
1320 Words
I could sense a hint of... envy or resentment in Minnie's tone. She hugged her arms dramatically, unable to contain a slightly exaggerated shiver. "Even their way of dealing with people and socializing is completely different from normal folks. The Blackthorn couple were called the Ice Duo by society's elite circles. Can you believe that? Who would want such a chilly nickname?" She looked at the small cake she had placed on the table earlier with clear pity in her gaze as if even the dessert might wilt under the Blackthorns' frosty demeanor. "You'll have to go over there and officially greet them after leaving my house," Minnie said with a warning edge that made me sit up straighter. "It's expected in our little community. But don't feel too afraid of my words about them. It's not like they'll actually devour you or anything!" She attempted a small laugh that sounded forced and did little to ease the sudden knot of anxiety in my stomach. I swallowed nervously, and my mouth suddenly dried despite the tea. The cookie turned to ash on my tongue. "Is the guy who owns that sleek black he Mr. Blackthorn?" I asked hesitantly, remembering the imposing man I'd briefly encountered earlier. Minnie's perfectly groomed eyebrows rose in astonishment, and her mouth formed a perfect 'O'. "You've already met the elusive Mr. Blackthorn? And lived to tell the tale?" She let out a low whistle, leaning forward eagerly. "Do tell! What was he like? Did he actually speak to you?" I hurriedly tried tasting his name on my tongue. "Mr...Mr. Blackthorn," I said softly, remembering his piercing gaze and commanding presence. A shiver ran down my spine, though whether from fear or something else entirely, I couldn't quite say. I cleared my throat before answering Minnie's question about my earlier encounter with the mysterious Mr. Blackthorn. "Well, it was quite an intense experience. He has this commanding aura about him that's almost intimidating if I'm being honest." Minnie nodded. "That tracks with all the rumors swirling around the Blackthorns. They're known for their cold, aloof demeanor in high society circles. But some whispers suggest there might be more to them beneath that frosty exterior." I shrugged, feeling a strange mix of curiosity and apprehension stirring within me. "I suppose I'll find out for myself when I go over there officially to greet them as new neighbors. Hopefully, the visit won't be too awkward or daunting." Minnie reached out and patted my hand in a reassuring gesture. "Don't you worry, Emmy. Just be your usual sweet, personable self. Who knows, you might be the one to uncover a different, softer side to the elusive Blackthorn family that no one else gets to see." My brows rose jestingly at her. “I thought we were just casually chatting about the mysterious Blackthorn family and the rumors surrounding them." Minnie waved a dismissive hand as if brushing away my bewilderment. "Oh, that stuff about him being intense and all? That was just small talk to keep the conversation flowing, girl. Mr. Blackthorn is none other than the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, one of the most famous and influential judges in all of Riverwalk. His family is absolutely swimming in wealth and has their fingers in all sorts of high-profile business dealings too." My eyes widened comically. "No way! How on earth do you know such juicy insider details about the elusive Blackthorn clan?" Minnie shrugged nonchalantly. "A lady has to have her sources, darling. But enough about that boring legal stuff that'll just put us both to sleep." she swiftly avoided the subject, not wanting to reveal the true extent of her knowledge just yet. "There's a famous, ultra-exclusive sports club not far from our little neighborhood that my husband and I used to be members of. If you're at all interested in joining, just let me know. I could probably swing us a real sweetheart deal on the exorbitant membership fees." "Ooh, that sounds absolutely divine!” “Tae and I have been meaning to get back into more of a consistent fitness routine but haven't found the right time yet,” she added. “Count me in for sure!" I nodded in agreement as I sipped the last few drops of my now-cooled tea. "The last time I frequented the club was before my marriage, but I remember the facilities being top-notch and the amenities second to none. It'll be such fun to get back into the swing of things together as neighbors." I found myself growing increasingly comfortable in Minnie's welcoming presence as our conversation continued to flow effortlessly. Despite the initial awkwardness of being new neighbors, her outgoing and amiable nature quickly put me at ease. Our chat meandered through various lighthearted topics—swapping recommendations for favorite books, sharing amusing childhood anecdotes, and bonding over our mutual love of baking. Minnie regaled me with hilarious tales about the mischievous antics of her twin. The struggles of balancing family life with personal interests and passions were evident, but she handled it all with seemingly effortless grace. Before either of us realized it, an hour had slipped by. The sun was beginning its descent and painting the sky in vibrant shades of orange and pink. The maid returned to silently clear away the tea tray, and Minnie glanced at the antique grandfather clock with a start. "Oh my, would you look at the time!" she exclaimed. "I can't believe how late it's gotten. I do hope I haven't kept you for too dreadfully long?" I shook my head, offering her a warm smile. "Not at all, Minnie. I've had an absolutely wonderful time chatting with you. Thank you for the delicious tea and lovely company." Minnie rose gracefully to her feet and walked me to the door. "I'm so glad we had this opportunity to really get to know each other a bit better. We simply must do this again very soon, okay?" I nodded, feeling a swell of affection for my new friend. "Absolutely. I would love that." I couldn't resist bringing up the topic of the Blackthorns one final time. "Well, I suppose I should head over to that massive manor across the street and officially introduce myself as their new neighbor." "Of course, of course. Don't let my silly neighborhood gossip about the Blackthorns intimidate you or color your perception of them. I'm sure they're perfectly lovely people once you take the time to actually get to know them." I smiled. "Thank you again for hosting me so graciously today, Minnie. I'm truly delighted that my new neighbor is such a sweet, lovely woman compared to the miserable old crone who lived next door to me in my previous apartment building." Minnie threw her head back and released a peal of tinkling laughter that filled the room with its melodious sound. Then she suddenly pulled me into a warm, affectionate embrace before I could react. "Oh, you delightful thing! It's been my absolute pleasure getting to know you today, Emmy. I'll stop by tomorrow with the little terrors. I mean, my precious angels—so we can continue bonding over pastries and pleasant conversation." The cool evening air caressed my skin as I stepped outside, and I took a deep, contented breath. Despite the initial nerves about moving to a new neighborhood, I had already made a wonderful new friend and felt infinitely more at ease. The mysterious Mr. Blackthorn and the impending visit to the magnificent Blackthorn mansion were on my mind as I walked toward my own residence. The prospect of meeting him again was both thrilling and nerve-wracking. But bolstered by Minnie's warm encouragement, I felt a newfound sense of confidence blossoming within me. I turned and began the short walk toward the imposing Blackthorn estate, my steps slowing as I soaked in the property's breathtaking grandeur.
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