Our First Date.

1224 Words
"Put these on." Levy pushes a red turtle neck towards me, "This  brown skirt I got from Mermaids, black stockings and these cute boots." Yukino sets the boots down in front of me. "Hey, you guys know I can dress right?" I sweatdropped, the light baby blue head stifles a laugh, the other silver-haired joins in too and I felt a pang of hurt. "Yeah right. You dress way too loud, to be honest." Levy pulls a locket from my jewellery box, I was wrapped in a towel and drying my hair. Pulling off the towel Levy and Yukino whistled "Ne, Lucy I'm glad you're wearing the bra set I got you." Levy teases, my face burnt up and I pulled the stockings off the bed putting it on. "So? Can't I wear cute things."  I huffed. The two giggled as pass the skirt and turtle neck over. "It's your first date! Of course, you're allowed to wear cute things, but we want you to wear cute dresses every day." Yukino whispered as she began to brush my hair "We love you, Lucy. This is the first time you've ever had feelings for anyone human." "Hey! I have feelings for humans." I shot "Humans that aren't fictional." Levy turns me towards her as she began to apply my makeup. "You can't just fall in love with fictional characters." Yukino pulled my hair up, letting two strands to frame my face. "Why not? People do that every day!" I pouted as Levy applied lip gloss. "It's sad!" Um, ouch! "We find comfort in books. It's a world full of imagination and its a break from the real world." I smiled as I stared at myself in the mirror. Levy taps a finger to her lip deep in thought  "It is great. But it is also a fantasy that humans try to find in the real world." Levy hung the gold shaped heart around my neck. I sighed knowing full well I'm not gonna win this. "Besides. They kinda make it hard for us girls because our expectations in guys are high. I don't see a hot guy stalking me and save me when I'm in danger." Yukino plaits a few strands of my ponytail. We all thought about it for a long while and sighed heavily. "We are a sad bunch aren't we?" Levy questions, Yukino and I nod. "But not you Lucy. You have a chance!" Yukino nudged me and my face slowly turns pink. "Done!" The two clapped and I stared at myself in the mirror, "You barely put  any foundation." I looked at Levy who laughs "Your face is beautiful with or without makeup." Yukino smiled. "And we know Gray.  Gray loves the natural you." Levy gives me a thumbs up. Mum, Dad. I have the bestest friends I could ever ask for. I stood up from the vanity and hugged them both, the two giggled as I tightened my hold. "Hurry now. You still haven't worn your shoes! Yukino grab the black jacket!" Levy commands. "Hai, Hai!" ----------------------------------- I grabbed my bag and walked down the stairs, I felt a hand grab for me and saw Levy bringing a finger to her lips, not knowing what she meant I heard talking from down the hallway. "We're leaving our baby girl in your care you...you...you piece of s**t!" Loke's voice boomed I sighed as I looked over to the two who facepalmed. I will my eyes and turned to the "Oi Loke! That's enough. Gray, I know you've been friends with Lucy for quite some time now." Jellal "We've been together since childhood." Gray corrected. What the hell are these two doing? I mentally slapped my face. "Go save your boy." Levy pushed me out, I brought my left foot to stop and I turned to glare at Levy who smiled cheekily and gave me a thumbs up. I shook my head and walked over to Gray, grabbing his hand and running out the door "Bye guys see you later." I waved at my brothers who got up startled "O-Oi Lucy!" "Don't wait up!" I slammed the door shut and ran, Gray chuckles behind me as we ran down the street. ----------------------//---------//----------------------- "Alright, here are our tickets." I hand Gray one he thanked me as he took it from my hands. "What do you want to do first?" I watched him as he turns to look at his options. Gray smiled and points to the colourful roller coaster blasting down the track. I raise a brow and scoffs "Straight to the death trap aren't you?" I questioned with my arms, he smirks as his hands reach out for me, I tried to brush it off but he was too fast as he pulled me in. My heart was ready for another marathon, he leaned closer his lips inches away from my ears if I could see myself now, I'd die. "Let's try and lose them shall we?" He whispered, "Huh?" I questioned to which he jerks his head behind me, I glanced back to see my brothers and the girls hiding behind the entrance. I closed my eyes and leaned my forehead against Gray's chest "They did not." I groaned, I heard the light rumble when he chuckled as he strokes my head "Don't worry. Today we'll have fun for sure." He smiles as he laced his hands in mine and pulled us towards the entry of our first ride. As thrilling and fun that ride was, I feel like throwing up. "You ok?" I felt a hand steadying me as I looked up to see Gray who seemed to be smiling. Jerk. "Do you think the others enjoyed the ride?" I ask slowly glancing from one side to the other in search of my brothers and friends. "They're passed out on that bench. Except for Erza, she's looking at another ride." Gray laughs. Wow, his laugh is gorgeous. I mean. It's gorgeously annoying. "Your turn to choose the next ride." Gray takes out a map and opens it for me, scanning over some ride I stopped at a perfect one "How about this one? The Cave of Nightmares." I grinned to which he slightly hesitated before replying "S-sure." I grabbed for his hand and pulled him towards the direction of our ride. "Y-you can hold my hand if you're scared." Gray stuttered as we entered "I feel like you're gonna be holding mine." I giggled. ----------------------------//--------------------------- Half an hour later, Gray had his head on my lap, he was knocked out after the first scare. I stuffed my laugh as my hand stroked his tousled hair, my heart beating faster than its normal pace. "I'm sorry." He groaned. I shook my head with a smile "Don't. I had fun." "That's all that matters." He whispered. I didn't know if I heard that right. "Huh?" "Nothing." He replied as his eyes finally opened and I froze. He gazed up at me and I tried to avert my eyes away "W-want to get something to eat?" I questioned. Jeez, why do I feel weird? "Lucy?" I looked down at him and he smiled "You look beautiful." My face heats up and my heart burst, before I knew i can comprehend my next words, my hand slammed down at his face. Gahhh!!!!! Damn it!!
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