
1209 Words
"Zavian! That's enough of your childish foolishness! This instant!" Grandma Eva roared. Zavian ignored her outburst. A tall blonde girl whose uniform strained to contain her ample curves, scurried over with her eyes downcast and hands trembling slightly. She hurried to pick up the broken porcelain before hurrying away to get Zavian a new one and have someone clean up the mess. Zavian moved away from Valerie's cloying perfume and settled into a plush armchair strategically placed away from the others. He crossed his legs, his posture relaxed yet alert like a hunter biding his time. Only one woman's fragrance didn't repulse him, didn't set his teeth on edge. The memory of Emmeline's light, delicate floral aroma, as natural and intoxicating as a summer breeze, flitted through his mind once more. Zavian shifted uncomfortably in his seat, trying in vain to will away the insistent throbbing in his groin. He couldn't afford to think about Emmeline now, not with his grandmother's calculating gaze on him. The maid returned promptly. Her movements were cautious as she carefully poured a fresh cup of steaming tea from a silver teapot. She offered it to Zavian with a deep curtsy while fixing her gaze firmly on the floor. The man took the cup from her and took a sip of the slightly bitter liquid before setting the cup aside on the ornately carved end table beside him. “Why am I here?” His patience was wearing thin. Grandma Eva leaned back against the plush cushions of the sofa with a knowing smile playing on her lips. Her earlier anger seemingly forgotten. "Very well, Zavian. Let's dispense with the pleasantries, shall we?" Her voice, though frail, held a steely edge that commanded attention. "We both know why you're here. It's time we addressed the elephant in the room, don't you agree?" Zavian’s outburst was only seconds away from being unleashed. He hated beating around the bus. Though he knew what was coming, he had known it from the moment he received his grandmother's sudden summons. "When can I expect a great-grandchild, Zavian?" Grandma Eva finally asked. "You're over the age to expect grandchildren yourself, still at the peak of your life of course. Don't you think it's time you produced an heir? A Blackthorn heir. And let's be honest, it's not as if that barren wife of yours is going to provide one any time soon..." The derogatory mention of Yuna and her supposed infertility was like a match to gasoline, igniting a firestorm of fury within Zavian. His eyes darkened with a dangerous glint. He gracefully rose to his feet, ready to walk out of there. But the room suddenly spun around him before he could take even a step. A wave of dizziness washed over him, followed by a familiar heat that spread through his limbs like wildfire. Zavian stumbled and collapsed back on the plush armchair. "You...drugged me?" he growled through gritted teeth, glaring at the cackling older woman with undisguised fury. "Just a harmless aphrodisiac, darling," Grandma Eva said blithely, waving one hand in dismissal as if discussing the weather. "Nothing to worry about...unless you want the, ah, effects to become permanent and debilitating. In which case, you'd better get busy giving me that great-grandchild I want! No more stalling or excuses." Zavian's hands clenched into fists at his sides, feeling his body growing uncomfortably warm and rigid as the potent drug flooded his system. He opened his mouth to snarl a blistering retort, but his voice died in his throat as a wave of intense desire crashed over him, leaving him breathless and lightheaded. The room seemed to close in around him and the edges of his vision blurred by the heat coursing through his veins. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest. Each beat echoed loudly in his ears like a drum. His skin felt too tight, too sensitive. Every nerve ending was alight with a burning need that demanded satisfaction. "Don't fight it, Zavian. Embrace it." Grandma Eva's voice cut through the haze. Zavian's mind raced, desperately seeking a way out of this trap, but the drug's effects were relentless, clouding his thoughts and weakening his resolve. He could feel his control slipping, the iron will he prided himself on crumbling under the relentless assault of desire. He gripped the arms of the chair tightly, fighting against the rising tide of lust threatening to overwhelm his senses. "You think this will hold me down?” he rasped, glaring at his grandmother through half-lidded eyes. Grandma Eva’s face alight with malicious glee. "Oh, it will! That aphrodisiac is the most potent money can buy - specially formulated to override even someone of your caliber and your legendary self-control." Valerie felt her chance had finally come. She sidled closer with a triumphant smile on her sultry lips. "Don't fight it, Zavian," she purred, trailing manicured fingers along his tense forearm. "I'm more than happy to help you... relieve the tension." Zavian jerked away from her touch with a snarl. Even in his drug-addled state, the thought of bedding this vapid social climber revolted him. There was only one woman he craved, one scent that could truly inflame his passion... "Emmeline," he groaned, the name escaping unbidden from his lips. Grandma Eva's eyes narrowed. "Who’s Emmeline? Is that the endearment you call your barren wife? Well, she can't help you now, boy. Accept what's being offered or suffer the consequences." Zavian struggled to his feet, swaying as another wave of heat crashed over him. "I won't... be manipulated," he groaned, fumbling for his phone. "You're in no condition to drive," his grandmother snapped. "Stop being stubborn and do what needs to be done!" Zavian heard nothing the older woman said. He was already staggering towards the door, every step an effort as his body screamed for release. He needed to get out of here. Emmeline! He needed her. Only she could quench this burning fire in his veins. Damn it, she was married! Who knew how often her good-for-nothing husband had touched her? The thought made his blood boil. "Zavian, wait!" Valerie called, hurrying after him. She caught his arm and pressed her body against his. "Let me take care of you. I can give you what you need..." “Get lost!” Zavian shoved her away, perhaps harder than he intended. Valerie stumbled back and crashed against an antique vase that shattered on impact. “Ouch!” She let out a cry. "Ungrateful brat!" Grandma Eva shrieked. Zavian didn’t care if the slut was hurt or not, focusing all his willpower on putting one foot in front of the other. He had to get out… He made it to the foyer with blurred vision and his skin on fire. The startled staff scrambled out of his way as he lurched towards the parking lot. "Sir, are you alright?" One of the braver bodyguards approached cautiously. "Should I call a doctor?" "Keys!" Zavian managed to grunt. The man hesitated, clearly torn between following orders and common sense. "Sir, I don't think you should be driving in this condition..." Zavian's hand shot out, grabbing the guard by his throat and hauling him close. "Keys. Now. Or you're dead!"
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