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Every single time in the past when he had raped me while I was out cold and defenseless, I'd wake up naked, my clothes stripped off, and sprawled across our bed in a tangle of sheets. My whole body was utterly shattered, every muscle aching and bruises already forming. But worst of all was the hollow, empty feeling in my heart - like a piece of my soul had been violently ripped away. Despite the trauma, I just went about my daily routine as if nothing had happened, as if it was just another normal day in my personal hell. I dragged myself to the bathroom and stepped into the shower, scrubbing away at my skin with scorching hot water and a loofah until it was raw and pink. I was trying to wash away the lingering traces of last night from my body, the ghostly sensations of his rough hands groping me and his sweat and bodily fluids. But no amount of scrubbing could erase the memories seared into my mind. Once I was finally clean, I threw on a simple casual outfit, a short brown cotton dress with wheat-colored clothes underneath. I avoided anything too tight or revealing to hide the fresh bruises already darkening my skin. Then I slowly made my way towards Richard's home office with limping, uneven steps because of the throbbing pain in my leg from where he had kicked me repeatedly. His office was always a complete disaster zone, with empty liquor bottles of whiskey and beer cans scattered haphazardly across the floor as usual. The stale stench of alcohol and cigarette smoke hung thick in the air. I gathered up all the bottles and cans, tossing them into a large plastic garbage bag I left sitting on the chair. Next, I tried to straighten up the mess of crumpled papers, patient files, and medical records strewn across his desk. Most were related to his work as a doctor at the hospital and his various patients' cases. But one thick file immediately caught my eye because it had Richard's own name printed on the label. The bold heading read "Andrology and Infertility Clinic" in thick black letters. Why the hell would he be visiting an andrology clinic for male fertility and virility issues? I never paid much attention to the details of his work before, but my curiosity got the better of me this time. I had to examine that particular medical file closer. I opened it up with shaky hands and began reading the diagnosis out loud under my breath, "Impotence." My eyes bulged out in shock and disbelief, and for a moment, my vision seemed to freeze as I processed that word. What the f**k? This had to be some kind of mistake. It took me a long time before I could force myself to continue reading the rest of the details in the file. "Loss of s****l desire...inability to get an erection or maintain one...inability to achieve or have s****l intercourse." I lifted my head from the papers and stared blankly out the window, my mind spinning as I tried to make sense of it all. How could Richard possibly be impotent and suffering from erectile dysfunction? What about yesterday when he forcibly pinned me down and raped me while I was unconscious and unable to fight back? And all those other countless times in the past when he had violated me in my most vulnerable state? This diagnosis didn't make any sense at all in light of his vile actions! I swallowed hard and went back to reading the file out loud, my voice trembling slightly with confusion and something else I couldn't quite place. "A decrease in testosterone levels resulting from the use of unlicensed drugs and supplements." As I read that line, I felt an insane urge to laugh bubbling up inside me. My cheeks swelled out as I desperately held back the fit of giggles threatening to burst out. When I finally managed to calm myself down, I continued reading with a big, manic smile plastered on my face. "The first treatment using s****l stimulant medications was unsuccessful." At that, I had to purse my lips tightly, trying not to laugh out loud like a lunatic. However, I just couldn't control myself for long. I finally gave in, erupting into a loud peal of laughter as tears of mirth formed in the corners of my eyes. Is this heaven's way of avenging Richard for all the suffering he's put me through? Giving the cruel bastard a taste of his own impotent medicine? I laughed so hard I had to bend over, slapping my hand against my thigh as I uttered my next words in a breathless burst. "So he keeps arrogantly flaunting his big masculine ego and supposed manhood in front of me whenever he gets the chance! I had to have suspected him of being all talk all along since he always had to rape me in such a cowardly way while I was unconscious, like a total depraved weirdo!" I was not usually one to mock others for their misfortunes or revel in their failures, and impotence itself isn't something to ridicule. Most would see it as a private medical issue, not a source of amusement. In Richard's case, after all the physical, emotional and s****l trauma he's put me through, I felt a twisted sense of happiness learning that he had this affliction. A dark thrill of victory coursed through me like the tables had finally turned and I was getting my ultimate revenge on my tormentor. I straightened up and let out a big sigh of relief, wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes. The worst thing that can ever happen to a man is impotence, the inability to get it up and perform, and I think that's more than enough to bring me some small comfort through all the abuse and suffering he'd put me through. I carefully put Richard's private medical file back in its place on his desk and deliberately left the rest of his workspace an absolute mess so he wouldn't realize I had discovered his shameful secret. I gathered up the bag of empty bottles and stumbled into the kitchen, the harsh reality of my injuries still lingering. As I stood in front of the bar, staring blankly at the gleaming bottles of liquor, a thought suddenly occurred to me that made me pause. it possible that Richard didn't actually rape me at all but was just deluding himself into thinking he had violated me while I was unconscious? He had never sexually assaulted me before while I was fully awake and aware. Whenever we were intimate, he always made flimsy excuses to abruptly stop and leave the room, quitting whatever he had started. After turning it over in my mind, I decided I needed to pay my gynecologist an urgent visit to get to the bottom of this once and for all. There was only one way to know for sure if I had been assaulted or if it had all been an impotent delusion on Richard's part. I hurried to the bedroom, wincing with each step, and grabbed my purse before heading out the door. As the owner of a popular restaurant downtown, I could afford to be absent whenever I needed some personal time. My feet were in terrible shape from Richard's beatings. I could barely walk a single step without limping painfully and nearly collapsing. The throbbing ache shot through my entire body with every movement. Despite the pain, I couldn't stop laughing to myself the whole way down the street, still reeling from the comedic relief of learning about Richard's impotence. How utterly hilarious, ironic and fitting that the source of my torment was being tormented himself in such an exquisite way! About halfway down the block, a very luxurious car passed by me slowly before backing up. The window lowered with a soft whir, revealing the striking face of my neighbor, Mr. Blackthorn. His eyes met mine, igniting a blaze of forbidden desires that I struggled to suppress. I quickly averted my gaze and unconsciously stopped on his red lips. Oh, to be tasted by those lips, so full and knowing. His expensive cologne and untamed masculinity wafted from the car, making me lightheaded. He was sculpted perfection – a chiseled jaw and eyes that held a universe of desire, all wrapped in a tall, powerful frame that promised exquisite dominance. And then, my gaze lowered to the blatant ridge strained against his impeccably tailored trousers. My breath hitched. I imagined its sheer size and the heat it must radiate when fully awakened. A forbidden thrill shot through me, leaving me weak-kneed. He was pure danger, this man. "Run, Emmeline," my inner voice shrieked, but my body thrummed with a need that defied all reason.
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