Chapter 10

1411 Words
“Liam I can’t wear this,” I complained as I came out of his bathroom in the second dress Mia let me borrow. It was strapless and came down to my knees. The bruising on my throat and wrists now turning into a deep shade of purple. “Mia might have something else. I forgot about… all of this,” he gestured towards my bruises, “I’ll be right back” He was out the door before I could ask him to help me unzip. I turned to the bed and looked at the last dress on the bed. It was a beautiful baby blue satin dress. I heard the door open. “Liam can you unzip the back for me,” I turned around, but it wasn’t Liam who entered the room, “Leo,” it came out as a whisper. His eyes traveled down my body. No doubt scrutinizing every flaw. “Turn around,” his deep voice ringing through my ears. I was frozen to the spot. A part of me was still angry that he protested against my employment at the shop. “Turn around,” he repeated. I did what he asked and held the front of the dress close to my chest to keep it from falling. “Thank you,” I went to take a step towards the bathroom. “How are you?” He asked. I didn’t expect him to care about such trivial things. He seemed to really dislike me when anyone else was around. “I’m okay. Sore” He nodded and walked to the door. When his hand touched the doorknob though he paused, looking back at me. “Just dress in what makes you feel comfortable. What you had on today was fine” “Thanks” “When Liam comes back tell him to meet me in my study before dinner” “Will do” With that he left. The tight knot that was in my stomach was gone. I didn’t realize how tense I was. I changed back into my clothes. It was definitely easier to breathe in this than a tight dress. I didn’t feel like sticking around Liam’s room and doing nothing so I thought I’d try and venture back to my room. Having more luck this time I found my room and returned to my homework. After about an hour Mia came into the room and looked thoroughly disappointed. “Why aren’t you dressed?” “I appreciate your help trying to find me a dress, but I just can’t do it. I don’t feel comfortable in them” “Oh well,” she shrugged her shoulders, “dinner is ready” Mia led the way to the dinner hall. We had a lot in common, but while she was more outgoing and bubbly I was secluded and quiet. Everyone seemed to already be seated. Liam patted a chair next to him. The only one that seemed to be missing was Leo. “Liam, care to introduce our new guest?” A beautiful blonde woman asked, a brilliant smile that gave off a motherly warmth. “Everyone, this is Aria. Aria, this is my mother Elena. My father Marcos. My brothers, Christian and Carlos. And you’ve already met Theodora and Mia” “Hello. Thank you for welcoming me into your home” “Not like we had a choice,” Theo purposefully whispered, loudly enough for us to hear. “We chose to keep her here. Whereas for you we are unfortunately stuck with,” Liam whispered, causing Mia and Carlos to snort while Christian smirked. “Daddy!” She shouted. “That’s enough of that,” he lazily said, waving his hand in the air. “So Aria, where do you attend school? How are your marks?” “I go to Valley High. I suppose I do alright” “She’s being modest,” Liam, placed his hand on the back of my chair, “she immediately started her homework when she got to her room. I bet she is the top student in all of her classes” “Have you thought about transferring to the Heights?” “No. The tuition there is a litte to much for me to afford. My wages barely covers my cost of living” “Wages?” Elena looked to her husband. “She works at the shop now,” Leo said, joining us and taking his seat next to his father. Everyone stared at him. I was wondering if this was a normal thing. It wasn’t till he placed a napkin on his lap that I noticed why they all were staring. He had on a black t-shirt and dark gray jeans. The silence was only broken when Theo spoke. “No way. You actually work at that dump?” She began to laugh. “At least she’s willing to work,” Leo said, cutting into his steak. “Daddy!” She said again in that whiny tone. “Leo has a point dear,” Elena responded, taking a sip out of her wine glass. Theo crossed her arms and began pouting like a child. Are all rich kids like this? Liam and Mia seemed alright. Leo was cocky. Christian was quiet and Carlos seemed to be a normal rambunctious teenager. Theo seemed to be nothing more than a spoiled brat. “Anyway. When did you start working at the shop?” Elena asked. “A little over a year ago. I was trying to save up some money for a car, but some… other things came up so I had to push off on the car for a while” “I see. Well since you are under our care, your education is our responsibility. If you’d like to transfer just let us know” “Thank you,” I was stunned, “but I couldn’t possibly take you up on that offer. There is no way I’d be able to pay you back” “Nonsense. Just think it over for a while and let us know. We understand if you’d like to stay with your friends, but just remember that a recommendation from the Heights can go a long way in any career you choose” We ate and I listened to everyone’s conversations. Mia talked to her mom about her day. Carlos was giving Liam a play by play account of his basketball game he had missed. Christian, Leo and Marcos were talking in hushed tones about their company. Theo just sat on her phone, taking bites occasionally. So this is a normal dinner for them. I never saw Anne for dinner, let alone sat down with her to have a meal. Liam nudged my elbow with his. “If you're all done, do you want to come to town with me?” “Sure” Liam stood up and pulled out my chair for me. “Sorry to dine and dash, but we really must be going” “Where are you off to?” Elena asked. “We need to get her some basic necessities” “Here,” Marcos, reached into his back pocket and pulled out a leather wallet. He took out a black card and beckoned me. “Seriously?” Liam’s eyes looked like they were going to fall out of their sockets. “Whatever she needs” “You’ve never given any of us your card!” Theo stood up abruptly, knocking over her glass. “Theo that’s enough,” Marcos sighed. “Why is it every time someone gets a new pet they’re allowed to bring them in and they’re welcomed with opened arms, but when I do it-“ “You were the only one to ever do that and it cost us more than your life is worth,” Marcos said with venom. Theo’s eyes welled up as she stormed out of the dining room. “Was that necessary?” Elena said, wiping her mouth with her napkin and going after Theo. Awkward silence filled the room as Leo and Christian continued on with their meal. “Umm… Mia, Carlos, would you like to come with us?” I asked. “Sounds like fun,” Mia shot up, giving a radiant smile to match her mothers. “Maybe another time,” Carlos got up and pushed his chair in. I followed Liam’s lead with Mia in tow.
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