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"You are still a virgin, Miss Emmeline. I'm very sorry." The doctor's words hit Emmeline like a physical blow, and she felt tears welling up in her eyes. Even though she had suspected as much, having it confirmed made it all too real. She covered her face with her hands, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs. "Oh, my dear," Dr. Ross said softly. Emmeline felt her pat her knee gently. "I know this must be very difficult for you. Would you like to talk about it? Sometimes it helps to share our burdens with someone." Emmeline took a shuddering breath, trying to compose herself. The doctor offered her a box of tissues when she eventually lowered her hands. She took one gratefully and dabbed at her eyes. "I just... I don't understand. We've been married for six months, but he's never... we've never..." She trailed off, unable to finish the sentence. "He always has some excuse. I thought maybe there was something wrong with me, that I wasn't attractive enough or..." She lied of course. Dr. Ross shook her head. "There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, Miss Emmeline. This situation is not your fault. Have you tried talking to your husband about this?" Emmeline nodded miserably. "He just changes the subject or says he's too tired. I don't know what to do anymore." The doctor was quiet for a moment, considering. "I would strongly recommend that you and your husband seek couples counseling. There could be many reasons for his behavior, and a professional could help you both work through whatever issues might be present." Emmeline nodded again, feeling utterly drained. "Thank you, Doctor. I'll... I'll think about it." As she got dressed and prepared to leave, Dr. Ross handed her a card. "This is the number for an excellent marriage counselor I know. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything, even if it's just to talk." Emmeline clutched the card like a lifeline as she left the clinic, stepping out into the bright afternoon sun. Her mind was reeling, trying to process everything that had happened. She wasn't one of those people who sanctified virginity, as if a woman's worth was defined solely by her s****l purity. But she felt an undeniable sense of relief to discover the truth - that the vile man she despised more than anyone had not violated the sanctity of her body. It provided her with some small measure of consolation amid the trauma and turmoil of recent events. ---- ~Meanwhile~ The sleek black Bentley Milliner Bacalar, with its powerful engine humming like a predator on the prowl, roared through the quiet suburban streets, finally coming to a thunderous halt in front of the imposing Blackthorn family Manor. Zavian Blackthorn, CEO of Blackthorn Industries, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and a force to be reckoned with in the cutthroat world of international finance emerged from the driver's seat with an air of effortless dominance. His tailored suit did little to conceal his imposing physique. The air around him right now felt nothing like the one he usually emitted when Emmeline was present. Every movement of his radiated an aura of oppression that sent a shiver down the waiting staff's spines. A line of burly bodyguards in crisp black suits and mirrored sunglasses immediately snapped to attention. Their carefully impassive expressions did little to hide the fear and respect they held for this man. A dozen young maids dressed in identical frilly French maid outfits that did little to disguise their youthful curves curtsied deeply without failing to rove their eyes shamelessly over Zavian's tall, muscular frame. More than half of them were practically salivating at the sight of his strong jawline, deep blue eyes that seemed to see right through them, and his luscious lips that hinted at a hidden passion. However, Zavian didn't even spare them a glance. He strode past the assembled staff with a potent aura that demanded absolute respect and unquestioning obedience. Years of navigating boardrooms and crushing his opponents had honed him into a weapon of pure, unadulterated ambition. "Well, well, if it isn't my wayward grandson finally gracing us with his presence," a raspy voice laced with amusement and a hint of steel rang. Zavian paused at the entrance of the cavernous marble foyer, his gaze falling on the elderly woman reclining regally on a plush velvet sofa. Grandma Eva Blackthorn, matriarch of the Blackthorn dynasty and a formidable force in her own right, was a stark contrast to the grandeur surrounding her. A shock of white hair pulled back in an elegant updo framed her hair. One bony hand, adorned with an enormous emerald ring that could probably fund a small country, toyed with the ornate jade necklace at her throat. Perched on the edge of the sofa beside her was a much younger and almost supernaturally beautiful woman. Raven tresses cascaded down her back like a silken waterfall, and ruby red lips parted in a dazzling smile as she met Zavian's gaze. This was Valerie Hayes, a rising starlet who had recently captured the attention of the tabloids and whose family shared a friendship with Grandma Eva. Zavian's full lips curled ever so slightly in distaste. He had little patience for his grandmother's schemes, especially when they involved parading vapid socialites in front of him. "Enough with the theatrics, Grandma. I'm a busy man. Why don't you skip the charade and tell me why you summoned me." "Such impatience," Grandma Eva sighed dramatically, shaking her head in mock disappointment. "Must you always be so serious, darling boy? Come, have a seat and keep an old woman company. I've missed you terribly, you know." Zavian arched one thick eyebrow skeptically, refusing to be swayed by her feigned affection. "Your manipulations won't work on me, Grandma. What do you want?" He knew his grandmother far too well. "Must we always be so suspicious of each other?" Grandma Eva asked in a tone laced with a hint of genuine hurt. "Can't a grandmother simply wish to spend some quality time with her only grandson?" Valerie leaned forward before Zavian could call the older woman's bluff. Her ample cleavage threatened to spill out of her low-cut dress as she poured steaming liquid from an antique gold teapot into a delicate china cup. "Here you are, Zavian," she said sweetly, holding out the fragile teacup with one well-polished hand. "Careful, it's hot." Zavian's nostrils flared at the cloying, artificial floral scent of her overpowering perfume. It was the kind of scent designed to attract attention, to announce her presence with the subtlety of a foghorn. It was the complete opposite of Emmeline's intoxicating natural fragrance, the one scent that never failed to stir his senses to the point he barely managed to keep his d**k in his pants earlier. All that dominated his senses whenever she was near was the intense desire to ravage her senselessly. To have her squirming and a moaning mess beneath him while he pounded her until she saw stars and forgot even her name. Zavian grunted lowly when he felt his c**k stirring awake at just the thought of her. "No need," he said flatly, turning away from Valerie's calculated seduction. Valerie froze, feeling her carefully constructed facade cracking ever so slightly. She blinked in surprise. However, Grandma Eva was not so easily deterred. "Don't be rude, Zavian!" she chastised. "Where are your manners? Apologize to Valerie this instant." Zavian rolled his eyes at his grandmother's blatant attempt to manipulate him. This woman was clearly taking advantage of the fact that she was the only one who dared raise her voice at him and live to see another second. He stretched out his hand to snatch the cup from Valerie's hand. Their fingers brushed together in a brief caress that sent a jolt of awareness through her. However, he suddenly dropped the cup with a look of disgust the next second. The expensive china shattered against the priceless marble floor, followed by Valerie’s shriek of dismay.
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