
1283 Words
"The schedule is pretty packed already," the receptionist said apologetically. My heart sank. Just then, her expression brightened. "Since you're one of Dr. Ross's patients here, we won't let you leave without getting seen." She smiled, typing away at her keyboard. "I'm going to put your name down to see the doctor after the last woman here at the moment. It might be a bit of a wait, but we'll make sure you're taken care of today." I exhaled in relief, and my shoulders relaxed slightly. "Thank you so much. I really appreciate it," I said earnestly. "You have no idea how much this means to me." "No problem at all, Miss Lawson. We're here to help," Jenna replied cheerfully, gesturing to the waiting area. "Just have a seat and make yourself comfortable. Dr. Ross will call you back as soon as she can." I nodded gratefully and chose an empty chair in the corner, trying to make myself as small and unnoticeable as possible. My leg bounced with nervous energy as I waited, feeling terribly self-conscious despite being surrounded by other women. I pulled out my phone, more to have something to do with my hands than out of any real desire to use it. Time seemed to crawl by at an agonizingly slow pace. I watched as other patients were called one by one, each name that wasn't mine increasing my anxiety. What if they forgot about me? What if I lost my nerve and left before seeing the doctor? Just as I was considering making a run for it, a kind-faced nurse in light blue scrubs appeared in the doorway. "Emmeline Lawson?" she called out, consulting her clipboard. I shot up from my seat like a startled rabbit, my stomach tying itself in knots. With a deep, steadying breath, I smoothed down my skirt and gathered my things. "That's me," I said in a small voice. The nurse gave me an encouraging smile as she held the door open, ushering me into the inner office area. "Right this way, Miss Lawson. Dr. Ross is ready for you now." I followed her down a short hallway lined with exam rooms. My heart was pounding so hard I could feel it in my throat. We stopped in front of a door at the end of the hall, and the nurse gave a soft knock before pushing it open. "Dr. Ross? Your next patient is here," she announced, then turned to me with another reassuring smile. "You can go right in." I nodded my thanks, then tentatively stepped into the office. "Good morning, Doctor Ross," I greeted, trying to keep my voice from wavering. I clasped my hands tightly in front of me to hide their trembling. The middle-aged doctor looked up from her desk, her graying hair pulled back in a no-nonsense bun. But her features instantly softened into a warm smile when she recognized me. "Well, if it isn't Miss Emmeline," she said, rising from her chair to greet me. "Your last visit was...oh, it must have been over a year ago. A doctor always feels a bit sad when her regular patients are away for too long." She gave a self-deprecating chuckle. I felt myself relaxing slightly at her friendly, unpretentious manner as I approached her desk. "Well, I suppose I should apologize for not being sick lately then," I joked weakly, shaking her outstretched hand. Her grip was firm and reassuring. "Not at all, my dear. That's certainly nothing to be sorry about," she replied with an amused look. She gestured for me to take a seat in one of the plush chairs across from her before settling back into her own leather chair. "Now, what seems to be the reason for your visit today?" She folded her hands on the desk blotter, her gaze inquisitive but not unkind. "Did you come in because of irregular menstruation again?" I felt my cheeks flush hotly as I clutched the strap of my bag, staring down at my lap. This was the embarrassing part, the moment I'd been dreading. "N-no, not for that reason," I stammered, struggling to get the words out. I took a fortifying breath before finally blurting, "I...I want to get a virginity test done." There was a heavy pause as her eyebrows shot up in surprise. But to her credit, the doctor didn't react beyond that brief lapse in her professional demeanor. “I see.” She simply nodded and gestured towards the adjacent examination room. "Well, that's certainly something we can do for you today, Miss Emmeline. If you could please remove your underwear and have a seat on the exam chair, we'll proceed with the test right away." My heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest as I rose on shaky legs and made my way to the other room. It was a small space with cabinets along one wall and a reclining exam chair in the center. A paper-covered stirrup table extended from the foot of the chair, and I swallowed hard at the sight of it. I slipped off my sensible flats with trembling hands and shimmied out of my plain cotton panties, leaving them puddled on the floor. I averted my eyes from the harsh fluorescent lighting as I climbed up onto the chair, trying not to dwell on how exposed and vulnerable I felt. The paper crinkled loudly beneath me as I shifted, trying to get comfortable. A few moments later, Dr. Ross entered, pulling on a pair of latex gloves with a crisp snap. "I know this examination can be quite uncomfortable for some women, but you have no need to feel embarrassed here. We're just two women, you and I." she said in a gentle, understanding tone, wheeling her stool between my parted legs. I appreciated her attempt to put me at ease. However, even her kind words couldn't fully alleviate the mortification I felt at being spread-eagled and about to be intimately examined. "Th-the test won't take too long, will it?" I asked apprehensively, staring up at the ceiling tiles to avoid her gaze. I counted the little pockmarks in each square, desperate for any distraction. "Not at all. Just try to relax, and you'll know the results very shortly," she assured me. The doctor adjusted the angle of the chair, raising my hips slightly before beginning the examination. I squeezed my eyes shut, feeling utterly exposed and vulnerable as her gloved fingers probed me. I couldn't hold back a small whimper of discomfort. The doctor cleared her throat after what seemed like an eternity of awkward stillness broken only by the sound of my rapid breathing. "Forgive me for prying, Miss Emmeline, but I do need to ask... Have you been subjected to any attempted s****l assault or rape? Because if that is the case, I would need to report it to the authorities immediately." Her voice was hushed but grave. My eyes flew open in horror at the implication of her question. Of course, the bruises on my skin played a huge role in her suspicion. "No!" I exclaimed vehemently, shaking my head hard enough to make my hair fall across my face. "No, nothing like that at all. I...I'm a married woman. For six months now," I admitted in a small, embarrassed voice. "I only suspected that my husband might know..." I trailed off, unable to give voice to my fear. The doctor's features softened in understanding and she gave a small, regretful sigh. "I see. Well, the examination confirms your suspicion was correct." She met my gaze solemnly. "You are still a virgin, Miss Emmeline. I'm very sorry."
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