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The imposing manor's exterior lights flickered on, illuminating the well-kept grounds with a welcoming, cozy glow. I squared my shoulders, determined to make a good first impression. After all, first impressions could be everything, and who knew what intriguing secrets lay behind those doors? I politely introduced myself to the woman who spoke through the smart doorbell's intercom system and then passed through the gates with measured, unhurried steps. The distance between the entrance and the manor itself was vast, but the immaculately landscaped grounds and winding pathways made for a pleasant, almost zen-like stroll. As I approached the impressive main entrance, I was greeted by a striking woman clad in a knee-length black tuxedo dress that hugged her curvy frame to perfection. Her dark hair was styled in elegant curls that brushed just past her shoulders, and I instantly deduced that this poised beauty could only be the elusive Mrs. Blackthorn herself. "Mrs. Blackthorn?" I ventured politely, hoping to confirm my assumption. She offered me the faintest wisp of a smile, extending her hand in an unhurried, self-assured manner. "Yuna Blackthorn." I accepted her hand without hesitation. "Emmeline Maine, it's a pleasure to meet you." Even as the words left my lips, I could sense that this woman wasn't the type to engage in overly friendly small talk or niceties. I decided to cut right to the chase. I reached into my tote and retrieved a tastefully wrapped housewarming gift. "A simple hello gift for my new neighbors. I hope we'll have the opportunity to get to know one another better." Yuna accepted the offering. "How very kind of you, Miss Maine." I fixed my gaze on her sharp, assessing eyes. "Mrs. Maine, actually. I'm married." I corrected her formal address. “Of course. My apologies, Mrs. Maine. I'm afraid I've come to welcome you alone this evening, as my husband is still occupied with work matters. But I'm sure you'll have the opportunity to meet him soon enough." Yuna reached out and patted my shoulder in a gesture that was likely meant to be reassuring, though it felt oddly stiff and impersonal. Up close, I could see that despite her regal poise and sophistication, she appeared shockingly youthful—likely still in her early thirties at most. "No need to apologize," I assured her easily. "I understand these things happen, especially in the middle of the work week. Everyone has professional obligations to attend to." I began to feel uncharacteristically flustered and self-conscious to stand before this elegant and almost otherworldly woman. "Well, since I've had the chance to greet you properly, I don't want to impose on your evening any further. If you'll please excuse me..." I attempted to politely extricate myself from the stilted interaction. But Yuna seemed distracted. Her cool gaze was fixed on something over my shoulder. "Actually, my husband has just returned home. If you're willing to wait a moment, you'll have the chance to meet him as well." I followed her line of sight to see a sleek, high-end sports car pulling up along the circular driveway. The vehicle's engine rumbled with a low, powerful purr before falling silent as it idled. The driver's side door opened, and a figure emerged… the very same commanding, intense man I had encountered earlier that morning when he had assisted me with the cumbersome painting. "We have new neighbors, dear," Yuna addressed him in a tone that somehow managed to sound both fond and faintly bored. The man's piercing gaze found me instantly, his expression unreadable. "It's you." He spoke in a low, measured cadence that seemed to reverberate through me. I inclined my head in a respectful bow, struggling to maintain my composure under the weight of his penetrating stare. "Good evening, Mr. Blackthorn." Yuna's sharp eyes flickered between her husband and me. Her brow furrowed ever so slightly as she registered the undercurrent of recognition. "You two... know each other already?" Mr. Blackthorn turned his attention to his wife, though his presence still seemed to encompass me as well. "Not formally. I caught a glimpse of her struggling to get a rather large painting into her house earlier, so I offered my assistance. But I don't believe we were properly introduced at the time." His intense gaze returned to me with the weight of a physical caress, and I felt my fingers instinctively twisting together in a rare bout of nerves. "I must apologize for my oversight, Mr. Blackthorn. In the chaos of my move, I neglected to invite you in or even offer my gratitude for your unexpected kindness. I fear I was dreadfully distracted." Holding his piercing stare was like staring into the depths of a turbulent ocean—simultaneously beautiful and terrifying in its raw power. I struggled to keep my voice steady as I pressed on. "My name is Emmeline. Emmeline Maine." One of his dark brow lifted in the faintest hint of something I couldn’t quite place my fingers around. "Zavian Blackthorn." I felt an irrational surge of apprehension at the thought of touching him again, remembering the strange thrill that had sparked through me earlier. Societal propriety won out, and I placed my hand in his, struggling not to react as that same frisson of awareness danced across my skin like a live wire. "The pleasure is mine, Mr. Blackthorn," I replied, keeping my tone politely formal then carefully extracted my hand from his grip. "I mean, the honor is mine." I spurted. A muscle ticked ever so faintly in his strong jaws, yet his expression remained impassive. Though I couldn't shake the sense that he found some veiled amusement in my response. "My assistance earlier was a simple favor, nothing more. Merely what any good neighbor should do." His deep voice caressed the word 'neighbor' with a subtle emphasis that raised goosebumps along the nape of my neck. I found myself caught in the hypnotic pull of his dark eyes, feeling utterly unmoored and untethered from reality. "We're hosting a backyard barbecue this weekend as a way to welcome all the neighbors and give everyone a chance to mingle." Yuna's voice finally broke the trance while her hand came to rest on her husband's arm in a gesture of subtle possession. Her smile was polite but didn't quite reach her eyes. "The Kims will be in attendance as well, and since you've only just moved into the area, we would be delighted to extend an invitation to you and your husband. It will give us all a prime opportunity to get better acquainted." Zavian gave a curt nod of agreement, his focus still seeming to bore into me with unsettling intensity. I had momentarily forgotten the existence of my own husband. Heat flooded my cheeks as I fumbled for a response. "O-Of course, we would be honored to attend your gathering this weekend." Yuna's smile took on a slightly sharper edge, though one would have to know her well to perceive the subtle shift. "Wonderful! We look forward to seeing you both then." As if sensing my discomfort, Zavian shifted his stance almost imperceptibly, effectively releasing me from the snare of his arresting presence. I seized the opening gratefully. "Well, I suppose I should be on my way and leave you both to your afternoon. Thank you again for your hospitality and for extending the invitation to your event. We'll be sure to mark it on our calendar." I said, offering them a polite smile and a nod of farewell.
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