Chapter 8

1620 Words
I was sitting in my last class. The events of the past 24 hours replayed in my head. I couldn’t concentrate and should’ve skipped today like Liam said. No sign of Braxton or his friends today. Chloe had been trying to get answers out of me the moment I arrived in class. I dodged her most of the day, but the deadly look in her eyes told me she was getting answers out of me before we left. The bell rang and I tried to rush out, but got caught by her as I was out the door. “What’s up with you?” She snapped. “I’m just in a rush to get to work” “What happened yesterday? You skipped school and completely ghosted me” “I wasn’t feeling all that great so I stayed home” “Why were you in the parking lot then?” “What?” “Lori said she saw you huddled up with Braxton in the parking lot” “That was…” I was lost. “Are you two back together?” “No,” I said a little too quickly. “You don’t have to lie to me,” she looked almost jealous at the thought of Braxton and I back together, “I wouldn’t blame you. He’s the hottest guy here” “Who’s the hottest guy here?” Liam had appeared. Placing his hand in my hip and pulling me close to him. Chloe’s mouth dropped open. “Does my little Aria have a crush on someone?” He placed his index finger under my chin, tilting my face up at him. His expression was playful and I knew he just wanted to get a reaction from us. He seemed pleased with the look on Chloe’s face. I, on the other hand, gave him my biggest smile. “How could I ever dream of having a crush on someone when I have you,” I placed my hand on his face. My fingers traced the edge of his jaw to his ear. Pinching his ear and twisting it. He yelped in pain, giving him no choice but to go down in the direction I was pulling. “Constantly pestering me,” I said, holding tight. “Uncle! Uncle!” He shouted, tapping my leg. I let go and I did feel a little bad when I noticed how red his ear was. He rubbed it, and looked at Chloe, his pained expression turned into a wide grin. “I love it when she’s rough with me,” he winked at her. The ghastly look in her face had me about to wet myself. Liam and I burst into fits of laughter. “What is wrong with you two?!” I wiped my eyes, catching my breath. “Chloe, this is Liam. Liam, this is Chloe. She’s my friend” He reached for her hand and gently lifted it to his lips, placing a small kiss on the back. “Nice to meet you Chloe” She looked like she was going to melt on the spot. “Well sorry to interrupt, but someone’s presence is requested at the shop,” he grabbed my hand. He turned abruptly, pulling me along with him. “Are you still going to the party?” Chloe shouted. Liam opened the door for me and I climbed in, feeling more drained then I should’ve, since I didn’t even attend a full day if school. “What party are you going to?” Liam asked, leaving the parkinglot in a hurry. “I don’t know. Chloe asked me to go with her” “I think we could swing that” “We?” “Yeah. You seem like someone who knows how to party” I’ve never actually partied in my life. Even at normal birthday parties I was always socially awkward and would sit by myself. “Besides,” a sly grin on his face, “I don’t think your friend would have any objections” We pulled up to the shop. A few black SUV’s lined up in the parkinglot. The bell rang when we walked through the door and there at the counter was Nico. He looked relieved to see me and I felt the same. Our last conversation didn’t settle well with me. “Where are they?” Liam asked. His voice deepened and when I looked up at him he had a very serious expression. Nico’s demeanor changed too. “In the back” Liam’s hand was on my back as he guided me to the back room, past the kitchen and into the office. Around the desk was a door that Nico said had all the office supplies. Liam rapidly knocked four times and then slowly twice. The door opened and inside, gathered around a long rectangular table were some sharply dressed men. At the head of the table was Leo and off to his left was a handsome older gentleman with peppered hair. An exact copy of him. “Have a seat,” Leo pointed to the chair on his right where a familiar man was sitting. Looking up at Liam his face did not change, he gently patted my back. I walked over to the chair. The man got up and pulled the chair out for me to sit in, scooting it in so I was closer to the table. “Aria, this is my father Marcos” Marcos nodded and looked just as serious as everyone else around him. I was nervous and was starting to wish Liam never saved me from the water. “Thanks to our noble Liam. You are now under our family's guardianship,” he slid some papers over to me, “this is a non-disclosure agreement that you’ll need to sign. We have some very aggressive companies that would love nothing more than to watch us crumble. This is ensure-“ “I know what a non-disclosure agreement is. But why am I signing this?” “We discuss business at home and if you’re going to be staying with us, we’d like to know that if you overhear something that you won’t tell anyone,” Marcos answered. “You’re actually going to let me stay?” “Of course. A Vranizan never goes back on their word” “What about my job?” “Job?,” Marcos turned to Liam. “She was employed here by Nico” “We don’t-“ “Her last day will be tomorrow,” Leo cut him off. “Please sir,” I turned to Marcos, “I really need this job. I’ll work over time, during the weekends. I’ll even sign your contract,” I was desperate. “What is it you need?” “I’ll be eighteen soon and I’d like to be able to save up some money to get a car so I can leav-” “Did you not have anything saved up?” Leo cut me off. “I did” “What did you do with it? Blow it on something useless?” “I didn’t blow it on anything” “Then you should have enough set aside” I held my tongue. I didn’t want to anger Marcos by arguing with his son. He was already allowing me to stay in his home. “What is it, child?” Marcos reached his hand across the table, palm side up. I wasn’t sure if he was expecting me to place mine in his. I looked up at Liam and he gave his head a slight nod. Marcos’ hands were softer than I was expecting. “I had money saved up, but it was stolen from me” He looked into my eyes, searching for any hint of dishonesty. “Alright. You can keep your job here, but I don’t want you to start till next week. Leo stood up, anger rolling off of him. “Put her on the payroll,” Marcos waved his hand lazily. Bewildered, I slowly got out of my chair. I wanted to get out of here before he decided I couldn’t come back at all. Liam placed his hands on my lower back, preventing me from backing out of the room. “She’s a bit banged up and the doctor recommended at least six weeks of rest” “Very well“ “Please Mr Vranizan-“ “Call me Marcos” “Marcos. I’d really like to start as soon as possible” He looked me up and down. “If you think you can handle it I don’t see a problem with you starting next week” “Thank you sir” I turned to leave when he stopped me again. “One more thing before you leave,” Marcos smiled, “before my son got overly excited in his interrogation. Where was it you wanted to go?” “Go, sir?” “You said you were saving for a car so I assume you had a destination in mind” As I thought about it I had no real place in mind. My goal now seemed idiotic in front of these men. I really wish I had planned it better. Letting out a sigh of defeat I stood tall and looked him in the eyes. Hoping to give off a strong demeanor like the rest of them. “There was no definitive place. But having a car means I can go to college or even find a better job after graduation” Marcos simply smiled and nodded his head. Liam pressed on my back to let me know we could leave now.
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