Chapter 9

1598 Words
When Liam closed the door behind us I felt myself sway like I was going to faint. “Easy there,” he smiled, keeping his hand firmly on my back. “What the hell was that?” I pointed behind me. “Think of it as a meet and greet” “Felt more like an interrogation” “Leo has a way of making it feel that way” Nico was in the front wiping off tables. His face was pale. I walked up to him, looking down at my hands and fidgeting with them. “I’m sorry about how I reacted the other day” Nico pulled me into a hug catching me off guard, but I rested my head against him. “Don’t worry about it kid” “Looks like you're stuck with me for a while,” I smiled. He looked at Liam and they gave each other a nod. Odd was the only word going through my mind. That seemed to sum up my whole day. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?” Nico pulled away, placing a hand on my shoulder. “Not till next week,” Liam said. “I look forward to it” And with that we left the shop. Along the way back to the house Liam began explaining some of the unspoken rules of the house. Most of the rules involved avoiding Leo and staying out of the main office. “Thursday’s are family dinners so you’re going to have to join us tonight” “Do I have to?” My hands were getting clammy and I could feel a weight on my chest. “Don’t worry. Everyone is relatively nice,” he smirked. We pulled up to the house and this time there were a few other expensive looking cars and SUVs outside. “Word must’ve gotten out that we have a guest. Everyone seems to be home today” The contents of my stomach quickly rose. “Don’t worry. You’re going to be fine. They’re just excited to meet you. It’s not everyday dad allows someone to move in” This only made me more curious as to why he let me, a complete stranger into his home. The doors opened and an eruption of noises came flooding all throughout the house. People shouting and laughing from different parts of the house. A boy and girl came rushing downstairs. The boy clutching a shirt in his hand. “Carlos give it back!” “If you do my homework for a month I won't tell Theo you were digging through her closet again” “I’ll tell Leo it was you who really took his car out and dented the door” “You wouldn’t” “Try me,” she put her hands on her hips. Carlos smiled and ran out of the room again. “Carlos!” She chased after him. “That is my twin Mia. And that little brat she was chasing is Carlos. He’s the baby of the family. Christian is the oldest. He’s probably still at the hospital. He works a lot of late shifts so it’ll be rare when you see him. Then there is Leo and Theo. They’re twins too. Theo should be home tonight,” he kept talking as we walked up the stairs,” It’s kind of a rule for us to all get together on Thursdays. Mom started it when Christian started working and spending more time at the hospital than at home” He opened my door and plopped down in my bed, stretching out. “So all six of you live here?” “Yeah. Leo, Theo and Christian have houses and apartments they rent out, but I think they have some set aside for when they want to get away from here” “How nice,” I replied sarcastically, sitting at the desk and pulling out some assignments I missed yesterday. “You’re really doing homework?” “What else am I supposed to do?” “You want to go and properly meet Mia? She can help you get dressed for tonight” “I have to get dressed?” “Heck yeah. It’s your first time meeting the whole family” “Ughh!!!” I placed my hands over my eyes. “Come on,” he rolled my chair to the door. There was shouting before Liam even knocked on Mia’s door. It flung open and standing in front of us was not the girl I saw running after a boy, but a tall slender woman with shoulder length brown hair. Wearing a navy blue button up shirt with ruffles going down the middle, tucked into a black pencil skirt that accentuated her waist. “What do you want Liam?” she scowled, crossing her arms. “Just coming to visit my sis. I could feel her reaching out to me. You know,” he put his hand to his lips as if he was trying to tell her a secret, “twin telepathy,” he winked. Her eyes fell upon me. I looked straight into her dark brown eyes and felt the same cold chill run down my spine whenever I looked into Leo’s eyes. She scoffed loudly. “Is this why I was called back here? Whose pet is it this time?” “Theo,” his voice stern. “Well look who thinks he’s grown now because he got a seat at the table” “At least I still have a seat” Her eyebrows furrowed. Slamming her shoulder into Liam’s as she passed us. “Sorry about her. That’s Theo. She’s Leo’s twin” “Really? Their personalities are polar opposites,” sarcasm evident in my words. “They weren’t always like that,” Mia said, standing in front of us. She was just as beautiful as her sister. Her black hair, soft brown eyes, heart shaped face and pouty lipped smile made her look more approachable than her sharp featured siblings. “I’m Mia,” she held her hand out. “Aria,” I shook her hand. “Liam told me you weren’t a hugger” I was grateful for that. “So what brings you here?” “What’s up with Theo,” Liam pointed to the door, taking a seat on Mia’s bench at the end of her bed. “Oh,” she waved her hand in indifference,” she found out that I was going through her closet again. Half those clothes she doesn’t even wear, but that wasn’t my main goal,” A devious smile graced her lips. She pulled out a pair of silver lined earrings that dangle and seemed to sparkle every way they turned. Looking closer they had diamonds going down them. “Nice” “So,” she sat at her desk, turning the chair to face us, “what are you here for?” “She needs to borrow some clothes for dinner” She looked me up and down. The same appraising look the rest of them gave me. “She’s a bit small to fit into my clothes, but I might have something,” she walked into her closet and began rummaging around. “Do I really need to dress up?” “Most of the time it’s like a formal dinner. Dad always thought of it as a good way to practice when we’re out in the real world” I guess if I were to embarrass myself I’d rather do it in the comfort of my own home. She came out holding up a few dresses. All low cut and sleeveless. “These are all beautiful, but I can’t wear them,” I rubbed the silky fabrics between my fingers. “Why not? You certainly have the body for it” I blushed hearing her say that. “I’m just not comfortable in dresses” “Just try them on and if you don’t like them I can try and find something else. Let’s get your hair and makeup done at least,” she pulled me to her vanity and sat me down in front of a brightly lit mirror. It looked like a complete mess, but she pushed everything to one side to make space for all the brushes and bottles of makeup and curling iron she pulled out of one of the drawers. Not wasting a single moment she turned me around so I was facing her now. She began dabing and blending makeup across my face while the iron warmed up. Wasn’t long till she was wrapping my hair around the barrel of the hot iron. “There you go” I turned around and was shocked. My dark circles, gone and no longer marking my eyes look sunken in. The color returned to my pale cheeks. My hair is no longer flat and dull. The curls at the end of my hair gave it more life than it’s had in years. I actually looked… decent. “I do think you should get dressed in your room though. Theo could come back here to argue with me just for fun,” she smiled. “Thanks sis,” Liam got to his feet and gave Mia a side hug, “shall we?” He grabbed the dresses from Mia and held his arm out for me to grab. I tried to hide my smile as I held onto his arm. “We’ll see you at dinner,” he said as we walked out the door.
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