
1363 Words
I could visibly see the intense anger rising in his body from his tightly clenched fists, the protruding veins in his thick neck, and his rapidly reddening face. His whole muscular body seemed to tremble and vibrate with unbridled rage at my defiance. "You've really done it now. You got yourself into this mess with your smart mouth," he growled out in a low, menacing tone full of quiet threats that sent chills through me.. I barely had time to make out his muffled words when he suddenly shot up from his chair with such force it toppled over backward. In an instant, he was on me, grabbing a painfully tight fistful of my long hair and giving a vicious yank that made me cry out. My hands flew up to try on reflexes and pry his painfully clenched fingers off of the handful of my hair he had wrapped around his meaty fist. "If you've forgotten who's the goddamn master of this house, I'll have to violently remind you of your proper place beneath me," he snarled in my face, his foul breath hot on my skin. I could smell the whiskey he'd been drinking all afternoon. The searing pain from him pulling and twisting my hair was absolutely intense, radiating across my scalp. My face contorted as I tried not to whimper pathetically or show weakness. "Leave me alone, you abusive asshole!" I managed to force out through gritted teeth, glaring up at him. I felt the sharp, stinging pain of his open palm cracking hard across my cheek before I could brace for the slap. The left side of my face felt like it was on fire from the brutal impact, and I tasted blood where my teeth had cut into the inside of my cheek. My smart mouth would definitely get me killed by this madman one day if I wasn't careful! "I have to discipline your defiant ass so you know your proper place beneath me once and for all!" he hissed venomously, his iron grip in my hair keeping me upright and immobile. I could feel tears of pain welling in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. After a few tense seconds of seeing spots dancing in my vision from the burst of pain, I managed to focus my gaze and glared at him with pure, unbridled hatred burning in my eyes. "A real man never hits and abuses a woman, no matter what she says or does. And my place is far above yours, you pathetic, sniveling excuse for a man! You're nothing but a coward who can only feel strong by beating on someone smaller." His fingers tightened even more in my hair, feeling like they would rip it out by the roots, but I refused to shut up or show fear despite the agony. "I'm from a long-respected family lineage, no less prestigious than yours. I deserve to be treated with basic human respect, not this degrading insult and assault from you. The only reason I've put up with your vile behavior for this long is out of respect for my father's friendship with yours." I was utterly amazed that he let me ramble on without his fist shutting me up again. Since I had the chance to speak my mind, I wouldn't stop. "But I can't take your physical and mental abuse any longer. I want a divorce. Our sham of a marriage is over as far as I'm concerned!" Richard threw his head back and let out a loud, mocking laugh that grated on my very last nerve before suddenly shoving me hard against the kitchen wall, knocking the air from my lungs. I twisted my right ankle painfully as I stumbled back. But I managed to catch myself by slapping my palms against the wall to avoid crashing to the floor in an undignified heap. "You stupid, naive little girl," he sneered. "I'll make your pathetic life a complete nightmare, whether you're still my wife or not after this little tantrum of yours. I can easily accuse you of adultery and unfaithfulness and they'll all believe me over your lying words without question. Then your precious father and family won't be able to show their faces in polite society without utter humiliation and shame," he threatened with a sinister smile that made my blood run cold. Hot tears of frustration and fear filled my eyes as my family's reputation was my biggest weakness, even though they'd selfishly abandoned me to this abusive hell with Richard long ago. "I hate you with every fiber of my being!" I whispered hoarsely, barely able to force the words out past the lump in my throat. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, bracing myself as his fist drew back, ready to strike me again. But the expected impact never came. Instead, he grabbed my arm in a painfully tight grip that was sure to leave finger-shaped bruises and dragged me out of the kitchen and down the hallway, ignoring my futile attempts to dig my heels into the floor. "I'll teach you how to properly respect and love your husband like a good wife should, in the bedroom where you belong!" he said in a tone thick with dark promise that made my stomach churn with dread. All my momentary courage and defiance instantly vanished like smoke. My eyes went wide with fear as my long nightmare began anew. "I won't let you force yourself on me against my will, even if you are legally my husband on paper! Marital rape is still rape, a despicable crime," I said in a trembling voice, trying in vain to reason with the unreasonable man manhandling me. My pleas fell on deaf ears as we reached the bedroom door. He kicked it open forcefully and pulled me roughly inside by my hair, trying to forcibly kiss my lips. My stomach turned violently as soon as I got a strong whiff of his stale alcohol-laced breath and I gagged, fighting back the overwhelming urge to vomit all over him. I turned my face away, covering my mouth with my free hand. "Am I really that disgusting and repulsive to you, my dear wife? After all I've done for you?" He asked in a dark, mocking tone laced with threat. I looked back at his cruel smile, feeling such an intense wave of hatred and revulsion that I wanted nothing more than to claw his eyes out until he was blinded and permanently disfigured. The urge to violence shocked even me. "What can I say, Emmeline? I'll take what's rightfully mine from you as your husband, whether you give it willingly or not. You're here for my pleasure and to fulfill your wifely duties, to give it to me on demand no matter your feelings on the matter," he stated in a terrifyingly calm, matter-of-fact way. He finally released his bruising grip on my hair to instead pry my hand away from covering my mouth while gripping both my wrists in a grip certain to leave dark bruises. "You have no right to violate me against my will, Richard! Leave me be and don't touch me, I'm warning you!" My voice shook with fear I could no longer hide. No matter which way he tried to force his lips on mine, I turned my head the other way at the last second, squirming and thrashing with all my might to get free of his grasp. "I won't let you do this, I won't let you rape me! Someone help me, please!" I cried out desperately, knowing deep down that no one would come to my rescue. My complete aversion and defiance towards the abusive bastard really set him off into an uncontrollable rage this time. He mercilessly beat me over and over, each blow harder and more vicious than the last. I tried to cover my head with my arms to protect myself, but the hits just kept raining down until my strength was completely drained. Eventually, I couldn't fight back any longer and lost consciousness, crumpling helplessly to the hard floor like a broken rag doll.
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