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Minnie returned rather quickly. She set a plate of cookies on the coffee table between us, smothered her short white sundress, and plopped down next to me in a casual, friendly manner. "I was planning to visit your house a little later after the twins came back from daycare to officially welcome you to the neighborhood," she said with a friendly laugh. "But you beat me to it! I'm so glad you did, though." My eyes widened in astonishment at her words. "Twins? You''re a mother?" I sputtered out, feeling a bit foolish for my surprise. I tried to reconcile the image of this youthful, vibrant woman before me with that of a mother of two. Minnie giggled audibly. "Why do you look so shocked? Do you think motherhood isn't suitable for a woman like me?" She arched one finely sculpted eyebrow teasingly, but there was no malice in her tone. I waved my hand in denial, flustered and trying to backpedal. "No, no, that's not what I meant at all! I just... you look so young and..." I trailed off, unsure how to finish without digging myself deeper. "I got married when I was your age - just twenty-five," she explained with a faraway look in her eyes. "A year after our wedding, I gave birth to twins - a beautiful baby boy and girl - who are four years old now." A proud yet wistful smile played across her lips as she spoke of her children, and I could see the love shining in her eyes. My gaze involuntarily swept over her figure, noting her slim waist and toned arms. "But don't look like a woman who has given birth before," I stammered out awkwardly, immediately regretting my words. "I mean, your figure is still absolutely amazing! Slim and toned and...and is that even possible after having kids?" Minnie tucked a long, silky lock of her chestnut hair behind her ear in a self-conscious gesture. The simple movement drew my eyes to her striking features - the high cheekbones, full lips, and straight nose. She truly was beautiful in a way that made me feel both admiring and slightly inadequate. "Well, I was a professional model before I got married," she admitted with a hint of shyness. "I stopped that career to take care of the children, but I still post my modeling photos on i********: occasionally." She waved a hand dismissively as if to downplay her accomplishments. "Despite the demands of mom life, I work hard to maintain my body and physique. It's not easy, believe me, but it's important to me." She continued talking about herself with animated passion. Her tone and body language clearly showed that she was satisfied with her life choices, even if they had challenges. "My husband, Kim Taehyung, is a psychiatrist," she said softly. "We actually met in quite a dramatic way when I went to his clinic for counseling. I was going through a really tough time – depressed and struggling with some personal issues – and he helped me get through what was probably the saddest period of my life." There was an unmistakable adoration and gratitude shining in her eyes as she spoke of her husband, and I felt a pang of something – envy or perhaps longing – in my chest. Our intimate conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a maid, who entered the room silently carrying a silver tray filled with a ceramic teapot, delicate porcelain cups, and an assortment of biscuits and petit fours. The aroma of freshly brewed tea filled the air, making my mouth water. She placed a cup and plate in front of each of us before withdrawing just as quietly, making sure her presence barely disturbed our tête-à-tête. Minnie smiled warmly at me once we were alone again. She reached for the teapot to pour us each a cup. "I can't believe I just gossiped about myself for so long!" she exclaimed, shaking her head ruefully. "You'll have to tell me all about your life too so I can get to know you better. I want to hear everything!" The lingering smile instantly vanished from my lips. Taking a deep breath, I revealed the basic details of my own background, trying to match her openness. "I'm a graduate of the Culinary Institute here in the city," I began. "I work as a chef in my family's restaurant currently, but I told you earlier that cakes and pastries are my real specialty. My dream is to open my own French patisserie and restaurant after gaining more industry experience." I paused briefly, "My grandmother on my father's side is actually French, and she's the one who first inspired my passion for baking and French cuisine from a young age. Some of my earliest memories are of standing on a stool in her kitchen, helping her knead dough or whisk cream." Pride swelled within me. Minnie's eyes widened in apparent delight and her brown irises shone with genuine interest. "I thought you might have been joking when you said cake was your specialty! That's so wonderful and impressive." She beamed at me admiringly. I felt a warmth around her. "You'll have to bake something for me sometime. I have such a sweet tooth!" A slight smile stretched on my lips. I wrapped my slender finger around the delicate handle of the teacup and carefully sipped the hot, fragrant liquid. It was a high-quality blend with notes of bergamot and a hint of vanilla. "I've been interested in cooking and baking since I was just a child," I continued, feeling more at ease opening up to this friendly woman. "My father noticed my talents early on. He didn't stand in my way at all when I told him I didn't want to go to university but rather attend culinary school instead. He's always been supportive of my dreams." I smiled wryly. "In addition to my older brother who runs his own successful business, the family restaurant sort of became my domain. It's a lot of pressure sometimes, but I love it." I hoped she wouldn't ask about my husband. I was not yet ready to divulge those personal details. The wound was still too fresh, and the situation was too complicated. Of course, Minnie's curiosity got the better of her as she picked up a butter cookie, studying it intently before taking a delicate bite. "What about your husband?" she asked lightly, her tone casual but her eyes keenly interested. "Is he supportive of your culinary dreams?" She took another sip of her tea before placing the cup back on the saucer with a soft clink. I hesitated, unsure how much to reveal, then decided to stick to the bare facts for now. "We've been married for six months now," I said, trying to keep my tone neutral. "He's an incredibly talented neurosurgeon and he recently became head of the department at his hospital." There was a hint of pride in my voice – because despite our issues, I was proud of his accomplishments and something else I couldn't quite hide in my voice. Perhaps a trace of wistfulness or loneliness? I saw Minnie's brow furrow slightly as if she'd picked up on the undercurrent in my words. Thankfully, she didn't press further. Remembering the first thing she said about the neighborhood, I seized the opportunity to change the subject. "What did you mean earlier when you mentioned the 'Triangle'?" I asked curiously, leaning forward slightly. "Is that some kind of local landmark or something?" Minnie grunted softly. Obviously not understanding my question briefly. Then her face cleared. "Oh! I said welcome to the Triangle neighborhood. Sorry, I sometimes forget that newcomers aren't familiar with our little nickname for the area." A bright, almost conspiratorial smile crossed her lips, and she didn't hesitate to satisfy my curiosity. She was clearly enjoying playing the role of neighborhood guide. "There are only three houses in this entire gated community," she explained, her voice taking on a storyteller's cadence. "And if you connect them on a map, they form a perfect triangle shape. My house and yours represent the two points on the base, and the massive palace directly opposite us is the third point at the top." I nibbled at the biscuit in my hand while listening intently to her explanation with fascination. The cookie was buttery and delicate, melting on my tongue. "You know how the elite rich families are divided into different classes and tiers?" she lowered her voice slightly as if sharing a secret. "Well, the Blackthorns’ who live in that huge mansion across the way are considered first-class rich. As in, the highest level - not like us mere mortals." She winked.
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