before moving my leg over his and once again I felt his c**k nudge my entrance. "Again?" I smirked "Since when has three times ever been enough for us?" Chris replied, his eyes looking into mine "Stay" "I can't" I shook my head "Stay" He whispered before biting my chin "It's already too dangerous" I replied "Stay" Chris whispered I moan, knowing he won. He knew it too as he once again moved up and over me, his c**k demanding entrance into the body that belonged to him. The next time I opened my eyes, daylight was shining behind the dark curtains and Chris had one arm around me, his legs trapping me against him. I slowly and carefully detangled myself from him. Even though he didn't move to stop me, I knew he was awake and was letting me go. His military experience wouldn't be able to sleep through the way I left the bed but I appreciated his gesture in letting me think I had been able to leave without him knowing. I dressed quietly and quickly, donning last night clothes which made me wrinkle my nose in disgust and wishing I could stay and shower like a normal person instead of the fraud I was. I looked over at Chris who was still maintaining his pretence and smiled as I moved around the room gathering my things. Walking out the door I knew I saw his small smile and I shook my head as I took the lift down to reception and out the hotel in the early morning. I sighed as crisp cold air filled my lungs, the world slowly coming alive at 7am, my walk to the side car park uneventful with only a handful of people around. I unlocked my Nissan Micra and got in, turning on the heating and adjusting my mirrors. I almost shrieked in fright at the eyes staring back at me from the back seat. His body solidified itself as he smirked, his sharp teeth bright and deadly as his swirling red eyes. "It's almost time" He hissed "I haven't said yes" I retorted, meeting his eyes in the review mirror "Lie to yourself if you must. Just remember...HE has given you what you asked for" He hissed out again I stayed silent, my mind questioning my sanity at his words and part in it. I looked at him again and wrinkled my nose as his scent started to expel itself. Usually it is brimstone but this one smell of rotten eggs and garbage. "Take it" He said Holding out his hand, I looked down at the dagger. The exact replica of the one currently in Anna's home. I took the cold glass from him and watched it change colours just like the ones that was safe and protected with magick and was only able to be used by the High witch and her line. My heart faltered for a moment as I thought about what this meant "You must make sure you do this before Aria's birthday" He said, his stench almost overwhelming "I got it" I whispered "And make sure she is at the clearing. They think they purified it but there is still enough residue to help with the ritual" He laughed "I got it" I repeated "And - "He started "I said, I got it!" I replied with clenched teeth His red eyes swirled before he hissed, baring his teeth at me. With a click of his tongue, he hazed out of my car and I quickly put the windows down, gulping in the fresh air I desperately needed. When I thought I wasn't going to be sick from his disgusting stench, I started the car and sprayed some perfume around inside. Feeling better, I put the dagger in my bag and zipped it up, my jacket covering the outline of it. I started driving, heading home to my brothers who didn't know what was about to hit them and change their lives forever
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