Broken Hearts.

1791 Words
2 Year's Later. Being with Gray, it was magical. I know, I sound cheesy. But I love it, I love being with him, I love seeing him, I love.....him. He makes me laugh, he makes me cry but most importantly...he makes me happy.  Yup cheesy. Gray found his passion for acting, I of course supported him and found a passion for it, he played small parts in some tv series, he even made it to the second lead.  He was a hard worker. When he comes home I would greet him and we would talk for hours. Sometimes we fought but mainly because he's stressed or if I'm stressed. But at the end of the day we always come back to each other.  Our relationship isn't perfect, but so are other people's relationship.  --------------------------//----------------------------- "Mmm, no I don't want to go to work."  my eyes slowly fluttered open, my vision was hazy at first and I had to blink the tiredness away. Something...or someone pulled me tightly against them. I groaned, slowly trying to pry myself away "Stay." I froze hearing Gray's voice behind me,  "Ugh! Off, I need to work." I tried my escape once again. "No!" He cries pulling me closer. And sometimes he is very clingy in the morning, "Gray let me go! I'm gonna be late! Don't you have like an audition today?" I reminded him. Gray quickly lets go of me and I fell forward towards the floor "Damn it Gray!" I hit the floor and saw him step over me, I watched him run bare towards the bathroom.  I giggled staring at his cute butt. I chuckled to myself and my eyes widened at the clock. "s**t!" I quickly got up and ran after him towards the bathroom. "Wait for me dummy!" I pushed open the bathroom door and I saw Gray brushing his teeth, this time he was in his briefs, he grabs for my brush and hands it to me. We both stood in front of the mirror, I was wearing one of his white shirts, but my ample busts make it look like they want to be free. I quickly brushed my teeth and he nudged me away from the mirror. We both pushed each other out of our ways and it ended up with me being hoisted up on his shoulders and back in to our room.  "No Gray! I haven't finished!"  Lucy's Childcare Center. (Temporary work) "Sorry I'm late Lisanna." I bowed, Lisanna giggled "It's fine. Nothings started yet, the kids are just outside. Sign in and  I'll meet you outside." I pulled on my apron and made my way to the classroom, "Ohayo!" I opened the door greeting the children as they all looked up from their activity books and they all stood up "Ohayo! Miss Lucy." The kids chorused, I smiled. "Guys remember. I'm only working here part time. You can call me Lucy." The kids nodded as I grabbed for the roster. I work temporarily at Blue Pegasus Chilcare, while I'm studying at my acting school. "Lucy, Lucy look a picture" I turned seeing  running my way. My thoughts drifted for a second but was pulled back by the sudden vibration in my pocket. "Hello?"  "Hey babe." A smile creeped at the edge of my lips. "Gray, what took you so long?" I pouted hearing a laugh in return. "So how'd it go?" I asked crossing my arms and waited in anticipation for his news. "I- I made it. They gave me the role!" He ran a hand through his hair, the look on his face was everything  i needed  as I jumped, glowing at his great news. Ever since he told me that he wanted to be an actor, I've been behind him, supporting him and now he's finally got the role he's been wanting since he was little. Dancing in my spot, I stopped seeing the kids staring at me, my cheeks grew red as I calmed myself and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Congratulations Mr Fullbuster. You got the part!" "Tonight, let's go on a date. How about the new restaurant that just opened?" he asked I blushed and smiled, even when he mentions dates I always felt so giddy. "Ok." "Bye Lucy. I'll see you soon." His voice made me shiver, "Love you." I said and flipped my phone closed. I drove home and had an early shower, slipping on a sky blue sleeveless mini dress, hugging my waist and my breasts. Clipping up my hair with a hair clip and checked myself in the mirror, I turned to grab a black coat and silver heels. I drove myself to Raven Tail's restaurant, getting out of the car I quickly handed the valet my keys and clumsily  dropped my phone, "Damn it!" I had to awkwardly squat to pick it up. "Hello, Welcome to Raven Tail." One of the workers greeted their customers as I got up to fix myself . "Thank you." I heard a familiar voice, "Hmm?"  I perked up and saw Gray. "Well hello there Mr Fullbuster." I smiled and walked towards him, only to stop seeing a blue haired girl slipping her  arm in his. Confused, I watched them enter, I shook my head.  Wait. "Um, did I miss something? "  I ask myself  and walked towards the entrance when I heard my phone ringing. Looking down at the name, "Angel?" I shrugged my shoulders and answered. "Hello?" "Hey Lucy, Levy and I are waiting for you inside. Where are you?" "Wait, why are you guys here?" I questioned, "Gray invited us. He wanted to us to meet here."  "Ok, ok. I'm coming." I said rolling my eyes playfully as I entered the restaurant.  "Angel! Levy!" I waved to the two, the two quickly made their way over to me, tackling me in a hug. I had to balance the two in my arns if not we would have fallen. "Whoa. Ladies, please." I giggled. They apologized as they slip their arms each in mine. "So what do you think?" Angel asked, she tucked her sulver cripped hair behind her ear as she began searching for Gray. "He walked in, with a woman before." The furrowed their brows, I mean I understand how tgey felt. "I was just thinking he miggt have brought his friend." I continued and the two still didnt seem convinced, I bit my bottom lip, I have a bad feeling somehow.  "Ok let's just ask the workers. You two wait here." I said as I walked up to the front. "Excuse me. Do you know which table is Mr Fullbuster sitting at?" I asked, "Certainly Miss." He smiled as he scrilled down through his tablet. "Mr Fullbuster is sitting at  table 7. Just near the window" He said with a smile "Thank you." I bowed as I made my way back to the girls "Ok sweethearts-" The two weren't there. "Uh, girls?" I called out to them. Where did they go? I made my way to table 7 keepijg a lool put for the girls only to find them standing in the middle of walkway. "Girls, I told you to wait for me." I smiled as I pat both their shoulders. The two spun quickly as they looked at me with widened eyes "Oh, did I scare you?" I giggled, "Lucy. I dont feel well. Can you take me home?" Angel said as she looked over to Levy "But we just go here" I laughed "Let's just order P-pizza" Levy stuttered, whats wrong with them? We just got here and they wanna leave?  "But guys I came here to meet Gr-" I spot him sitting on table 7 "Speaking of the devil." I giggled as walked pass the two and my walk came to a halt when he slid a small blue box in front of the woman.  "So would you?" he asked, I stood there not knowing what was happening at first and it clicked. "Would I what?" the blue haired woman asked, Gray rubbed the back of his neck as his face grew red  "Will you marry me?" I stared at him. D-did I hear that right? I felt my heart shatter, tears swelled in my eyes as I felt my throat hurt, I tried to speak but it hurts.  "Is this some sort of joke?" I ask loud enough for everyone in the restaurant to hear me, i didn't mean to start a drama but my throat was seriously killing me and II ended shouting Gray looked up from the woman and he stood up immedietly "L-lucy." He stuttered, i don't know if I should throw something at his stupid face or not "So you called me out here to not only to celebrate your role....but to tell me that you're getting engaged to another woman other than your girlfriend?" The tears were rolling in and it was blurring my vision, he took a step away from the table. "Dont!" I brought a hand up and clamped my hand over my mouth turning around as i ran out, the girls calling for me but I just wanted to get out of here. The valet boy brought my car to the front, i took the keys out of my purse my hands were shaking so much  that  I  dropped it "Gosh!" I picked up the keys and opened the door got in and started the ignition. I wiped the tears from my face, I could  tell that I smudged my  mascara but I clearly didn't give two shits about it now. I jumped at the sudden knock only to see Gray with pleading eyes. I wiped my tears away "Lucy! Please let me explain!"  His hands were flat against the window and clearly I'm pissed that he's putting his hand print on my window shield  "Why should I?" i asked as I put the car on drive ready to drive away.  "Lucy! Baby please." I looked at him, tears also swelling in his eyes. I wanted to hug him, I wnted to restart the day, I wanted him. Sniffing, I collected my myself and  rolled the windows down "You got a minute." I said as I put the gear to park "Lucy, I am so sorry. T-this wasn't suppose to happen. I was wanting to...umm...cause you know I" he was interrupted by a phone call.  I looked at him, 'Please don't pick it up.' I kept telling myself, He looked down at the caller I.D and looked at me 'Don't. Baby please, if you don't pick it I'll stay and listen.' I gripped hard on the wheel, and he did it. He answered the  call, I bit my bottom lip wanting so bad not to cry I looked away. My heart hurts, its too painful to handle this. "Juvia not now!" he yelled through the phone "Goodbye Gray." I kissed him on the cheek and changed the gear  to drive.  I left. I left him. My dramatic ass left him. The whole car ride was full of tears, screams and tons of tissues
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