
1234 Words
Richard’s eyelids twitched in annoyance at my thinly veiled jab, and I knew from months of experience that he didn't like it when I subtly called out his shortcomings or mistakes. His face flushed an ugly shade of red, and a vein pulsed at his temple. "You're only good at complaining and nagging, my God," he spat, slamming his briefcase down on the kitchen table. "Your shrill, whiny voice alone gives me a pounding headache. I don't know how I've put up with you and your mindless griping all these months. Sometimes, I think I should have listened to my mother and never married you in the first place." He pulled a chair from the kitchen table roughly and sat down heavily. The wood groaned in protest under his weight. He sat there expectantly, like a scolded child waiting to be served, not even offering to help set the table or get his own drink. I angrily punched the air behind him, imagining my fist connecting with his thick skull. The fantasy was so vivid I could almost feel the satisfying crunch of cartilage beneath my knuckles. "A mindless, gluttonous animal that only knows how to feed his stomach," I muttered under my breath, too quietly for him to hear. I forced myself to take a deep, calming breath once more, counting slowly to ten in my head before I trusted myself to speak again without screaming. Then, I poured the soup I had finished earlier into two ceramic bowls, careful not to spill a drop. I placed one in front of Richard along with the stir-fried vegetables and a small dish of rice, then sat down absentmindedly to his right with my own portion. My appetite had long since vanished. I wondered how I should broach the subject of the neighborhood barbecue invitation. The silence stretched between us, broken only by the sound of Richard's loud chewing and the occasional clink of chopsticks against porcelain. "Did you meet any of the neighbors today? Or were you too busy lazing around the house?" Richard finally spoke. I felt a flicker of fear in my chest because I knew the moment of confrontation had arrived. I swallowed hard, my throat suddenly dry. "I did, actually," I began cautiously. "And I had to apologize twice for your absence. They were all wondering where the man of the house was." I stopped talking when I noticed his growing annoyance. Hurriedly, I continued, "In the house next door, the Kim family lives. I met the wife, and she was really friendly. She said her husband, Kim Taehyung, works as a psychiatrist. They have two adorable children." I shoved a spoonful of soup into my mouth and nonchalantly continued, trying to keep my voice steady. "In the house on the other end, the Blackthorn couple lives. I learned from Minnie - that's Mrs. Kim - that Mr. Blackthorn is a famous judge and the chief justice of the Supreme Court. She didn't mention anything about his wife, though." Richard was busy shoveling food into his mouth, only muttering a disinterested "Good" between bites. I put my spoon down and took a deep breath, steeling myself for what I knew would be an unpleasant conversation. "We're, um... we're invited to the Blackthorn Manor this weekend," I said. That finally got his full attention. He looked up from his plate and fixed me with those cold, calculating eyes. His brows furrowed in clear displeasure. I struggled to maintain eye contact, fighting the urge to look away. "They're having a barbecue party on Sunday night," I explained quickly. "The family next door will be there too. Apparently, it's a neighborhood tradition to strengthen community ties. Mrs. Blackthorn said the new neighbors are expected to attend." I quickly averted my gaze from his intense stare, looked down at my barely-touched plate, and pushed a piece of broccoli around with my chopsticks. The silence stretched on for what felt like an eternity before Richard finally spoke. "I don't like those social gatherings with strangers," he said flatly. "Especially if I'm not going to benefit from it professionally. It's a waste of my valuable time. Just apologize to her and tell her I'm too busy. Make up some excuse about an emergency surgery or something." I lowered my sweaty hands into my lap, twisting my fingers together nervously. My heart was pounding so loudly I was sure he must be able to hear it. "But... I already accepted the invitation," I admitted, my voice small and trembling. The look Richard gave me could have frozen hell itself. I braced myself, knowing the storm that was about to break. His face contorted with rage. I couldn't help thinking longingly of Mr. Blackthorn's kind yet dangerous eyes and gentle smile. For a brief, wild moment, I imagined what my life might have been like if I'd married a man like him instead. My shoulders jumped violently in sheer terror when Richard slammed the silver spoon down on the oak dining table with excessive force. The loud, sharp clang echoed through the kitchen, making me flinch involuntarily. I caught my breath, trying desperately to swallow the painful lump that had formed in my constricted throat. Who the hell did this abusive bastard think he was to decide things for me like I was some mindless puppet? I tried my best to act all tough and unfazed in front of him, silently thanking whatever higher power existed that I didn't embarrassingly stutter over my words like I often did when nervous. "I thought you wouldn't mind going since we just moved into this new neighborhood," I explained, trying to keep my voice steady. "We really need to get on the neighbors' good side right away, you know that. This is our big chance to make a good first impression and start building some connections..." Richard abruptly cut me off mid-sentence with an ear-splitting shout that made me physically recoil away from him. "Since when do you get to think for me and make decisions without my input, huh?" he bellowed, face reddening. "And just what damn invitation are you babbling about that I apparently know nothing about?" His voice was raised so loudly that I thought my eardrum might burst from the sheer intensity and volume. I could almost feel the walls vibrating from his rage. I wanted so badly to snap back at him with a biting, sarcastic remark but somehow managed to hold my tongue. "Have you completely lost your damn mind?" The harsh words were right there on the tip of my tongue, yet I managed to bite them back this time, knowing they would only enrage him further. "And what's the big deal if I make one reasonable social decision for both of us for once?" I couldn't stop myself from blurting out defiantly before I could reconsider the wisdom of challenging him. I regrated them as soon as the words left my mouth. His mouth dropped open in shock and disbelief at my brazen words. Then I said it, bold as brass without a shred of fear or hesitation. "I'm not just some silent party in this relationship, and I'm definitely not your servant or maid to order around. Seems you can't accept the simple fact that I'm your wife, your equal partner, not your owned property or slave to command as you please!"
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